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Hidden In Plain Sight

The philosophies and adventures of a girl, just trying to make her way in the world.
“I’ve done every damn thing in the book wrong”... this is the story of that journey.
3 months ago. May 25, 2024 at 4:05 PM

You think that by me saying I don’t want to be with you again, is a rejection of you. It’s not. It’s a rejection of how you’ve behaved towards me and our relationship.

The rejection, the belittlement, the shame in not being enough in your eyes- not smart enough, not sexy enough, not political enough, not passionate enough… never enough. The constant giving and withdrawal of your affection and love, as I watched you parade your devotion around in front of me with your dog, and your sexuality around in front of me with a steady stream of others. I hoped that if only I could hang in there long enough, be loyal enough, forgiving enough, accepting enough, be… enough… someday those things might come my way. 
The relentless lying.

All of that had consequences. I stopped trusting you. And eventually I stopped being in love with you.

I gave you the power of being responsible for an option. You couldn’t be responsible with it. And eventually I ran out of reasons as to why I should keep asking you to try. So I am merely removing that option from you. That’s all. Removing the pressure from both of us. We love each other much better this way, as we are now.

You will always have a big place in my heart, and if you so choose, my life. But I deserve much better treatment than what either of us have believed all this time. It’s time for me to start caring for myself, and that has to start with us. 

Veejay​(dom male){BaeBGirl} - Well said.
3 months ago
I'mME - ❤️100%❤️
3 months ago
MsDove​(sub female){Eternal Pi} - Dearest Bunnie. Very painful lesson. You (all of us), deserved to be treated with respect. He does not deserve another chance. Let this be the last time you have to put your foot down in self-preservation.
I say that because you left an opening. This NEEDS to be YOUR choice. He has already shown you who he is. Sweet words and promises aren't sustainable for someone who needs to pull you down in order to feel better about themselves. I am sure this is not the first time he has heard these words from you. Let it be the last.
Please build on your love and respect for yourself before you entertain another relationship. Your choice in a man reflects your lack of self-worth. Learn to love yourself, the way you are. You will draw in a man who is healthy emotionally and loves you fully. You deserve that.
One thing I found, as painful as it was, it was more painful to be in a toxic relationship than to be alone.
Take your time to heal. It's Okay.
BTW: You ARE smart enough, you absolutely ARE sexy enough, WTF is political enough?!?!!
You are ABSOLUTELY passionate enough (did you read this post?)!!!!
You are also RESILIENT enough! Look what you've made it through this far! A happier time approaches, you are going around the corner, you just can't see it yet. Every step or movement you take for the next 30 days, ask "is this in my betterment?"
You are doing a great job in a messy situation. You are capable and even more than that, YOU ARE WORTH IT!
3 months ago
Bunnie - Thank you :)
3 months ago
Sasa​(dom female) - Don't date boys... my old matra 💕 don't give your power into the hands of an teenager, but it happens. Maybe our karma to grow further...
3 months ago

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