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Hidden In Plain Sight

The philosophies and adventures of a girl, just trying to make her way in the world.
“I’ve done every damn thing in the book wrong”... this is the story of that journey.
10 months ago. July 4, 2023 at 5:59 AM

‘You’re so kind,’ He says to me.

I’ve been told this a lot. In awe. Like it’s some kind of superpower. It’s not. And the fact that people seem to believe it is, makes me sad.

We can all be kind. It’s a choice.


When given the choice of how to respond to anything, I always try to choose kindness. I don’t always succeed, however, that’s a gift in itself of showing me where I still need work.

Now, some tend to believe that to choose to be kind means we must lie. I don’t lend to that belief. We can speak truth gently and with kindness. All it takes is a few ingredients: a little thought, a little heart, and some understanding that we’re all human and doing the best we can with what we have.

Like anything, kindness simply takes learning and practice. It’s not a superpower. It’s not special. It’s choosing the hard road. The one that honours both you and me, in a world that tells us that the only way to survive and get ahead is at the cost of others. The cost of another’s dignity to prove you’re “right,” or “smarter,” or “better looking,” or “more successful,” or “more loveable,” or “more deserving.” All this competition of stepping on one another to prove you’re worth more as a human. Everyone has worth. Everyone has value. Everyone has something to contribute. And everyone has something to learn.

Max Heathen​(other male) - It's lovely in thought.
10 months ago
TexasGoodGirl​(sub female){TX Alpha's} - Unfortunately, kindness is sometimes rare and special, "You're so kind" may simply be a complement or a "Thank You", acknowledging ones choice in showing kindness to another. In some circumstances, a person who has not recently experienced kindness from another, may say "You're so kind" as a way of receiving the blessing of kindness shown to them. Hearing "Your so kind" brings joy to my heart, knowing that my kindness is not about me and may have been exactly what someone else needed. Hopefully, a little kindness may have changed their day.
And yes, I agree, everyone has worth, value, something to contribute, and something to learn. Another great post Bunnie, Thank you.
10 months ago
ErosRising​(dom male){Hekate} - Great post bunny!! I will say that it is a choice to be kind and one that we all have to make daily. I love the competition part at the end. Everyone does have something to contribute. You may not know what it is but, when one finds it, it is theirs to give. Keep being you.
10 months ago
ErosRising​(dom male){Hekate} - I just realized that my phone did a "Damnit Jim" and autocorrected your name to the "y" version. My apologies bunnie that I did not catch that before submitting. :(
10 months ago
DaddyDrago{LilAmethys} - Kindness IS rare.
And it IS a superpower.

Because it requires intentional choice.

Being nice is easy. But it is not kind.
One leaves someone in their pain while the other lightens their load.

You are kind Ms Bunnie. And it is ok to own that is a beautiful superpower you own.
Because you have known loss. Hurt. Suffering. Anguish. And yet you still CHOOSE to be kind.
To me, and many others, that is a very huge gift.

Not everyone has the capacity to turn dirt into soil that nurishes a seed.

Thank you for this raw reflection of yourself.
This too is kind. And rare.

10 months ago
T slave​(sub female){Owned} - Amen! I couldn't agree with this more! Great blog and wonderful reminder that kindness begins with each one of us! ❤️
9 months ago
Jack in the box -
Sadly, it is why I choose solitude.
My 'tolerance' tank has run a-dry.
But none-the-less Ms Bunnie, a great post and a sentiment undoubtedly needed in todays world 🙏
9 months ago
SouthernFire​(sub female) - I understand and relate to this post so very much. I get told I am so kind in the same way, as if it is a super power or even a trick. I try to be patient and understanding when interacting with others, as I am well aware that today many people are inpatient or in a hurry and not always kind.

I once paid .53 cents to a cashier to cover the little that the person in front of me owed on her transaction. The lady, was deaf and I am ignorant of how to sign. So it took a bit of me slowly telling her, her balance was paid and she owed me nothing. But once she understood she started crying, thanking me and then gave me a long hug. I felt so bad that something which to me is such a small thing, made her react as she did. It also told me that she wasn't always shown such kindness by others, when such a thing happened before. That moment taught me how badly kindness is missing in our world and how much we need it back.
9 months ago

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