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Roses are red, Bruises are blue

My journey of love and depravity.
5 years ago. August 1, 2019 at 9:47 PM

As we all know, every dynamic is different. Even if you carry the same titles as those in another relationship, there are things that will be acceptable for one couple and not the other, and vise versa.


One example of this is the DDlg side of Sir's and my relationship. 


While most subs in DDlg dynamics call their male Doms "Daddy," I always refer to Sir as "Sir," even when I'm feeling little.


Some littles are little ALL of the time and some have designated little space time. For me it's more of an overlapping and intertwining of all the sides. Sure, there are times that Sir sets aside a morning or afternoon for me to be little and focus on that part of myself. But more often than not, I'm just Sir's submissive who happens to have little tendencies.


For us that looks like lots of things. I might be naked and covered in bite marks while Sir ties me to a stool with rope and I start humming Hakuna Matata. I might be in a professional day dress and heels with my collar tightly fastened as I jump over sidewalk cracks (to avoid breaking my Mama's back). I might be coming down from the high of an intense M/s play session, ankles tied to the corners of the bed, with welts forming from the sting of the belt, and snuggling my prized Pandicorn stuffie.


One little quality that I don't really possess is brattiness. I have no negative feelings towards brats or brat tamers, it just isn't a part of our dynamic. The slave side of my submission is stronger than the little side in that regard. I am quick to obey and always eager to please. The idea of sassing my Sir or defying him (even playfully) makes my tummy hurt. And Sir would not think it was cute.


However, one part of my little side that many Doms would probably find annoying but my Sir finds adorable and endearing is my obssessive neediness. I want all of Sir's attention, all of the time. I need constant affirmations to feel content. I wish it weren't so, but alas. I'm never rude or bratty when Sir is busy and unable to fawn over me all day (stupid work!), but my mood and feelings are heavily swayed by the amount of time we've spent together or communicating in a day. I'm also not shy about saying "HEY LOOK ME AT, LOVE ME, PET ME, PLAY WITH ME!"



If there are any littles/middles out there who are looking for more little/middle friends, feel free to message me. I want to hear all about what being little looks like for you.



boofygurl​(sub female){Taken} - I love this post!! It shows so much of you and your sir but there is also a lot of truth to is...

Us as littles have soooooo many aspects and facets to us. None of us are the same.

My last Dom said that there are times where he saw my slave side... because of my eagerness to obey and please as well... I didn't see it as me being a slave but more of wanting to be his best little girl ever!! Though, yes... I do have some slave tendencies I suppose.
5 years ago

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