The reality is starting off as a Dom is a nerve racking experience. No matter how intergraded dominance is in your personality, or your sexual nature. Trying new things always requires failure to promote growth. And when you are responsible for someone else's well being your window of acceptable failures is small. So start small and go slow. The best advice I have found myself giving young men interested in getting into this lifestyle is this simple, Step 1: Don't Be a Dick
Taking Charge doesn't mean doing whatever the hell you want regardless of who it hurts.
It means Taking on the responsibility for what happens next, and whatever the consequences are YOU are now REQUIRED to Hold YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE
Regardless of if you're high protocol, low protocol, or primal you are a Human Animal and you are capable of telling when someone becomes scared, panicked, and out of their depth. You are capable of taking the time to observe HOW someone is taking the pain you inflict, and make a judgement call on how close you are to their limit. You are capable of putting your pleasure and pride aside for the sake of someone else. You are capable of paying attention to someone else's needs.
So do that. Don't be a dick, and you can't go too far wrong.