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Thoughts along my way

Just as in the name. A place for my thoughts to go, to help clear my mind.
5 years ago. May 10, 2019 at 1:52 PM

Thank you for the suggestions on how to make video chatting a more comfortable situation for me. I am quite sincere in my thanks... I spent months learning to relax enough so that a picture could be taken of me and come out looking like me. And I know that video is how things are done now.

And would find putting forth any amount of effort well worthwhile, only... only I have removed the word "sub" from my name. This was done many hours before I wrote that last Blog. I will give over ever fiber, ever last bit of essence that is me to one who would cherish what it is I give to Him. I would work until He was proud of what He saw, of who He saw in videos of me.... But how much of my heart and my time and my life should I poor into a something, without Him giving something in return? What does He offer that matches my sacrifice of all I've just listed? And forgive me Ladies for I do find your advice to be excellent and I will utilize your ideas if I find one worthy of the effort  or He finds me....

I do apologize for this is sure to be very unpopular. I only hope those on this site whom I call friend still wish to hear from me. But two things have I seen stated over and over again in the brief time I've been here...

1) this is a journey and a personal one and while many walk the same road no 2 walk in the same footprints... this, is where I am in my journey right now, in days to come, who knows, but this is where I am now.

2) what I offer, what each of us offers, every sub, every Dom, every single person that truly and freely gives part of themselves to another, what we give is precious, it is unique and we willingly take this part of ourselves, giving it over to another.... the only thing that can equal this gift is one of like kind. Your time and submission, deserving of His time and control... the gifts don't need to be the same, but they should be equal.

I find the past hours have left me feeling exhausted. So while I welcome and will read any comments left, supportive or scathing. I ask you to understand my delay in answering them, I need to rest for a little while...

Litlegrl​(sub female){Dragon11} - Thank you for this. It is interesting to read another POV. I agree that what we give should be received and returned equally. While not necessarily agreeing with everything, I appreciate your POV and agree, everyone's road is different 😊
5 years ago
Angelnthedark​(switch female) - Thank you for your post! I have been feeling the same way. As I have been reading and researching I have realized that I am very new to this and luckily I am with someone who sees my desire and is willing to work with me and be paitent, but it took me almost 2 years of knowing him to be able to start to be comfortable with sharing this part of me with him. Thank you again for voicing what some of us cannot.
5 years ago
HGB​(sub female){Scottish M} - Rest well
5 years ago
dawnryse{Happy} - I want to thank all you Ladies who commented, whether you agreed with some or none of what I said, you all wish me well, safe and happy, as I do you. Thank you Ladies, you are all quite remarkable.
5 years ago

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