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Vetting VS topping from the bottom

To the new Domly doms that slap that title to their name and expect to be treated like one.
Let me give you a little info. If you pop up in my inbox we are on equal ground. You are NOT superior because you chose that role from the many options.
If we are communicating, it's apart of the vetting process. Getting to know each other. If I ask questions or call you out on your domly BS. I am not topping from the bottom because you are NOT topping me.
Accusing me of being a bad sub, a brat, fake or topping is a very childish move. I owe you nothing, not even respect.
If you can't handle your motives be questioned, better move on because I might just end up topping you.
2 years ago. July 8, 2022 at 9:19 PM

One of my biggest pet peeves is dealing with name droppers.  That annoying conversation where someone has to drop the name of everyone they know or have played with.   

When dropping names to impress in this lifestyle is just wrong wrong wrong.  I can understand it when in the vetting process but doing it to complete strangers is just creepy.  I wouldn't want my name escaping the lips of someone I barely know.  That is a flashing red flag.

I see those throwing names out across the internet to gain popularity off of those they know, riding the coattails off of the reputation of others.  They might gain popularity online but they will not be the first to be invited to private parties and events.

Loose lips sink ships, and your dinghy will be sunk.


GiannaRay​(sub female) - I can't even wrap my head around any benefit this has! SMDH
2 years ago
YourDarlingSub - Some think they will be accepted becauseof who they know. Some will convince others they are safe to play with because of those they associate with. Some just want you to think that they hang with the popular kids. I've noticed this has become pretty normal to do the past couple of years. I just cringe everytime I hear someone dropping names.
2 years ago
Satindragon​{Not Lookin} - It truly serves no useful purpose.
2 years ago
moll​(other female)​{owned slav} - It makes them feel important by association. Low self worth is not a pretty thing.
2 years ago
GiannaRay​(sub female) - And yet they don't even realize it actually makes them look like an idiotic, narcissistic jerk
2 years ago
Bunnie - Yes I’m not a fan either. Nor am I fan of the similar thing of “association”… believing there are “right” people to be associated with.
2 years ago
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female)​{LJ}Verified Account - I didn’t even realize this was a thing that people do. Ick.
2 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account - I really didn't either. I know it is totally against cage TOS but I didn't realize it was actually going on much. Not only is that uncool but it's fucking creepy.
2 years ago
moll​(other female)​{owned slav} - I'm guessing that my writing about my experiences with my friends doesn't count as "name dropping" since its not likely that anyone on here knows who I'm talking about. I feel bad.
2 years ago
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female)​{LJ}Verified Account - Oh I don’t think that’s the same thing at all, Moll. Don’t feel bad. You’re not name dropping. You’re sharing your own experiences not trying to show off a resume of sorts to potential new partners. There’s no way for anyone to know who you’re talking about.
2 years ago
moll​(other female)​{owned slav} - Ok...I feel better.
2 years ago
YourDarlingSub - I'm talking about if someone approaches you with a conversation that consists of " Do you know Master D and his slave X, I go to their parties all the time" or I've played with XYZ and ZXY and ABC. The worse ones are the ones that have to drop names of everyone at a party to a complete stranger and going into detail on what everyone did. Talking about experiences is ok but only add specific names if that person consented to be talked about first.
2 years ago
moll​(other female)​{owned slav} - I really got that, but for a moment I started thinking maybe I was "name dropping" when I was talking about my experiences with friends. Everyone I write about knows about my blogs, reads them, and is ok. If they weren't, they will tell Master and he will deal with it. I'm just having an OFF day.

I know about name droppers. I live in LA and constantly hearing people say which celebrity they know, or have met, as if it's impressive.
2 years ago
sexycurves​(sub female) - I had no idea that this actually happens here, in this community, where descretion is often needed. I certainly wouldn't be impressed by a name dropper.
2 years ago
moll​(other female)​{owned slav} - "A person's true nature doesn't stop at the dungeon doors," that was one of the first things I was told when someone was giving Master and I a tour of a local club.
2 years ago
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account - I probably wouldn't care if one of my people here said that we hung out or we talked or did a thing that was cool. I wouldn't mind if somebody asked me "hey can I mention you" in this context or that as long as they honored my decision about it. If someone mentioned public interactions, like in forum or blog comments, then that's not giving up any secrets. But I would have a real big problem with somebody who just invoked my name indiscriminately without my permission
2 years ago

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