Another day Americans are home quarantined, seriously which one of you little shits broke mom's favorite toy? Now we're all fucking grounded. It's kinda funny if you think about how we all bitch about working to much, not having time to do things or get things done, but the biggest complaint I heard is I'm bored or I feel trapped. I'm old enough to remember the Corona beer commercial which showed a man and woman sitting in lounge chairs on the beach when his pager goes off and he skips it across the ocean. They promoted unplug from the world for awhile. I totally understand the pressure from all this, financially some will be hit harded than others, fear of contracting this virus, fatal for me and a lot of people. Watching as the world looks bleak at the moment, my father said he's never seen anything like this before and he was right in the middle of the cold war in the military. That whole scenario hinged on one thing, so since we have the power to do our part in all of this just by staying home I will gladly sit on my ass until the all clear comes from powers above my pay grade. To everyone stay safe, healthy, informed, but most of all laugh your ass off, tell jokes, play pranks on someone, enjoy your grounding the best you can. Oh and whoever broke mom's favorite toy were all not happy with you.😳 Big giant Air Hug to all. Oh and if you think you have it rough I'm confined with a full blooded Greek woman with an attitude and she knows how to play pranks. 🤪
4 years ago. March 27, 2020 at 6:56 AM