Ok, class take a seat, today's class is about manner's and proper ediqute when speaking to or with someone. We start with a greeting like hello, hi, how are you, these are used instead of what's up, sup, or hey, hey sexy can only be used after a minimum 4 to 6 months dating time and that's kinda questionable. Now after first contact, following words should be used like I read your profile, blog, and I find it or you interesting, fascinating, intriguing, not used are things like, I'm horny, you want to fuck, nice tits, get on your knees I have a surprise for you, any such words you wouldn't say to your mother, father or supervisor shouldn't be used in your message to someone. Now for a closing to this should be, well I don't think we will match well, followed by either I hope you have a nice or wonderful day, or best wishes in your search. Common closings are of course sincerely insert name here, thanks for your time, and nice to meet you. Things not used are fuck you, go to hell, piss off, or as stated above things not said to mother, father, or supervisor just because you didn't get what you wanted. Shows you're immature.
Following is an example of a proper way to communicate with others.
Hi, Hello, How are you in subject line.
I read your profile, blog, bonus points for doing both, and I would like to get to know you better, if pictures are in said profile or blog, then I think you're very beautiful, pretty, should be stated. Maybe touch a point in said profile or blog with details of common interest, common kinks, maybe same location or you always wanted to visit there. Many ways can be used as a start to a conversation in which things can be learned either forwarding the conversation or ending it. Now you can end said message with words like, I hope you have a wonderful day, take care, hope the weather where you are is good, I hope we can be friends, nice to meet you.
Now if you don't get a reply, take this as a No their not interested and move on, don't under any circumstances send another message asking why, spewing foul language, or even blocking someone, as this shows you're insecure, petty, and desperate, all not signs of a good Dominant less a good person. Now one last thing class, these should be also used in meetings people in person, online or offline proper manners and ediqute should always be used. Good luck on your journey and extra luck to those who have to put up with the dill weeds.