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Self-absorbed nonsense, tinfoil panty conspiracies, random horseshit, spontaneous out-of-my-ass pullings, and a time or two when I made myself laugh.
Co-founder of ⭐The Elite Dream Team⭐
Co-founder of ⭐The Romantically Horny Club⭐
2 years ago. February 6, 2022 at 11:00 PM

Thank you to the one and only ButterfliesAndCuffs for this fun challenge!

Dirty Limerick

The solution in the photograph
Was so elegant it made me laugh:
By extending the bar,
Spread her legs wide and far -
Dividing her neatly in half!

2 years ago. February 2, 2022 at 6:04 AM

According to people who follow numbers and such this is considered to be the last of the "2's" meaning






and now



Just sayin'

2 years ago. January 21, 2022 at 7:27 PM

R.I.P. Meatloaf

Marvin (Michael) Lee Aday

(September 27, 1947 – January 20, 2022)

2 years ago. January 3, 2022 at 11:47 PM

2022 New Year/New Results:
100% Sadist
100% Dominant
100% Daddy/Mommy
100% Degrader
96% Master/Mistress
94% Rigger
89% Owner
88% Voyeur
80% Experimentalist
79% Brat tamer
72% Non-monogamist
45% Primal (Hunter)
21% Exhibitionist
7% Vanilla
0% Ageplayer
0% Switch


And just for fun compare those with last year,


2021 New Year/New Results:
100% Sadist
100% Dominant
100% Daddy/Mommy
100% Degrader
95% Owner
94% Master/Mistress
89% Voyeur
88% Rigger
79% Brat tamer
72% Experimentalist
67% Non-monogamist
61% Primal (Hunter)
18% Exhibitionist
7% Vanilla
0% Ageplayer
0% Switch


So pretty much the same.

2 years ago. December 31, 2021 at 6:58 PM

Happy new year to us all.

May tomorrow be better than today, and may 2022 be better than 2021.

Just for fun I have included a minute of solo guitar from one of the best progressive metal bands of the 80s and 90s,

featured on one of the most critically and commercially successful albums of 1988.

It has nothing to do with the New Year so feel free to skip it haha. It's short, with an unfortunately abrupt ending, but the title works.

If you plan to celebrate please be safe and have loads of fun!

Queensrÿche - "Waiting for 22" from Operation: Mindcrime (1988)

2 years ago. December 24, 2021 at 4:49 AM

See the original challenge here

2 versions of

The Prayer

Maybe not so much Holiday-ish but played a lot this time of year


and for those of who are not fans of a capella

Josh Groban and Charlotte Church

2 years ago. December 23, 2021 at 1:19 PM

Lustella(sub female) started a forum thread yesterday called "Kinky Game: Story/Line." The goal was to write a creative, sensual story using the a person, a place, and a thing, as chosen by the last person. Check it out.

I had so much fun contributing to it that I decided to post my entry here as well.

For my turn I was to write a story using these:

1. A famous singer

2. A hotel room

3. A wooden paddle

Somehow this is what I came up with:


"Hungarian Goulash seems simple enough to make. Meat... other things. How hard could it be?"
But she had never made it before. In fact, she had never cooked anything, from childhood through a professional career that began ages before there were things like stoves and food. She never had to. She was a famous singer, a Broadway star, a real mensch. She was so well known in the world of stage and screen that she was often referred to by one name only - Barbra!
She performed her sold-out show every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Sadist Club in Las Vegas, torturing ticket buyers for the exorbitant fee of $300 per session (a high price considering Celine was handing it out for free over in a dumpster behind a dungeon at the south end of the Strip, known affectionately by the local homeless community as the Slave Shack.) During her off hours Barbra remained secluded in her suite on the top floor of the hotel where she performed so that it would be more difficult for her servants to convey her up and down the stairs to and from the stage.
The show had ended earlier than usual, and Babs was hungry so when she returned to her hotel room she called down to the front desk and asked the insignificant, non-superstar person at the other end of the line if there were any people staying in the hotel who were famous enough to deliver potatoes and paprika and other goulash-y type items to her room, along with someone of equal or greater star power who would gladly pay her for the privilege of preparing her dinner.
As it turned out there were not, but 30-45 minutes later Barbra opened the door to her suite to see a man in a kitchen outfit carrying what she assumed were tools for abusing staff members.
"What are you?" she demanded in a shrill, nasally voice that accosted the ears of the cook so suddenly that it gave him instant tinnitus.
"Greetings Your Holiness Mrs. Barbra, I am a lowly member of the hotel kitchen staff. I have come bearing tomato sauce, noodles, and spices with which to prepare your dinner."
"You are not famous!" she squealed, nearly shattering every window in the building.
"No, but I present for your inspection and approval pots and pans, sharp knives, wooden spoons -"
Seeing the spoons, with wide eyes Barbra whispered, "I know these... they are implements of great power... in my show I strike well-paying peasants with them... Ah, yes, paddles they are..."
Barbra suddenly switched to Diva mode. She snatched the large steel pot from the arms of the cook, emptied the contents onto the floor, grabbed one of the spoons and began jumping up and down on the beds, leaping from one to the other, all the while banging the pot with the spoon while chanting "Paddle, Paddle, Paddle, Paddle!"
When the Hotel manager heard horrible sounds like the cries of dying hyena emanating from the suite on the top floor of the Sadist Club he immediately picked up the phone extended Barbra's contract to 5 nights a week.

2 years ago. December 13, 2021 at 10:30 PM

Recently someone asked me for some advice about a situation with a Dom they were "aware of." I'm not betraying any confidence by sharing this so lets get some opinions.
(can be adjusted to suit the point of view of a sub)

The Hypothetical Situation:
The Dom in question is attractive, funny and smart; a strong Dom and a decent person. He is well liked and respected among his peers.

- He has close ties with 5 subs,
- He is very attracted to 4 of them,
- 3 of them might even be into him,
- The remaining 2 are presently unavailable,
- He could only have 1 anyway because, as much as he would love to claim all of them, all are opposed to poly.

The Problem:
He is single, and like all of us he has desires and needs.
He likes all 5 subs so he couldn't just arbitrarily pick one, or just play with all of them, or just find some random hookup, and he can't just sit and do nothing at all, but he is hesitant to look elsewhere lest he should miss an opportunity with one of these subs.

So - what do you suggest that he do?

This is the only information you have to formulate a plan of action.
I am going to post this in both blogs and forums so that we can get as many comments as possible.

2 years ago. December 9, 2021 at 10:37 PM

It was 41 yrs ago yesterday...

In memory of the death of John Lennon lets all take a moment to remember where we were (if we were) and sing along with one of the most beloved songs of all time.
John Lennon
10/9/1940 - 12/8/1980

2 years ago. December 5, 2021 at 4:57 AM

When you find yourself in a situation and you need help from someone smarter than you. So you ask your friend who usually knows better about these things.

They give you advice about how to proceed and it all seems to make sense except for a couple of seemingly small details, which you dismiss -

- and they end up being the most important parts.

So now you don't know how to come back from having made a potentially significant mistake that you could have avoided.