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Dreams and Inspirations

I have recently, with conscious intent, begun remembering my dreams and started a dream journal -after over 40 years of dream silence.

Since I have a near daily record of what my subconscious thinks is important,
Dreams are as good a launching point for a blog as anything else.
4 years ago. February 20, 2020 at 10:15 AM

In person in Boston, I found my place in the kinky groups. Being a dues paying member of New England Dungeon Society (money to pay for presenters insurance and the website.) 

On the large fet community board that replaced hundreds of individual websites and message boards, a fairly rough and tumble community these days, I have found my place years ago- and then again last year. 

I generally get along with people just fine.


I'm fed up with my local, small city, kinky group (not the city listed on my profile,that was mistake when signing up.) Recently, I was not able to present my intended educational event and had to "wing it' because the member hosting the event told my co-presenter to leave. It was an unofficial event advertised on the local group page, so the homeowner has the right to say who is on their property.

I had agreed to present, so I stayed. In retrospect, I should have left, but I did my best for the people who came to the event.

Thinking of the local group board members, I consider one of them an unsafe player, one is not in the lifestyle beyond being a spouse, and two of them recently described themselves as assholes. 

I'm not going back to that house or doing any presentations at unofficial local events. My place is not with people who put personal politics above group principles of safety and inclusivity. 


- - - 

I have tried to stay within the codes of conduct for this website in this post.

I'm not trying to out anyone or tell anyone else they don't belong in either of the local groups. 


I am venting. 

I'm finding it painful, that even though I consider myself at a sophmore level in the kink of the evening, and was asked (tricked) into joining a practice group where I would be the defacto presenter - even though it started out wrong, I prepared educational and entertaining content withing the level where I am comfortable explaining the risks and rewards - and even though my chosen assistant worked on the safety and practicality of the evenings presentation, worked so hard as to reach the level of being a co-presenter, they were denied access to a group advertised event. 


.This isn't high school. I will not play with immature kinksters. I'd rather have a dozen sincere newbies at an event than whoever these people are










HGB​(sub female){Scottish M} - Doesn't sound very inviting. Think they should have said something before hand. I'm so grateful for my local community especially rope group. I love my rope.
4 years ago
Give you Some Rope​(dom male){not lookin} - I have a bit of a thing for rope myself ~grin~
4 years ago
ulfhednar - I do not have a local kink community however suspect there are more then a fair share of kinksters however recently becoming proactive myself to better the community in which i reside have you giving some ponderance on apealing the board as to some rules that should be set forth for even private nonoffical events to keep identies safe after all those who would not want to be outted because of a loud mouth i could imagine wouldnt want anyone not in the lifestyle attending such functions theres other ways to become readly familuar with tje lifestyle ask questions of friends or a spouse people a nonkinkster knows for a fact is a practioning kinkster theres a saying among na and aa groups its called annonimity basically what you hear here stays here also means who you see here stays here jmt
4 years ago
Give you Some Rope​(dom male){not lookin} - Unofficial events, in othe groups, exist so A) Members with good standing within a kink group can do additional vetting on who can attend, or B) non-members considered to be unsafe or irresponsible players can have access to kinksters.

While the claim might be that this function was in category A) , after learning that the board of the group is unelected, and reflecting on personal interactions, i've decided over half the board is in category B .

Time to "Run away! Run away!" It isn't the fluffy little rabbit that it looks like.
4 years ago
ulfhednar - Fair enough then abondon ship and i guess find some other way to initiat ssc group gatherings with much more private surroundings
4 years ago
Give you Some Rope​(dom male){not lookin} - That's pretty much it. If I'm going to be the teacher/trained monkey at vetted events, I want to be the one doing the vetting.

Based on the classroom vs one-on-one sessions. I much prefer one-on-one. They both take the same amout of talking and tieing, but I get more fun out of watching one person learn than trying to ensure everyone keeps op.

Classroom is leading to a common denominator. one-on-one is a single purpose in pursuit of excellence.

I also LEARN more one-on-one as we discuss each little detail and talk over the principles we understand and the questions we have.
4 years ago
ulfhednar - Any referances for shibari i can practice on my own seeing as i dont really have alot of people that i know of to practice with in this town least not any more 😧
4 years ago
Give you Some Rope​(dom male){not lookin} - There is a book/ eBook that Shay Tiziano released last October called Tying and Flying . How to tie yourself up for self-tie suspension.

Shay has several free video for self tieing those same harness. Many of them she adapted from Topologist’s excellent crash-restraint website.

I would suggest watching a couple of Shay Tiziano videos and see how she adapted for the challenges of self tieing traditional harness, and then go to Topologist’s website - because he does and excellent job explaining the fundamentals and the reasons why you wish to do it the traditional way. He also has a wonderful step by step interface for teaching the pieces that assemble into a complicated whole.

Sign up on crash-restraint, it’s free!
4 years ago
HGB​(sub female){Scottish M} - Not sure if you saw this, might be helpful
4 years ago
Give you Some Rope​(dom male){not lookin} - This link didn’t work for me
4 years ago
ulfhednar - Sweet thanks ill check it out after my brain and body have had time to sleep
4 years ago

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