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Hidden In Plain Sight

The philosophies and adventures of a girl, just trying to make her way in the world.
“I’ve done every damn thing in the book wrong”... this is the story of that journey.
11 months ago. May 8, 2023 at 6:30 PM

My life changed when I learned to close doors behind me. I once stayed in touch with everyone I had ever considered as a relationship, as well as the “near misses” and “could have beens.” Forever keeping doors open. Unable to let go. Unable to face endings or finality. The subtle “what if” forever lingering. Once upon a time I didn’t see it that way. I prided myself on my ability to “remain friends” with ex’s, and those I’d connected with. I didn’t understand how people simply moved on… and to be honest, I thought there was something wrong with people who did.

As I become more aware of how much energy and attention is required to create deep bonds with those I care about, I am realising how important it is to be selective about where I spend my energy. How I use that energy. Who I give that energy to. Thankfully, somewhere along the lines I realised that if I was spreading all of my energy around, I was actually only capable of giving each person a little. Nowadays I see that as beneficial to no one. I find no substance in maintaining such shallow connections. As someone who wants depth, to achieve that depth, my focus has shifted. I began closing doors to those no longer in my inner circle. To those from my past. I began to focus on letting go.

These days, as I watch others scurrying around trying to maintain those “what if” connections, I feel for them. I remember that exhaustion. That people pleasing need to make sure I still “looked ok” in the eyes of those I’d known. Forever working at maintaining my “image.” Or perhaps more accurately, facade. That baggage is heavy. I remember that too. But I didn’t realise until just now… sitting here feeling so much lighter. So much less burdened. So much more at peace with having an understanding of where I want to spend my energy. I no longer feel as much the need to try to control how people see me, neither now nor in the past. There is still that worry of not being accepted, however, I try to remember that grace is about respecting and allowing them their experience, their truth, as they see it. It is not my place to interfere with their perceptions of me. I have learned/am learning, to simply close the door. And use that extra time for those in my here and now. Being present. Being available.

K y i v - I, too, have learned that one cannot always remain friends. From time to time, I regret the loss. A very thoughtful post.
11 months ago
PlutoOrange - What about unblocking me and having a tiny window? I would at least like your posts then
11 months ago
K y i v - Ts.. You blocked me...
11 months ago
PlutoOrange - For one hour coz i was paranoid, and i shared why i was (and that it was not about you). after that i am blocked for months. Happily a chance to fix it with no reason.
11 months ago
Sasa​(dom female) - How old are you both today? 10 or 11 lol
11 months ago
K y i v - At least Sasa...
Bunnie I am sorry for this on your beautiful thread
11 months ago
WhatamIfightingfor​(dom male) - I just try to be on good terms. Not leaving with unresolved conflict, for the unresolved conflict is what causes the biggest sorrow.
11 months ago
Sasa​(dom female) - It is about giving our all... Great post, Bonnie. We are allowed to miss those we don't want to have in our lives anymore. What I miss is my frozen idea of the past, not the real picture. Could this be like the glorification some have of their home countries if they have to move? Have to think about it 💖
11 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - Brav-fuckin-o Bunnie!!
That is a HUGE milestone on your journey!!!
The peace is every bit worth it (and so is the depth in our respective relationships)!!!
Thank you for this beautiful reminder!! 🙏
11 months ago
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz} - Great words as per normal. They lit up light bulbs in back part of my brain. thanks for this.
11 months ago
Curiousmind​(sub female){Owned} - Timely message. I needed to read this. Thank you for sharing Bunnie.
11 months ago
Forge​(dom male) - Well earned Wisdom
11 months ago

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