First introductions have always been hard for me. I am shy. Sometimes the person is infectious and bubbly and it sets me at ease. These are the people I open up to easily. The woman I met this morning has a gorgeous tentative smile. You can tell she wants to become friends but is afraid of rejection. There is a pain and strength in her brown eyes. A determination to keep going. She seems kind and warm hearted. Silly as well. She assures me if I allow her to get close she will be the one person who will always be there for me. She will help me through my bad times and be a pillar of strength for me. I couldn't help but feel drawn to her. To get to know her. Possibly fall in love with her.This woman is beyond amazing, she is the reflection of me in the mirror. That's right the woman, the stranger, I am talking about is myself. It's time I learn who I am as a woman. To not mould myself to be the idea image for others. Instead love my flaws, love my insecurities, accept and appreciate my past as it is why I am me. I am a incredibly strong woman even in my weakness. If I can't love myself how can I expect someone else to want to love me. I need to seek out information and educate myself more on all aspects of what this lifestyle is and how I fit into it. Only then can I decided who this woman is and help her along her journey. To those of you who are there to help me along my path. Thank you and I truly appreciate all the patience, understanding and friendship you show me.