I had some free time this past week and watched the 50 shades movies and then power read through the books. First impression is that it was an adult version of Twilight but poorly written. Same main characters.. looks and personality. I'll complain about the comparison another time on how the vanillas perceived each one.
In truth, I don't believe it was BDSM that had gotten so many panties wet. It was the mind blowing sex. Each sexual encounter that was described was new and exciting. She was left satisfied and drained EVERY time. We all know that in reality that doesn't happen and the majority of peoples sex lives are dull and boring.
Since the story line touched on BDSM and the kinkiness that leads to glorious sex, many had migrated over to the lifestyle to find this kind of satisfaction. There was a tidal wave of newcomers searching for their Grey. Not some rich guy, not someone controlling but someone that was skilled in the bedroom. The freedom to experience new things, the excitement and being guaranteed a "O" every time. They weren't looking to be a submissive or a slave, a Dom or a Master. They just showed up for the sex and sex alone.
Now here we are with a water down version of what it once was. The experienced players washed away back into the darkness as not to offend anyone. Protocols are offensive and rules don't apply. Groups and clubs closed their doors as the 50 shades seekers took over in their search of the big O. Too many don't know the difference between good sex and the lifestyle so it's been blended into one as not to offend.
The movie didn't ruin the lifestyle, it was those that left the door open to be more inclusive, plus it gave the predators more chew toys because they pretended to be what the newbies seeked.. I could go on and on with examples but after reading the books, the changes we've experienced in the lifestyle do make sense.
The facts are there, that as humans we will tolerate bad behavior if the sex is good. You really think Ana would have stayed if the sex was bad? She would have been gone after his first tantrum.