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Musings of a Dom .... D/s relationships through the eyes of a Dom

5 years ago. August 11, 2019 at 3:14β€―PM


he emerged ...          


Dark and menacing                     

under a pitch black curtain       

of mist, bathed in ritual smoke      


he stood ...      


In a world of darkness,               

     where the angels can’t shield you                   

and chastity doesn’t exist      


he listened ...    


    echos of her desperation vibrating            

under a black gloved hand                     

his body surged into hers      


he whispered ….     


the narcotic power                     

of his voice, like the liquid                     

green oblivion of absinthe, maddened her             


he pushed ...       


her mind, her body past the edge                     

taking her ... over ...and ... over     

deliberately stretching her                 

tampering with her sanity        


he took ...        


her to the aphotic zone       

of the fiercest ocean,                     

cloaked in his darkness      

where the spell of her


morality, was ...



Satindragon{Not Lookin} - You do have a way with words.πŸ’•πŸ’•
5 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Thank you Satin ... I feel the same about you 🌹
5 years ago
Finished​(switch female) - Hmmmm... sounds like My Sire... *happy sigh* ☺️
5 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Glad I can elicit sweet thoughts 😈
5 years ago
TakenLower - Hmmm part of that sounds familiar 😌
5 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - There are no other words to describe the Aphotic Zone
5 years ago
TakenLower - It fits so perfectly doesn’t it?!
5 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Yes!!!! Although there are not many people who use it. That’s what drew me to your poem
5 years ago
TakenLower - I get words or phrases stuck in my head that I like. That one rattled around for about a year until I finally used it.
5 years ago
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia} - Ps
It was your style that kept me reading 🌹
5 years ago

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