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A Dom's Tale ~ The journey there and back again

Thoughts and notes on the journey.....
3 years ago. July 25, 2020 at 2:32 PM

   Now you may or may not find this hard to believe, but after repeated failures finding a sub, I decided my approach was ALL WRONG!  There I was, just being myself, the person I was born to be, laying it all out there and waiting for one of the many, many contacts I have initiated to produce "her". Then I got it!! 

  So (and follow this through to the end now!) I booked a fast flight to Transylvania, and met with the one and only Dr. Frankendom! After a few days of deep deep counseling, he told me I was ready for the procedure! So here was this ancient looking theater room with 3 operating tables laid out in a semi circle, giant electrodes everywhere,  and a ferocious storm brewing outside.  He strapped me to one of the tables, gave me a mild sedative, and then strapped 2 more beings onto the other tables.


WHOA! To my shock what was on the other tables?



    Why none other than Christian Grey and a giant gorilla! The electrodes buzzed, the tables spun, and the room twirled as I fell out of consciousness! When I awoke, all my former personality and traits had been replaced by a combination if the two others!  Frankendom was smiling broadly as he released me from the table. I spent the next few days exploring my new personality, I had become ....


Suave to a fault! I was so smooth silk worms wanted to take lessons from me!

Powerrful and indestructible, nothing could affect me, nothing could hurt me, I had no weak moments or moments of insecurity!

Literally everything that came out of my mouth was right,  and anybody that doubted that just had to ask me

I held the power to accomplish anything, to dominate any sub with a mere glance, or my overpowering presence in the room, 

And ... I was sooooo damn good looking "I" even wanted to date me and submit to myself!

   So out into the world I went, everywhere I turned subs were falling at my feet, begging me to dominate them.  Naturally, being all powerful and hotter than Bill Clinton stuck in a monastery, I ignored them one after another, looking for the perfect one, the one I had done all this for. But as time went on, I began to realize these were not subs after all, well at least not any I wanted.  These were just superficial people looking for a thrill, the perfect match for any insta dom that may come around ....


   So back into the lab  I went, Dr Frankendom was waiting for me with an all knowing smile.  After a few moments, he began to speak as he fixed me back to the table.  "My boy, you came to me to become the perfect Dom yes? And I gave you all the things you thought you were missing, made you the picture of perfection for a Dom, and sent you out into the world. And yet you came back more unfulfilled and less happy then when we first met. That is because what you sought does not exist, it cannot, and if it did, it would not get you what you wanted. So now you go back to being you, but that is far better than what you became, Somewhere out there, there is a sub for you. Maybe younger, maybe older, maybe shorter or taller or thinner or larger, but she is out there, be patient, find her, she is searching for you too.

   I asked about the sedative for the process, and he smiled and told me, "becoming you was a mixed path of pain and joy, successes and failures, becoming you again can be no different. The agony was excruciating as the Gorilla and Mr Grey were removed, and my original self restored.  I left the lab, flew home, and opened up my blog here on the Cage, and once again began the process of searching for her...

   My trip had reminded me of one thing, to believe in the search, to believe the "True Dynamic" is out there waiting for me to find it, to never give up on her, because somewhere, she is waiting and searching too.....

Jack in the box -
Nice! I like that 👍
Thank you
3 years ago
Sir Don​(dom male){Not lookin} - Like the saying goes..just be you
3 years ago
Grey Eyes​(sub female){Owned} - Absolutely ID. You need to be you. I wouldn't have Donnie any other way than being his authentic self even if he drives me a bit bonkers sometimes.
3 years ago
Cinn - I absolutely loved reading this! There's nothing like being your true authentic self.
3 years ago
Cherry2000​(sub female) - I love the humor that you have found in this. It is so easy to get down and depressed. Keep up the good blogs!
3 years ago
Drea​(sub female) - Being you is raw and can be difficult granted The easy part is leaving off the masks the hard part is getting lost in who you think people want to see.
3 years ago
Annais - A true writer.
Spinning a captivating story of fiction around your own personal search, including growth and humor in that journey, well... that's an extremely rare talent. Not just for the Cage but for anywhere. Kudos, fine sir.
I was laughing while captivated.
Two of my most favorite feelings to experience while reading outside of arousal.
Thank you for sharing.
I'll devour your continued posts I'm sure.
3 years ago

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