There is no way I'm the first person to wonder.
I'm probably only the latest in a long line of people who have asked.
Earlier today I read a blog that was already a few months old but it was very interesting so I left a comment. Some well known and well respected friends did as well
I do not have the permission of the OP to put a link to it here but I will say that it was essentially about the classic dilemma: If I can't have both, would I be willing, or even able, to give up BDSM if an amazing vanilla person came along?
This is not that discussion.
But it did get me thinking. BDSM or vanilla. Kink or vanilla, Fetish or...
That last part stuck in my head, so I asked the sink (I was washing dishes at the time. Gettin' all domestic!) "sink, can vanilla be a fetish?"
Let's set aside for a moment the metaphysical dichotomy in the question "If the pleasure is in being denied, can it truly be considered denial?" and instead turn our attentions to this little head-scratcher:
Deprivation, restriction, and denial of all sorts of stuff is considered by some to be kinky - so then couldn't being disallowed from expressing your kinks be a fetish unto itself? Withholding BDSM? A sort of lifestyle chastity?
Surely wiser people than me have considered and even answered that question countless times before.
In fact I believe it was Shakespeare's Domme who said "What's in a name? That which we call a fetish by any other name would smell as sweet."
The sink never committed itself to one side of the argument or the other. I had made it through the wash, rinse, and dry phases of doing the dishes with little more than "Yeah. I suppose so. Sure." So I did what I always do with burning hot kinky weirdo fetish questions - I brought it here.