My Master does so many things to add value to my life. He teaches me. He guides me. He protects me (mostly from myself). He provides for me. He spends time with me. He helps me be healthier. He helps me to do better with regard to work and my family. One of the greatest things He does is He supports me. I'm His cheerleader, but the truth is, He is mine too. His words of pride, acknowledgement, and praise are the loudest and most important. He is never ever stingy or shy with them. He tells everyone around Him who will listen exactly how proud of me He is, and I think I have not told Him how much this matters to me.
Once upon a time I was married to a man who never even told his closest friends that he was married. Had I met his friends on the street they would not have known I was his wife and the mother of his child. This was a deep hurt that I bore quietly. Never again could I. See, MstrJ's work friends know me by face and name LONG before I ever meet them. When they finally do, they greet me with warm smiles and hugs like an old friend, because they have heard alllll of the stories. It has healed this part of me so much that I could never ever accept less. When He met me I did not know how to accept praise or a compliment. It made me deeply uncomfortable, and because I could not hear and accept praise I had some serious flaws in my self confidence.
I also didn't know how to ask for help. I had always felt like I was a burden, and that asking for help took away from my value. This was something that really hurt my previous D/s relationships. I did not know how to rely on someone, and for some that is a very important part of the dynamic. I'm a very capable woman, but knowing that I CAN ask for help when it is needed and He will celebrate that as a chance to "show up" has been hugely healing.
Tonight I'm watching a series that He and I have not watched together, but a scene in it just made my heart happy and I needed to share it.
Who else sees the amazing D type that is "the Raptor" in The Resident? DAMN I adore that man as a character. The similarities between him and MstrJ are few and far between (and I FAR prefer MstrJ. Would not trade Him for literally 100 million dollars. Would not trade Him for 20 more years of life. I can honestly say, there is nothing on this earth that could be offered that would make me turn my face from Him) however, they have two things in common #1 is that they will move heaven and earth to show up for their person and #2 they are their person's greatest and loudest cheerleaders.
I wish there was a clip, but season 2 episode 19. When he walks through a blizzard to get there because she needed him, then he gets there only to find out she didnt need him and his reaction was to shout for pride and joy that she did not need him, and cheer her on. DAMN what a man.
Here's to the D types who lead by example and are proud as hell of their partners.
Thank You for all of the ways you add value to my life. Thank You for being my Partner, my Master, my Maker, the One I can turn to, and the One who will always share my failures and successes with. You are the greatest gift in my life and I will never take that for granted.
His slave Mikayla