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Dancing in darkness and solitude

4 years ago. April 25, 2020 at 5:49 PM

Brat Gang

*Climbs up on the bandwagon…too high :/

*Climbs down to a safer more appropriate level so as not to shout.


What exactly are TROLLS?

Please be so kind as to enlighten me. Because to me it was someone who jumps in and throws HATEFUL/NEGATIVE and completely abusive or inflammatory things at another person to try and manipulate or emotionally injure them.


I have so often come across peoples posts and words that make me respect and admire them and their beautiful minds so very much, and then I read some of their small minded comments and how they (I hope UNKNOWINGLY) belittle others and shame them. Try to browbeat and exert their own opinions because there is some magical invisible line or rule that apparently the “guilty party” is not aware of.


I find it so sad and disheartening to see and KNOW that some choose to take offense to how other people choose to behave or express themselves just because it is not THEIR way of doing things.


Everyone is always on about not kink shaming but have you ever stopped yanking that stick long enough to consider that the behavior your so quick to admonish and ridicule is actually a part of those “guilty parties” personalities and a way they try to communicate and express themselves in one of the few ways that they feel comfortable with?


By writing a blog and posting it you are OPENING UP A FORM OF COMMUNICATION.  It is an INVITATION for others to share their thoughts and feedback, and as such I fail to see how there should be a limit or “appropriate” way in which this can or should be done.

I have seen countless people post multiple comments and not be dragged through the mud for it. When is it acceptable VS disrespectful? And is there a small teensy tiny possibility that the people who's blogs get "hijacked" are maybe  OKAY with it happening? Has there been any consideration that they are maybe willing accomplices? (Not ALL for sure and I'm not saying it's okay, there are times where it genuinely derails things but I believe each case is its own unique situation.)


I had an amazing conversation via time delayed comments on a beautiful and truly inspirational blog yesterday with people that I can only describe as beautiful souls and kindred spirits. People who HEAR me, ENGAGE WITH ME and ALLOW me to get my thoughts out and RESPOND to it and ME in an amazing and honestly wonderful way. The blog had brought to light many issues and things that all the people involved were in fact having a very interactive discussion about (with some shenanigans and tomfoolery about as well).

I cannot wait to see and explore more of the ideas and food for thought that were brought about in this intellectual brainstorming session and I am also PRETTY sure that everyone there has a mouth of their own and could state if they found the behavior inappropriate or disrespectful.



Note to snide snippy RUDE people who try to shame others just because THEY do not approve on how they communicate:

Everyone can still read the blog SKIP the bulk of the “shamefully inappropriate” although very much well intended and COMPLIMENTARY comments and still have all that food for thought soaked up and enjoyed. The BULK of the comments are responses about points made in the blog AKA relevant feedback and are also gain just as much from it. Trying to dictate how others can or should behave on blog formats is a waste of time and energy and serves no purpose or point.


I have never had an issue with people hijacking a blog if it strikes a chord and creates such behavior. I try to minimize my commenting on other peoples blogs UNLESS the AUTHOR of the blog is the one responding or I see that they are liking my comments, which to me means I’ve made them smile at the very least (hopefully) and I have their blessing to continue.


So to all those who take offense and imply that said TROLLS should stop their behavior, (assuming that I am being viewed/implied as said TROLL) I say a huge I am SO very (NOT) sorry that you don’t approve or like the way I communicate. I am a PROUD BRAT/LITTLE/MIDDLE and not a FUCKING TROLL and even if I WERE it has bugger all to do with YOU just because YOU choose to get your panties in a twist over something I say or do.     

I will NOT be shamed for my playfulness, my way of engaging in others behavior and I will certainly not sit here sniping and ganging up just because they disagree with said behaviour.


This sounds like bullying up on the weird kids just because they dress difference or don't behave the same way. 


You are the ones who should be ashamed for trying to make something that was done with good hearts and caring minds and turning it in to something nasty. 


There are PLENTY of pits/blogs in the sandbox, if you don’t like it go dig somewhere else and piss over there. There is no malicious intent or negative intentions here, rather I invite and implore you to take a moment to look at it from another perspective and maybe gain another point of view. It's like shouting at a puppy for being playful!


I think  at this point its safe to say that most of this behavior is from BRATS/LITTLES and as such seems to be a common denominator and therefor quiet probably a part of THEIR KINK.

So stop with the shaming, and if you have an issue with ME I invite and implore you to contact me DIRECTLY and hash it out with ME PERSONALLY instead of in some fucked up condescending form of petty manipulative passive aggressive bullshit way.

I have lost a lot of respect and admiration for some people I thought very highly of and constantly root for. 

We have enough shame from the outside world, we do NOT need to be shamed or micro-managed for our commenting!


That is all.

*jumps off the band wagon and sets that bitch on FIRE!!!#$*  

TakenLower - I prefer to call it the hens nest. I also see nothing wrong with banter on blogs so long as it isn’t filled with vitriol. The best thing to do if you feel that you may have crossed a line is to simply ask that person and don’t mind the hens, the clucking is harmless.
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - Actually, I'm this instance, I was in pm with them, planning responded and double checking that the blog owners were enjoying themselves. It seems that not only were they engaging of their own free will, but we're learning something at the same time....about themselves.

The brats were DOING THEIR JOB....but I guess no one took it upon themselves to ask the blog owners.
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - Here girl, it's okay *makes shushing sounds and nudges with head offers TRIPLE STUFFED oreo and HUGE HUG
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - *growls at the oreo, chops down on it and gnaws on it like a bone*
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member -

This is so you <3
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - Ha! I can't play it...lemme see if there is another version
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member -
4 years ago
TakenLower - I was kind of thinking along the same lines. It is wrong to assume that you are in a position to rescue someone, or to think that this someone was somehow unwillingly dragged into the back and forth like a helpless victim. I am all for protecting the weak but there’s a fine line there too.
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - All I know is there is no intent to harm and we just get hyped up with feedback and want to we gets a widdle carried away...
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - We normally do funny enough, and the one time I didn't I did apologize for it :o ? :p
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member -
4 years ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - Yes yes yes yes yes!!!! Thank you for stating what I've been thinking for a while. Well done.
4 years ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - ETA: not a brat (most of the time lol) but a goddam grown up.
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - I know right :/ We usually keep it more or less on track with the topic/theme..(till marshmallows get involved >.< )
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - It's those evil time we have that much fire, I'll bring hotdogs instead....

(Oh the thoughts running through my head with THAT idea!!!!)
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - :o NO!! We need MORE marshmallows DUH!
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - But, I'm sick of marshmallows....I want HOT DOGS!!!! *stomps foot!*
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - I'm a vegetarian...You can has ALL the hotdogs wif all my love <3 I want marshmallows on mine :D ..mallowdogs? ^.^
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - Tofu dogs?
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - Taste bleaghie *patoo spits it out. Rather has veggies on it :D <3
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - What also raises my ire is the insinuation that a people of high regard, elder statesmens/women are either cooerced or forced into accepting our play and in depth discussion. That is immasculating and insulting to both parties.
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - Is okie *snuggle hugs SBD : Remember rule of 3 and....
4 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}Verified member - Took me a second but I got it... mind is torn between multiple thoughts and multiple tasks.
4 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}Verified member - *throws marshmallow at you and arches an eyebrow in challenge!!
4 years ago

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