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my mouth is a fire escape

The words coming out
don’t care that they are naked.
There is something burning in there.
~Andrea Gibson, The Madness Vase~
2 months ago. February 9, 2024 at 9:17 PM

"Life was easier when you were what you were born,"

"They isn't grammatically correct,"

"I just don't understand it, it's too complicated,"

"I need someone to explain it to me."

"Why did you *choose* to be that way?"

Nobody who identifies differently than you owes you any sort of information about their identity or especially what's in their pants. It's 2024- there are plenty of sites where folx have already done the emotional labor to explain these topics. A kink site is literally the last place where ignorance should rear its ugly head in the name of "education" or "curiosity." You have no idea how time consuming and tiring it is to be expected to be an on demand dictionary for someone who doesn't want to do the work of educating themselves first. When someone chooses to disclose what's between their legs is up to them, and then it's up to you to decide if that's something you want. Joking about people creating acronyms to tell you what's between their legs is just tacky and would get you laughed out of the real life scene (if you're associating with anyone decent, which I suspect many on here wouldn't). 

We don't need new acronyms. There is plenty of language to describe who and what we are. If you don't understand it, it's on you to learn. Just like if I were to go to a country with a different language I wouldn't pick some rando who looks like they might be from there and expect them to explain it all to me, I'd use a damn website or app. Make relationships and then learn the culture this way. It's really not hard, and I'm tired of seeing it on this site. 

Some redneck kid in my neck of the woods checked out Djinni's ass today and yelled a compliment to her from his truck. I looked over from my car to agree and he yelled "fuck you dyke" to me as he drove away. We had a shared experience of thinking that Djinni has a GREAT ass and I wasn't going to yell at him, I was going to agree ( I have a bit of a kink for people thinking my partners are hot- I get to take them home, not the commenter, lol. No jealousy at all). Instead, he decided to limit his experience of me to what I look like. I am a dyke, and I look like a dyke. But he didn't know she was with me and he interpreted me, using his limited understanding, to be an angry lesbian. I shouldn't have had to educate him in that moment- he's a big boy, old enough to drive his daddy's truck, and he should know it's 2024 and we don't talk like that anymore (and really he shouldn't cat call women in Dutch Bros parking lot, but like I said, a compliment's a compliment). 

It's exhausting to live as someone "different" and I'm not even trans. I'm a cisgender woman and I identify with the sex I was assigned at birth. I'm a bit more masculine than center, but still all she/her. Feeling defensive everytime I walk into a bathroom outside of urban areas is ridiculous. I don't owe it to homophobic old women to let them know that I'm one of them; that I have the perceived bits and pieces to be allowed to pee in that bathroom. 

I say all this to make it clear that the thinly veiled homo and transphobia that occurs on this site isn't missed. Making jokes about identifying in one way or another "Oh I'm a man but I identify as a lesbian, haha," "I'm not cis, I'm normal," Life was easier when..." is hurtful and shaming. People go through a lot to figure out their identities and a kink site is not where you should be touting your ignorance. 

I've said it time and time again, but bigotry is not owed conversation. I'm tired of how queer and trans people are talked about on this site and I'm going to get snarky and I don't care if someone feels that they are morally superior because they can "converse" about it. Our identities are not up for discussion or requirements to disclose. In this political climate it is danger to look like me, or identify as trans, or gender queer, or anywhere on that spectrum. You can disagree all you want, but I posted an experience I had not even an hour ago. 

I get that this is a site mostly for folx who'll never step foot in the real life scene, but that's a bummer, because you'd have the opportunity to face the people you speak so cavalierly of. The community I surround myself in is diverse and beautiful, and none of us require check-ins about our genitalia. Old people need to get over their entitlement to "understand" and do the god damn work themselves, then build some fucking relationships if you want to experience the life of someone different than you. 

I'mME - Comment deleted by poster.
2 months ago
I'mME - I had not proofread my comment. Then I decided that it needed to be condensed.

Too much packed into yet another diatribe to everyone else for a quick response.
People get to speak, disagree, discuss, have conversations, and not be a bigot. I'm tired of reading how doing these things makes someone racist, a bigot, a Nazi, and any other word that have been weaponized .

I realize that you believe yourself to be superior to everyone, but in reality you engage in the behavior that you accuse ppl of.

Sit with that a bit.
2 months ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - Yeah.... I had a nice long response thought up for you, including apologizing for packing too much into my writing for you to comprehend and respond to.

However, your response to DM was disgusting. A person with lived experience explained why your little "discussions" are harmful. You decided to respond with "all lives matter" bullshit. The reality is, your opinion doesn't matter one iota to me and I could care less if you come into my space and cry about how mean I am for giving a fuck about anyone but cis straight people. You, frankly, are insignificant. Your response was hateful and you now get to join the 2 other people on my block list. Because unlike your crybaby buddies, I keep my space open cause I'd rather bigots mouth off here than in forums that trans people might see. But you're just ignorant and hateful. I'm sure you're heartbroken by this news.
2 months ago
dollMaker​(dom male) - There have been plenty of previous blogs and forum posts on the cage historically that went bad very quickly around the kind of questions/topics you refer to above. I did not feel inclined to engage, because all of that information and more is freely available both in text and video articles on you tube, never mind in books. Those of us who have previously engaged -in good faith- have been berated, when trying to explain, educate, and after awhile there just isn’t the energy to do so anymore, and it hurts to see similar threads turn nasty, disrespectful and littered with hate, I won’t use the word phobia, its hate, pure and simple.

The world increasingly is turning nasty towards the queer community, not that it has ever been that friendly, all the hard won rights, medical rights, being stolen, our humanity ignored, and haters increasingly emboldened to spue hate and intolerance because the media and politicians think its ok to use queer people as political punch bags, and scapegoats, spreading lies and slander of the most vile type about the lgbtq+ community, in particular trans women.

I was called a faggot recently while passing a group of teens on the street, and my current involvement gets dagger eyes, hate and verbal insults thrown her way regularly. I see them looking, trying to figure her out, to judge, then comes the disgust, the hate. All we want to do is simply live our lives, have equal rights, access to medical care, respect, to exist in peace. Sadly with the current far right, conservative, traditional folks trying to erase us, use us to generate fear, thats not going to happen. Cage has these types of people here and threads on queer/trans topics bring them out of the woodwork, I guess the only good is we get to see their red flags, and know who will be a risk to us.

2 months ago
I'mME - A risk to you? What risk? Hateful people, guess what, there are always going to be people who hate something, someone for whatever reason, many times it's simply due to lack of knowledge. (You don't know what you don't know) Do you imagine that because you are queer that you have the corner market on feelings, being judged, that you are the only one that has experienced the shittiness of people?

2 months ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - Are you fucking serious? When cis people start having their lives legislated and considered choices come tell me how you feel. Until then leave DM the fuck alone.
2 months ago
Satindragon - Belittling people for asking questions is just wrong. The only wrong question is the one you don't ask. Just because you may have more experience doesn't make it okay. Where is all that acceptance and inclusion. I'll tell you where, left at the front door because you think your better than everyone else when you are not.
2 months ago
dollMaker​(dom male) - Questions asked in good faith are fine, but ones asked in bad faith, deserve no reply, or engagement. Those of us who have engaged in the past got pissed on, so why would we open ourselves to that again, particularly in light of the hatred and intolerance often displayed on here. Why should members of a community under constant attack off here, where politicians, influencers, religious people, consevative/traditional society wish us put to death should we give bad faith actors on here the time of day. Thanks for showing your colours.
2 months ago
Satindragon - You make me laugh. You are the one who shows more than just his colors.
2 months ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - You literally said (and don't care if it's a song lyric) that you miss the time when "men were men and women were women..." let's talk about disgusting.
2 months ago
Satindragon - I damn sure did.
2 months ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - Simple. You're a transphobe and shouldn't be near the kink community.
2 months ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - Thanks for making it that simple.
2 months ago
Satindragon - You know nothing about me. You and your better than everyone else attitude is what needs to be checked at the door. It's just a pissing contest for you to see how much chaos you can cause in the community.
2 months ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - You literally said that. If it quacks like a duck...

I do feel morally superior to transphobes and bigots.
2 months ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - I believe in a kink community where a trans person can come online and not have an entire post making fun of their identity through thinly veiled "discussion." Your ilk just want to maintain your cisheteronormative bullshit. I'm not here for it.
2 months ago
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni} - Also... at least I have the balls to keep my profile open so you can comment while you block me so I can't hurt your fee fees on yours.
2 months ago
lambsone - Just something to be cautious about while expressing your frustration with people who think you are different from them is, to use an old phrase " Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater". Not everyone who asks you to explain your choices or who you identify as, is doing it with malicious intent. Some may be asking because they care to get to know you on a deeper level. So bear that in mind and I hope that you'll be able to get beyond the frustration and see the difference.

You mentioned that folks should do their research, Google the vast array of info available on the internet. Because you are tired of explaining yourself. And go to the community and interact. Well this is a community, is it not? A very diverse one, and we also have the benefit of it being a worldwide one at that. Where better to get questions answered than from those who engage in the lifestyles we may be curious about?

Just because someone asks doesn't mean that they are lazy. No matter our choices or how we live the lifestyle, we all have one thing in common - we all like some form of power exchange. So if we run across things we don't understand, and there's plenty here not to understand, why not ask? We could all research and not engage with each other to get answers, but then why would we need to be here?. There's always some nuance that we can only get straight from the horse's mouth.
2 months ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Not lookin} - So I have been traveling and had not conscious of the blogs being posted.
I have been actively present in the community and have came face to face with real people are real. To me your comment about being entitled is your own way of putting someone down. After all it is your opinion. You are actually acting as if you are entitled.
Sometimes it is best to ignore instead of engaging..
2 months ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Not lookin} - Comment deleted by poster.
2 months ago

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