Tomorrow will mark 6 months since we met, I truly can't imagine my life without my beautiful lioness. In that time we have learned many things about each other and I can't say any are bad because we're so much alike. Since she got here many things have happened and new things are happening now but she has showed me what the meaning of strong is not just physically but mentally, and emotionally. My oldest chilld is going through a divorce and she was right there to give support and make my grandson feel special, he adores her like if he has known her all his life. with the holidays here she has brought a new sense of purpose to my life, before I never really cared one way or another about holidays. We have a Christmas tree and the house is decorated something that hasn't happened in atleast 10 years, she is making sure everything is perfect for my family. I already knew but on Thanksgiving my youngest child let her know he was transgendering a big step for someone he just met that is why she is so special to me accepting of all that has happened since she got here just a few short months ago. So yesterday they went shopping for a new clothes for her, it seems they have become quite the pair of shopping buddies. She asked me why I think she is so great I don't think I could ever descibe the angel I see in her but I can say it's the caring, loving sympathetic, smart, beautiful, wonderful human being she is this is why I think she is great and will love her forever and I will try my best to make sure she knows. She has also felt like she doesn't do enough for me, I can honestly say that she has done more for me that any other I have had in a relationship. Please all chime in, I don't work due to my past gunshot issues, so I have my time free, I take care of the house. Usual chores laundry, cleaning, vaccuming, cooking, running errands. She works a job eight hours a day, has to drive back and forth everyday and deal with people, comes home to do homework for her classes, has to put up with me 2 cats and 1 dog and still helps out around here with things. Wouldn't you all agree she is doing quite alot because I have no complaints I get to eat bon bons all day and watch soap operas. I belive in equal when it comes to a relationship but if one side needs help then the scale tips in that direction until in time the balance is equal again. Until she gets her degree I will do whatever it takes to make her life stress free as I can. On both our behalfs I would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, may it be filled with love, hope and all things good. Big Hug to all. Lion and his beautiful Lioness