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Priest of Sanguine

Tales of what helped create me, out of order, and no animals were hurt in the creating of this blog!
Most Tales are based on my real life with Fantasy and/or Fiction included to protect identities as well as enjoyment for
those reading. Names like "Bunny, Rabbit, Squirrel" or variation thereof, are not referencing actual Cage member names.
Its how I view my Prey from the stand point of a Primal and Hunter.
If Cage member names are use: 1) it's with their consent. 2) will have ^ before & after the name.

All Stories told are unique and your comments are greatly enjoyed so please do comment.

For those who play Skyrim: Priest of Sanguine is not a reference to the game its a reference to my life style choice ^,..,^
Go grab a drink, maybe a snack, sit back and enjoy the Tales that I delight in telling... even the hard ones.
3 years ago. February 27, 2021 at 8:58 PM

G'morning Kinksters, 

I woke up in a funk that has been eating at me since yesterday, so I decided that I'd take y'all on the journey to finding my butterfly fields (my happy).  It's not that I'm angry or upset, I'm more perplexed / frustrated type of irritable mixed with confused as I stand at a crossroads fork, pondering what to do.  I hate feeling like I'm standing still, I hate waiting though I know patience is the key but much like most people, I like my instant gratification damn it!  Anyways, for you to see as I do you need to look through my eyes which can be a bit... strange to understand but all I ask is that you roll with it and hopefully I can write it out in such a way that it plays out like a psycho sci-fi draped in medieval-post apocalyptical land scaping. (yes, I know... welcome to my world.)

Upon the dried plains of a barren landscape the figure of a man, draped in a ragged and dust covered cloak, stands at the cross road looking down each path as though he's unsure which of the worn path to take.  A mild wind blows up the parched earth and causes his cloak to billow out as he takes in the barren landscape, pondering, while taking in a slow long pull of his cigar that never seems to burn down further than the half of which is left between his fingers.  He's dressed in old leathers that have seen far better days, wearing goggles with dark tint as though the sunlight wherein he finds himself upon this land of givvafuks, would burn through the back of his skull had he not had them.  He snorts and grumbles his discontent, "I hate this place..." He says to an unseen presence that he feels more than sees.  "Nothing, nowhere..." He grumbles on when his unseen partner choses to stay silent.  Glancing over his shoulder he reaffirms himself that the path is correct, and that the ghostly thin red line hasn't altered course somewhere, but has brought him here.  He gives a deep, irritated growl.  "Fine." He snarls out as his eyes come back to the fork wherein the line ceases to move forward for him to follow.  Unceremoniously he drops into a crossed legged position, letting his body take the pain of the impact as it lands on sunbaked earth.  Pain is life, both are temporary but if you feel one, the other is close at hand... its when you feel nothing, that life loses meaning to the point of wondering if one is truly alive at all.  He takes one more drag from his smoke before flicking it into the air wherein it simply vanishes as he slowly exhales the delicious flavors from between his lips and closes his eyes while placing his hands palms up in a meditation form, upon his knees.  Behind his lids he watches as the forks before him seem to spring into life and fast-forward with almost blurring speed as they open up to all the foreseeable events and paths that may present themselves if he chose to follow that particular path.  Like a tree the paths branched out, growing ever broader till his mind struggled to keep focus with all the choices, options, fall out, benefits of each path.  Time moved differently here so how long he stayed there may have been minutes, hours or weeks but finally unable to hold the visions together they began to smash into one another, twisting and straining like vines trying to reach the forest canopy.  With a feeling of a strong impacting force happening around him, he opens his eyes, bringing the vision to its end, with no more conclusion on which of the forks to take than he had originally started with. 

The darkness of the forest that had fallen from the sky to form around him and change his landscape, enveloped him, filling his ears with the sounds of night.  "About damn time." He says to his unseen partner.  He takes in a deep breath of relief, enjoying the smells of the dead leaf forest floors, the earthen tones of damp woods and mushrooms before pushing his goggles up to his forehead, revealing orbs of hazel, yellow, blue and green swirling eyes who's pattern seemed to slow till they found which color best set his mood.  Blinking his hazel eyes of numb indecision he leaned his weight onto one fist he slowly rose to his feet.  Here, he didn't need the ghostly red line to lead him.  All paths go to the Elder Tree and it's pull on him was like a soft set of fingers beckoning him to come forth and hear it's wisdom.  He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, that formed as his hand moved to it's comforting pommel.  The forest may feel like home but it was never a safe place for the unwary traveler.  He scanned the trees and area around him, knowing that unseen eyes were watching him, waiting for the right moment or opportunity to pounce and devour him.  "Morning..." He said to those he could not see, as his hand reached up to tap the rim of his cloak.  A few steps towards the middle of the forest wherein the Elder Tree grows and the movement of a small white rabbit catches his attention as it hops onto the path before him.  She glances back with abnormally long lashes for a rabbit and winks before giving a light squeak as she begins to hop before him, staying two strides before him.  "Did you sleep well, my beautiful Bunny?" 

"Yes, Master." The bunnies lovely soft voice caresses through his mind. "Beast keeps eye over my burrow and shadows my every movement, just as you promised he would."

"Good." he says as he continues to make his way through the forest, drawing ever closer to the Elder Tree.  He watches his bunny, hop on, most likely aware that he was staring at her rump as she wiggles her tail and cast a shy look back at him.  In the trees around them and along the path a song plays as though reading his thoughts:

Night and Day

As the song ends:  "I'm sorry about last night." Bunny said, as her soft little furry body begins to quake and grow, fur giving way to form around flesh as she morphed into a humanoid body.  Only the bunny tail stayed in place as the rest of her fur outline the accents of her body from rabbit feet to human knees, up to the delicate human hair.  Her long bunny ears twitched as she turned, covering her breast with her arms and taking hold of the charm attached to the thick collar around her neck.  Her head bowed slightly, and her eyes cast down from sorrow and concern. "I let my anxiety get the best of me..."

He stops to take her into his embrace and kisses the spot between her ears. "I don't understand, my Slave." He says soft but sternly.

"I know..." She says and starts into an explanation of what it's like to live with anxiety.

"Stop, Bunny.  I don't need you to explain anxiety.  I've live with it, TR had it, I know about what it's like.  You are not understanding my conflict, hence we have come here to seek advise from the Elder Tree." He places her at arms length, letting his hand slide down her arm and gently take her hand before stepping around her and leading her on.  Together they walked in silence till they came to the mushroom ring that precedes the Elder Tree, who's branches encompass a broad area of land, leaving it to stand tall and strongest among the forest.  As they reached the center of the large ring of Fairy Mushroom, Bunny dropped to he knees, squeezing his hand tight in hopes that he would stop.  She had learned to trust her master's word, for in the past she would have worried that he would drag her out of the ring without mercy or concern but now... She knew this was the place of free conversation and he would respect it if she done what was required to invoke the rights.

"I wish to know, Master" She said, pulling her hair to the side as she bared her neck to him.  He kept her hand as he turned to gaze with admiration at her prone form, submitted in trusting vulnerability to him.

"What do you wish to know, my Slave?" He asked, acknowledging the rights claimed by her actions.

"You push me to grow, more than anybody I've ever known and because of this... I wish to know why you are so conflicted." She asked, being as direct as possible.  He squeezed her hand reassuringly before letting her hand go and sighing heavy.  His hand reached out to the side and plucked his half smoked cigar from the nothingness that it had evaporated into.  Like in the western movies of old, he snapped his thumb over the matchstick that formed from nowhere in his other hand but lit none the less as though being drawn across a striker.  Taking a draw from his smoke, he began to explain in the best way that he could, on how her timing of releasing her anxiety combined with the topic, right after time of giving her great pleasure was ill thought and unwarranted.  It was undermining of the action, demeaning of its value and placing things in an unacceptable order of values.  While they conversed, shadows slide across the distance from the edge of the forest to gather and form into shadowy creatures at the edge of the ring, hissing distractions and decent at the two but neither broke the focus from the other and in moments of the creatures forming, claws and fangs descended upon them in destructive force, rending them mercilessly as Beast forced them back into the forest of doubt and unknown fear.  When the two had finished their conversation, he looked upon her with pride.  How this little Bunny challenged him to grow also, she may never be fully aware but every victory they come to cause him to desire her all the more... and the mushrooms began to sing:

I got a Woman

The sky that was once dark, lightened into an overcast and the area between the Fairy Ring and Elder Tree seem to spring to life as flowers grew and butterflies began to flutter from one to the next.  He stretched out his hand to her and she slipped hers into his, to be risen up off the ground and pulled into a kiss.

"I love you, Bunny." He said, laying his forehead to hers.

"I love you, Masters." She said, giving a side glance as the Beast who winked back and grinned with the glee that only comes to him when he's been able to kill... anything.  He rubbed his knuckles between his leather and scaly pecks, giving her a grunt, then repeated the action over where his dark heart was told to be.   Together they exited the ring and the three made their way towards Elder Tree with Bunny leading the way as he had ushered her to do so.  He looked at Beast, then back at her swaying ass that jiggled ever so slightly with every step and the flowers began to sing: 

Juicy Wiggle

As they approached the trunk of the Elder tree, the three touched its rough bark and paused a moment to give thanks before He and Beast looked at Bunny with an obvious need to be sated... 

Turn down for what

In but a moment of blissful reaffirmation, the Forest shimmered, the barren plains wherein he had sat at a fork gave way to fields of life, and the ghostly red line shot off in the direction to take.  Her hand in his, the three began down the new path wherein she walked in the brightness of day, Beast in the darkness of night, and Max in the overcast of the in-between.


Thank you for taking this journey with me, and if you couldn't tell, the situation that I start out with in this blog has be rectified during it's creation.  So umm... you may wanna go take a shower, it was a bit messy... ut um. 😉😈




3 years ago. February 27, 2021 at 1:38 AM

When I'm in a great mood: I know just about every lyric and often sing this while bouncing around stupidity 😋

Feeling naughty and Angelbunny doesn't know what's in store for her, cuz all beast and I can see in my mind, smell, taste...😈


Dealing with Management and co-workers that are truly pushing that last nerve

Beast is upset and coming out to deal with it

My all time favorite when watching a sunset

Most everyday mood song because I choose


Yes, I'm quite moody and they swing around in chaos but for the most part, the first and last song is my over all mood. I like happy.  it feels great!

Hope ya enjoyed!  Oh, if you ever are around and you hear me listening to Fur elise... Back away slowly, he's hungry.  lol

3 years ago. February 9, 2021 at 7:46 AM

The night was dreary with the threat of storms on the horizon as the lightening flashed in the distance.  Her short heels clicked on the pavement as she tried to quickly get just two blocks over to where the next night club was located.  This was a stupid route to take but her girl friends had already went on while she talked to yet another loser looking for a quick screw. 

"Men..." She muttered out loud, picking up the pace a bit as she cast a glance backwards from the sound of foot falls following her. 

"You got to be fucking kidding me." Her hand went into the small purse she carried and clasp around the can of pepper spray.  If that dickweed thought that following her would get him lucky, he had another thing coming!  Returning to look where she was going she started spying out places to defend herself just as her father had taught her back in the mountains that she'd left soon as she was legal.  She loved the city life with all of it's lights and splendor even if she had to deal with stupid fucks now and then.  The sounds from behind began to speed up and she silently cursed her choice of heels to go out dancing in.  Sure they wasn't those hooker boots but all the same three inches made it difficult to run and if she made a burst for it, she might just make it to the street she was heading to... Just another block, it's not that far, she encouraged herself as her pace quickened to match the ones behind her.

"HEY LADY!" Came the male voice from behind her, causing her to cast another glance back just as he broke into a run straight for her.  Something glinted in the flash of lightening, but everything in her screamed RUN!  His hand was high, it could be a knife, it probably was a knife, oh gawd, she didn't want to die for turning this ass hat down.  Pulling the can of pepper spray out she turned to face her advisory and held it out like a gun in both hands.

"GO AWAY OR l'LL USE THIS!" She warned as she kept slowly backing towards the street she was determined to get to. 

"NO, YOU MUST LISTEN!" He shouted back closing the gap between them quickly.  She pulled the trigger and the line of spray issued out like cobra's venom, seeking his eyes but he'd used his black dress jacket to block the searing liquid from doing its job.  Her hand smarted as he smacked the can  and slammed into her, knocking them both to the ground where he rolled with her until he was able to forcibly straddling her and stop her clawing at him. "STOP IT!" He growled at her, just before flying off into the wall with a hard thud.

"Not this time..." Came the smooth voice of another male, as he stepped over her and walked calmly to the man now laying against the wall, dazed and mumbling as his hand fished around for his weapon on the pavement.  Another flash of lightening was just enough for her to make out the mans eyes as they widened and his free hand pushed forward to stem off the new males reaching hands... but to no avail.  This one seemed to know what he was doing as he expertly blocked her assailants hands and quickly stepped in to take him around the throat and lift him to his feet.

"Too late old man, you failed." The smooth voice said so quietly that she almost missed it as she sat up on her hands, heart racing like a rabbit in her chest.  With a hard uppercut, her attackers head shot upward and just as quickly slammed downward as her new found guardians fist came back like a hammer.  The jerks body went limp and her guardian lowered him to the ground into a sitting position while he reached into his own black dress jacket pocket and pulled out his cell phone to type in a few numbers.  He looked at her and smiled comfortingly as he held up a finger to silently ask for a minute.  "Yeah, Pete... I think I found your guy." A few seconds of exchanged words along with the location was all that was said before he hung up and turned his full attention to her.  Taking just the couple strides to her side he reached down a helping hand as she'd been busy seeing if she could get the heel to reattach to the shoe.

"Bastard broke my heels." She said as she gladly accepted the hand up.  His arms were strong beneath his simi formal jacket sleeve as he hefted her up to her feet with little effort. "Oh!" She squeaked and teetered at the suddenness of his lift, before beginning to giggle. 

"Are you ok?" His smooth baritone voice asked in her ear as he steadied her.  He was quicker than his large frame belied about him and she suddenly found that he had moved behind her to hold her upright between the hand that held hers and the other arm firmly around her torso.  His body was like leaning against a flesh wall but his touch was gentle, telling her that she could step out of his arm at any given moment.  A small flush of heat shot up through her before she caught herself and blushed in the darkness.  Pushing out of his arms, he let her go yet still held to her hand comfortingly.  A flash of light and her eyes caught in his... such a lovely hue of green she thought as she took the moment to reflect on the strong face she'd caught the glimpse of.  

"I... I think so..." She said hesitantly.

"Can I walk with you to where ever it was you were headed?" He looked from her to the street not even twenty yards behind them. 

"Tha... That  would be fantastic." She sighed with relief, finally letting all the stress of the assault out and trying to fight off the case of giggles she could feel coming on.  "Thank you, so much." She said, letting go of his hand and brushing her fingers through her hair before quickly trying to straighten her clothing.  "That asshole..." She went to look at the man against the wall but this man in black caught her chin delicately in his fingers and encouraged her not to do so.

"Don't... my lady.  He's not worth your time." His eyes seemed to blink a bright green but then again, with all the excitement and storm approaching she was probably just a bit confused still.  Following his lead she let him wrap his strong arm around her and escort her down the remaining of the alley way, providing much needed support with her broken heel.  As they rounded the corner, she couldn't help herself and glanced back where the man would be sitting as yet another set of lightening shot across the night sky with a roll of thunder.  The drops of rain began to fall in sheets, hindering seeing anything of certainty but the glint caught her eye once again.  Funny how the handle and guard of a dagger looks so much like a cross, she thought as she gladly ducked beneath the outstretched jacket of her guardian.  They didn't quite make it to the club as he dashed them into the cubby of old fashion Victorian clothing store, over hanging awning and all.

"When it rains..." She chuckled as he withdrew his jacket and shook it off, pelting the large bay windows with the droplets.  Hooooly shit... she thought as she devoured his large muscled frame that his shirt strained to conceal.  Swallowing hard she looked back up to his face, now realizing that he was so much taller than herself, especially without the heels and his gaze caught hers once again.  As if on cue, he smiled just wide enough to see his pearly whites.  Her body flushed and she suddenly felt nervous for no reason. "I.. Uh..." She began and glanced through the edges of the bay windows towards where the club would be located further down the street. "I was going to Bangers..." She half motioned to the general location.  He looked and nodded with understanding.

"The night club, down the road." He stated, knowingly.  Holding his jacket up to use as an umbrella over his head, he invited her in, spreading it like a giant bat wing to keep her dry. "I know where it is." His accent was a little different from those in this city but not overly noticeable.

"No, No..." She motioned to her shoe. "It's pointless.  Let me just call my girls and I'll get an Uber to come pick me up, K?" She stated while digging into her purse.  He dropped the jacket back down and drooped it over his corded forearm which she couldn't help but notice and bit her lip lightly as her hand slowed in clasping her phone.

"Not to alarm you or anything but if you like..." His hand fished his pocket and withdrew his keys. "I could drive us." He perked a perfect brow.  "But I completely understand if you would rather take the Uber.  I'll just wait here with you if that be the case." If it was anybody else making such an offer, she'd be calling him a creeper and storming off into the rain but this man... wow... what a beast of a man...

"Oh..." She began to giggle as he notices her roaming eyes that had strayed a bit lower than they should have. "Um.." Blushing again, she pulled her phone out. "Let me at least call my girls so they don't worry about me." She pressed the speed dial and looked up into his swirling green eyes... for a moment her breath caught but the familiar voice of her bestie come across the phone, snapping her out of the gaze.

"Girlfriend, where you at?" Jacklynn asked impatiently.  "That man meat got you distracted?" Followed by the laughter of the rest of the group.

"Kinda." She purred, letting them think what they will.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Jacklynn teased.

"Whore, you do it all." She teased back, looking up at the man who stifled his own chuckle. 

"Exactly." Laughter again from across the line. "Call me in the morning so I know you made it home... or at least, still safe. K?" Jacklynn asked.

"Will due.  Good luck and tell them sluts that they'll never believe what I'm about to go home with." She teased back, turning off the phone and breaking off the questions that would surly have followed.  "There." She looked up at the man with a smile of renewing confidence. "How far to your car?"  With a click of his key fob, a chirp and set of light shown down the road in the opposite direction of the club.  Just as she thought, he had been most likely heading to the club when he'd heard the commotion in the ally and come to her rescue.  This made her smile all the more and with a slight twisting of her hips she stepped up into her good heel and flung her arms almost around his neck.  The kiss that met her lips was one of passionate desire, not exactly what she'd expected but with such passion she found herself melting into his arms as he leaned her slightly back with the kiss.  Was that thunder rolling or was he growling? Her hand touched to his rock hard peck and sure enough there was a vibration coming through that stimulated her to the core.  Losing her sense of caution, her other hand slid down his abs, over his belt and oh... Her eyes opened as she took a step back out of his arms, breaking the moment.  For surely that wasn't his cock?!  Innocently like he opened his arms, palms up, showing he had no intention of overstepping if she chose to discontinue.

"My lady?" He asked smoothly with his baritone voice, dipping his head slightly to try to pry her eyes off his rather well endowment.

"Lady?" She asked with a sultry whisper, stepping forward and running her hand down the massive cord beneath his dress pants. "Let me repay you for saving your "Ladies" life..." She teased as she undid his buckle and let loose the snap barely holding back his cock.  He glanced back only once, towards the streets but even if somebody was standing across the road, they most likely couldn't see due to his sheer size let alone the sheet of rain.  His attention was immediately returned to her as the warmth of her hands was quickly followed by the wet heat of her mouth, slightly raking her teeth over the head.  His moans of pleasure was all she was looking for as she slowly took her time trying to force all his girth into her small mouth.  Even when she'd slicked and stroked and become impassioned into her oral fixation she found she was gagging at only half his length.  His hands firmly clasp the back of her head, taking her hair up into a long black tail that he held to like a horses reigns.  Again and again she tried to go just a bit further but each time she found herself needing to stop due to the size.  He was so controlled, she thought as she could feel his muscles tense with want to thrust, what lies beneath that control?  she toyed for only the briefest of moments as she forced him further into her throat and there... there he held her for just long enough to start the tears.  Releasing her from the hold but keeping his hands firmly in her hair she quickly backed off, breathing deeply as she coughed and looked up at him with tears starting to stream down her cheeks.  She wiped her mouth in irritated resolve, grabbed his cock and plunged it just as quickly back down her throat till the need to breath became desperate but his hands held her firm.  As if they already had a code worked out between each other she tapped his thighs twice and he released her from his cock, pulling her up off the ground by the hair of the head.  She gasped for air, holding tightly to the wrist of the his hand that was suspending her onto her tiptoes.  She was glad she didn't wear her favorite panties beneath her knee high skirt, as his hand shot up under it and his fingers clapped around the moisture gathered between her thighs.  A ripping jerk, a pull and down they fell to her knees where she quickly did a wiggling squirm to usher them on to her heels.  Her foot no sooner left the nearly broken loop and she was hefted upward by a strong hand on her ass in tangent with the one in her hair.  Just enough pain to stimulate her on, as she clasped her knees around his waist and felt his member pulse at the edge of her entry.  She couldn't help but gasp and take a deep shuttering breath as he pushed in, stretching her further than she'd ever been before.  Immediately her hands snaked around his neck as his held her firmly to himself while supporting her from the cushion of her ass.  It was painfully deep when he stopped the downward motion and began to lift, drop her in a slow but building rhythm.  She could taste the blood of her lip that she'd bit through trying not to scream from the pleasure pain but she couldn't hide it as she squeak moaned.  Her modest sized breast squished against his chest as he caused the nipples to rake up and down his body through her light and flimsy bra.  She wanted to much all at the same time, and he seemed to sense it as his thrust became more pointed, driving against the wall wherein it no longer hurt but sent waves of pleasure racing throughout her body.  If it was possible to feel her doing so, her vaginal walls clutched tighter to his cock as she felt the urgent need to release but... he was... just... so... With a harsh thrust and pull, he lifted her off just as she released in such a manner that she could do little to stop herself as she bit into his chest and gushed all down his slacks.  Her body racked with release as the tips of his fingers found the entry to her slick from behind and relentlessly he urged her for more while lifting her up higher till her shoulder bumped against his mouth.  Had he not been holding her, she'd fallen backwards onto the ground but instead her head lollied back and through eyes barely slit open of complete bliss she noticed to late... His fangs had extended and quick as a viper thrust into her shoulder close to the neck.  The pain was intense, causing her to dig her nails into his neck but just as quickly a warmth flooded her senses, causing her to slowly go slack in his arms.  As the flashes of lightening started to fade to black, images come into her mind of the ally way... The Cross that had laid just out of reach of the man... The black garbs of a priest... "Too late" rung the baritone voice through the last conscious thoughts.


The end?

All content created for the purpose of enjoyment, all rights and privilege's to this story is solely reserved and may not be copied or duplicated in any way, without written consent of the author, Max Heathen.


Hope ya enjoyed it ^,..,^

3 years ago. February 5, 2021 at 6:51 PM

G'morning Kinsters!

There is few things I hate more than sleeping, but there is perks to sleeping.  My ^Angelbunny^ waking me up from a very late, 7-8am-ish when I finally collapsed into bed this morning... So here's just some of the things I've come to find that I really do love about waking up:

1) Waking up before her and seeing her laying there, little cat nap eye mask to block her sight out, while a lil line of drool runs over my very aching arm of which I'm refusing to extract because I might wake her from where she's all snuggled up in me...


2) Waking up to her waking up.  When she slides that mask up and them peepers glisten at me followed by that small smile that slides on her face as she looks back at me. "Good morning, Master" she says ever so shyly...  I salivate like a wolf looking at a flock of unprotected sheep.


3) Waking up to her bowed ever so slightly at the side of my elevated four post, canopy bed (geared with suspension rigging), holding a hot cup of coffee.  Her jammies down around her ankles and a spoon for me to gather up some um... "honey, creamer" from her honey pot 😍😈 for me to mix into my coffee... mmmmmmmm sooo fuck'n good.


But this morning she come into the room... slides back the sheets and proceeded to wake me up to her tongue dancing up and over the tip of my naughty parts, thus causing me to instantly flare into a blaring heat storm of lust as I lay there, trying my damnedest not to thrust myself so hard the tip seeks her bellybutton... ooo no, no, no.  That would be a crime... she's doing this slow, slobbering, adoring and loving what she's doing to me, thing and I'm nearly hovering off the bed with energy from where's she's stoking my nempho infused desires.  The Sadist in me wants... longs... BEGS to wreck that lil thing's body, make her scream and cry as I take her like the demon beast that I am... and in the not to distant past, I most likely would have.  I know I'm rough.  I know I'm not the best person to be around due to my huge amounts of "unacceptable" that comes with being a sadist.  It's really is hard for me to find a reason to NOT be me some days, especially if I can't find my happy... but when I wake up like this... PLUS she has brought me my coffee that fills the room with the background fragrance of them beautiful beans... It reminds me of why I fight everyday to be human.


Hence, I'm giddy as fuck, dancing around bouncing and singing this: 


*Sips his coffee flavored with her "Honey creamer" from off the cock. Grinning ear to ear.*

Have a wonderful day, I sure the fuck am!

(Love you Angelbunny! 😘🐰, my gawd do you taste so fuck'n good!)

3 years ago. January 7, 2021 at 6:40 PM

Good morning Kinksters, freaks, sex addicts & vanilla inquisitors.  This will be a three part series that speaks about Cause & Effect on a general overall.  

Specifically we'll be looking at the effects & the general cause of jealousy on both sides.  Before we delve into this rather painful topic wherein my "fuck off, don't give a shit" usually kicks in... go grab something to drink. A bite to nibble.  Make yourself comfortable and Que up some light hearted music.  This blog is a novel 😣

Because its applicable:


😂😂 yeah I do like that song, despite its age. Still factual though.

For almost every action there is a reaction.  This isn't physics, so it's not always going to be an equality to the reaction.  Also, just like physics, if you understand the reaction, you can do a proactive approach to either neutralize or minimize (or predict with 90% accuracy) the reaction.

If you are in a monogamous relationship and never talk to the opposite sex, ever!!  Then you are being unrealistic in your head and you need more help than I can provide. 😂 For the rest of you mono e'mono jealousy is likely to pop its head up right at the most vulnerable moments.  The easy proactive approach is do not permit vulnerable moments, but again if that was so easy, this blog would end now.  Hence when the offended are saying "Just don't do that" I'm like, um... "Fuck you. Get over yourself."  Ouch! Harsh reaction!  No wonder I have such struggles with keeping a mate, yeah? 😂😂  Well here's the simple fact.  When it comes to jealousy I see it for what it truly is.  Insecurity in ones own self, suspicion being given form without genuine cause, negative manipulation, isolationism and in some cases.. guilty conscious or a mix of any of the above.


When I left my wife, I moved out to get away from a toxic relationship and went to move in with a female friend.  When I moved in, that was all it was for around four months and then it evolved into friends with benefits and in time a full blown relationship.  She was vastly younger than I, being the age of 18 when I moved in with her.  Over the next couple years we had a blast!  The relationship had its limitations though on both her and my side... we both had male and female friends, we both gamed on the same games and many of our friends were joint also.  Her limitations for me was that I bring nobody home without her consent and if I desired more than just 1 on 1, she'd consider it because the sex was fantastic and she was bi also.  My limitations for her was to not snoop through my stuff.  If she wanted knowledge, just ask and I'd unlock my PC, Phone, open my room to her. I don't ever feel the need to hide what I'm doing unless i'm trying to set up a wonderful surprise for you.  Close to the end of a three year run wherein we had some up's and downs, but the vast majority of the time was with joy, sex, PC gaming and stimulating conversation... something changed.  She started hiding away some, which she justified with just needing "me time" more and during her cycle she'd hurt so she'd lock herself in her room.   Me being me, I felt something was wrong and wasn't sure what it was so I just ignored it and let her have some time to work it out.  She then started gaming at different times, no longer wanting to team up and I'd figured she'd been flirting with somebody in game and it was getting more involved.  I don't mind, I'm Polyamorous so to me I just smiled and let her have her secret.  At least now I knew what was going on now.  She and another guild mate would always be on at the same time, be in the same locations, doing the same event and I could hear her giggling to the flirtation when I went by her room to "see a man about a walibe" 😉  Our sex life took only the slightest of hits, she didn't ignore me when we was together but when I started flirting with another female... OOOO SHIT!  Talk about double standards, sweet mother of pearl she was riddled with them and for the most part I didn't care because they really didn't effect me, but this... This effects me:  I confront her on her accusations and remind her that our agreement defined that I would not bring another home without her consent and that in all the years I'd never once done so. I remind her that I didn't set such limits on her and that she was free to explore all she wished and that I even was thrilled to find out the dude she was spending all her time with was closer to her age. After calmly talking for about an hour, cuddling on the couch and doing some "play time" we went to bed together wherein I held her all night and woke to a kiss before going off to work.  To me.. the issue was resolved and it was a good thing.. NOPE!  Like lighting the fuse to dynamite.  By the time I got home, passive aggressive had set up and every day from that point for the next three months was nothing but ice cold hate, arguments, and me being a sadistic fuck. I knew how to tormentor her till she struggled to sleep.  Beast and I LOVED IT!  Not just a little either, I thrilled to wake the next day, knowing what I and Beast had planned to make her life living hell.. but.. we had one condition.  Say nothing, do nothing to start the argument.  If she started the fight, he was free to play within the confines of no physical harm unless physically attacked. No breaking shit, and lastly... no idle threats.  Do or Do Not.  Needless to say by the end of the three months she ran out the door screaming and only came back after I went to work, to gather her stuff and move out. 🤣🤣

One year later she contacted me via in game.  Apologized for her part of what happened and confessed a few things.  I also apologized for my treatment of her and after about two hours of typing she called me and we had a great chat.

1) She was flirting with the other boy because she thought I was already flirting with another woman in game and she was doing it to upset me.

2) Her whole motive to all the fighting was to force me to run her off because she couldn't just leave me... I treated her too well.  Made her feel like there was nothing that I wouldn't do to keep her safe, sexually happy, mentally sound.  She couldn't handle me offering that to somebody else.

Jealousy is viscous in it's irrationality... It'll make you forget everything that your partner means to you, focus only on you without thoughts of how it will effect your partner or the real damage it can do the relationship or mental security.

Hurting people, Hurt people.  The more she hurt over my imaginary "whore" the more she tried to hurt me.  Succeeding only made me hurt, shut down inside, turn cold and I'd had enough of that from the ex wife so she got the worst of me.. in spades.  The sad part to this whole thing: She could have just asked.  I could have just followed my intuition and removed the doubt.  How simple it is to keep a relationship alive but Jealousy genders anger, anger causes hurt and the end result is always the same... Destruction that last for years upon years.

Fast forward to the next major relationship which started almost immediately because um... I don't like being alone and Beast is a fantastic hunter of prey.

Like match to gasoline, the woman who would become my donor set our worlds on fire and I thought the 18yr old was a wild cat in the bedroom, PSH! Vanillaish life, meet Rocky Road with a kick of whiskey.... Holy hell, was she a spit fire from day one.  We fucked so hard and long that we started calling it sex feast (Insert year) 😂😂  She would rip my back open, so hard I've actually got small chunks of tattoo missing but what she gave, she received with gleeful pleasure.  In the first two months we both lost close to 25 lbs from nothing more then sex and eating in between.. or during.. if at all... She was the first woman I'd ever known to endure so much for so long that when we finished and had to take a few days for body mending, I could hear her almost cry to pee..."it's like glass coming out."  My cock wasn't much better off... I had no clue you can bruise your shaft but apparently, with enough intentional bad angles, biting, nails and I think at one point she smacked it so hard I almost pissed on her... but to say I was in love was no where around the right wording.  She was ravaging, sexy as fuck, DD breast, hips and ass that would give a Nun a clitoral erection with an hour glass form despite her 250+lbs.  Her weight gave Beast more freedom though what he did was hell on my body. 😈😈😂 Within two months she moved in, fast forward through all the PC gaming, sex, fun, joy, happiness and extremely little disagreements wherein we would agree to disagree.

10 months in, she owns my heart... I'd never felt so free and desired as I did with her.  There was little that we didn't do together and as a reward I wanted to give her something she'd never had.  I set up a Haunted Hotel trip on the fringes of a lake during the fall so the fog would roll in... She LOVED haunted stuff, graveyards and such.  Close to $1,000 in a week long reservation plus food and events... it was set!  The catch?  She knew we was going somewhere, but not the location.  OMG we both was so stoked for the trip that the night before was deep intimacy mixed into our fangs and claws sexual bliss.  Day of, one hour before... bags packed, car ready, just double checking banking account, reservations, credit cards, etc for the upteenth time (I'm anal like that)... She walks into the game room, placing her hand on her hip and dead pan ask: "Who is she?"

"The whore you're fucking?"

I start to laugh and finish closing out computer, "You are my whore." while smiling ear to ear

"Fuck you, son of a bitch! I wanna know who the fuck the slut is!" She storms towards me and at this point i'm completely confused and wondering if she's doing a fucked up role play but this.. isn't funny.  Its not till she stabs me with her nails in the challenging poke that I realize she's totally serious... my gut drops out... like.. wtf?!  Instantly I stand toe to toe with her, reminding her of everything I do for her.  How I treat her, How I tell and show her every day how much I love her.  How having somebody else wasn't even rational seeing as I worked, come home to her, she'd go to work at 10p at night, I'd take her lunch at 1a and get in bed around 2:30a.. up for work by 5:30a... WHEN would I even have the time!?  30 - 45 minutes of arguing with me trying my damnedest to rationalize with irrationality... This hurt was heart crushing, enraging and her next jab was met with Beast catching her hand and forcing her to her knees with her wrist bent to the point of snapping.  Pulling him back, I let her go and stormed out of the room, smashing the wall on the way to the bedroom.  She didn't follow. Time to leave comes and I stop at the game room where she still sits afraid Beast was going to come back for her and point to the car. "You coming?  I'm leaving with or without your ass." She gets up, and follows silently to the car.

I'm still fuming some three hours into the ten hour trip.  "I'm sorry." she says. "I just wanted to know, her name." 

"What name? Should I make one up for you?" I can feel the ice forming inside.

"You don't understand.  Nobody treats me this nice unless they are fucking around on me." (self Insecurity)

"That's not my fault." trying not to punch her in the side of the fucking head as my hands shake on the wheel. "Should I apologize for treating you so fucking nicely then?" 

"You don't have to be an ass about it." (manipulation tactic 101, divert guilt.)

"Fuck you. I think I've earned the right to be pissed off." (Remember that hurting people statement... hold on tight.)

"Can't you just forgive me, and get over it already?" (manipulation tactic try #2, blame the target for bad behavior, aka guilt trip)

"How can you even think I was fucking around on you?"

Excuse upon excuse boils down to: "You said you're poly, so I know that you would fuck around and still treat me like a queen."

SERIOUSLY?!  "Soooo your excuse for tearing out my heart is based on fear rather than fact, expecting me to forgive and forget as though it never happened, your highness?  Go back to treating you like a queen without repercussions?"  I started laughing at this point... (keep holding on)

"Stop being a dick.  I said I'm sorry.  Why can't you just stop being pissy and love me."

"Stop.. being pissy, sure." Side glance "Soon as you suck it from my cock, I'll stop being pissy."

Fight number 2 ensues... imagine that.  🤣🤣🤣  Fight stops about an hour after it started because I literally tell her to shut her fucking mouth or she can find a ride to where ever.  I'll pull over and drag her ass by the hair of the head and leave her there.  By this time of course, the whole thing is my fault.  I'm upset over nothing and being petty about it.  She did say she was sorry after all... 

We arrive at the hotel in total silence.  I drop her off at the door, because I'm a dumb ass who for some reason felt manners matter however she took it as a sign that I'm now ok.  PSH!  Not by a long shot.  I haul our luggage inside this rustic rundown, though slightly elegant but creepy as fuck hotel and she gasp in wonder.  Onto the elevator that was maintenanced sometime in the 80's... 1880's that is... and on up to the 3rd floor bedroom where a homicide was committed in the very bed of which we was staying (mattress may have been changed, but still.)  At this point, I could really give a fuck less about the trip and I would have canceled except the deadline had expired and I had to put 1/2 down to reserve the room... BUT... All I needed to do was shower and sleep it off.  It was actually soothing to be in that room... probably because it felt satisfying to know she had NO FUCKING CLUE about the haunted room. 😈

After taking the shower, I felt pretty great... or at least in my head that's what I envisioned before "Why are you ruining this trip for us?" 

"Me? I haven't said a fucking word.  We just got here and I'm ruing the trip by... what?"

"Brooding." huffs "Being all in your head, giving me the silent treatment.  I said I'm sorry!"
"I agree."  Silence... ... ... ...

narrows her eyes as she realizes what I just said. "What's that suppose to mean?!"

Smirk "You are sorry. I agree... I am brooding. I agree." begins growling menacingly "But I'm by no means alone in my head.." jaw pops, neck twist, vertebra snaps one bone at a time along with the knuckles in my hands, my eyes close and I feel soooo much calm come over me.. I get an erection. When my eyes open, she see's Beast and freezes... starts to cry and stammer for words somewhere along "p p please"... drops to her knees and eeps out. "Don't kill me."

"You kill..." his voice deep and slithering  "I kill." He steps toward her and takes her by the chin.  "All die tonight." followed by a maniacal laugh... 
I'll spare you the details because Primal play has nothing on Beast.  Clothing torn from her body, flesh along with it, no care for damage done but no safety word spoken. She paid with her blood for the damage she'd done.  In the morning I knew I'd have to buy the sheets, clean the blood off the furniture and possible take her to the hospital. 

The next four years of on and off relationship with her, my heart never beat again. No empathy for her pain, no care for her burdens.  Sex. Feeding. Sharing a bed from time to time, she wanted nothing more nor does she to this day.  She has nobody but a bottle of Vodka that has almost killed her twice.  We still talk time to time and until Bunny, she'd come over to feed Beast, fuck and leave.  

Jealousy... it kills more than just the heart.  For some it destroys everything.

Is this what you see when you think of Jealousy?  Do you think it's "a bad thing but not that bad?" 

Wonder why that relationship just never recovered?  Nothing good comes from being Jealous.  It blinds one to the reality of their partner, undermines the trust that is so hard to build up to begin with.  It declares guilt without proof, all because of what?  Nobody can erase your past or help you get beyond its effects if you don't make a stand for yourself, against yourself and stop repeating the cycle of self loathing/insecurity.  Jealousy does not harm the Jealous person nearly as much as it does the one that the jealousy is being taken out on, and you call your Jealous ass a better person than somebody who is a sadist like me.
I know I'm a Sadist.  I don't hide it.  I forewarn any partner that I am, what I tend to do, how to help me see it's happening and how to detour the pain I'm about to inflict on them, onto something else.  
Does it work?  To take the time to be open with your partner.  Know yourself so well that you can train a partner to help you keep your shit from destroying the relationship? 

Fast foreword to this week (January 2021):  ^AngelBunny^ and I had a moment of not seeing eye to eye and my evolved reaction is to no longer allow anger to guide my tongue down a verbal lashing out in tormenting.  Instead, I take a deep breath and head from my PC to log in.  What I'm actually doing is brooding.  My mind is running 1000 miles a minute as I build up anger and then fight that irrational with rational.  I know my Bunny well enough to know that is a good slave.  She loves Beast and I, deeply.  She's not one to intentionally cause harm without being PIIISSED! (Yup, she can be fierce and its cute as fuck!) She has moments wherein she is centered on herself and can't see anything beyond what she wants, thus she doesn't always recognize that she's triggered something from my past that I'm still fighting (gaining victories, but still fighting) until its effects show up in my body language and her intuition kicks in to say something isn't right.  I encourage my Bunny to trust her intuition.  Even if its wrong, follow what you "Feel" carefully and probe delicately just in case the "read" was incorrect. (Don't start shit and there won't be shit, yeah?!)
Five minutes pass from when I log in and I'm brooding in full measure as I stare blank into the monitor, fighting what I know to be true against what I think to be true.  She gets up to go to the restroom, looking at me through the doorway of the bedroom before she goes to do her glittering into the magical porcelain stool.  (Girls don't pee, they glitter so shoosh!) I'm fully aware of what is going around me, as I saw her looking at me from my peripheral vision, and when she comes out of the restroom she does something strange... Something I can say that I've not remembered ever seeing happen in the 35yrs of my past memory.  She comes to me and kneels beside my chair to wait for me to acknowledge her... I let her wait as my desire to be spiteful is squelched by my willingness to take another chance on my Slave.
"Yes, Slave?"
"Can we talk" She ask humbly.
"What would you like to discuss, my slave?" Defused by her humility, my ramping up in brooding anger pauses.
"About what happened a few minutes ago."  She states softly with eyes searching mine as though she's waiting for my lash out.
From here we talk openly, every sentence that she speaks is without challenge. Every question is thought out and for me... this is what I've begged for from the time I first took vowels in a marriage.  She is using every tool that I've given her, in the methods that I've walked through in casual training on how to deal with my triggers.  By the time we finish having an open conversation about the issue, why she did what she did and what caused the triggers, and even why I have the triggers... something inside my chest hurts.  I felt like the Grinch as I sat there awed in wonder at this tiny lil thing that could strike me physically and make me laugh at how weak her body is... yet this warrior among slaves used her cunning, followed her heart and brought me a place I'm not use to being.  My chest weld up, that thing inside that I've kept in a cage of protection, pushed it's restraints and once again... for the hundredth time in the 8mo's we've been together... I take a chance on my slave and open my cage that she holds close to her breast.
NO, I didn't cry like at pussy ass Grinch does in the movie, but for me... This is a huge move of deeper trust than an emotional upheaval.
My slave is a ruthless warrior for my heart.  We both still have doubts that arise.  We both trigger.  We both open up and take huge risk on a phycological and emotional level.  Thus, I know that change comes when you learn to let go of the past and reach out for a better future.
Keep in mind:
Cause and effect, it's a chain of events, when all of its chaos makes perfect sense.  When your world spins around, things come undone.... well, welcome to earth, third rock from the sun.
We didn't get here at this point over night.  We've had bad moments and bumps in the road along the way.  We both are fighting against our past because we do not wish to be the person we once was.  We had to willingly make that choice on our own as individuals.  And here's the clincher... You don't know who that one is that you can love with all you are and trust everything to, until you take that chance.

Do it.
The pain of the past sucks, but there is healing and it starts with you.

*Somebody hand me my whip! this oshy goshy shit is getting too damn deep.*😘😂😘

3 years ago. October 18, 2020 at 2:58 PM

There is many sides to myself that I don't always share with the general public because most people don't grasp how quickly my mind swaps subjects and can go from "OMG that shit is SOOOooooOO funk'n adorable" to... coming up behind my partner, immediately and without warning, pressing her against the wall to squeeze twist her nipples and bite her on the shoulder for no more reason than I want to feel her firm flesh beneath the clamp of my jaws... hear her moan and borderline cry while my co... well... you get the idea.  One minute I can squee like a high school girl in shear raw excitement to sexual or sadistic... or a mix of the two.  Some days I'm so "needy" that I bruise her flower and claw her flesh, leaving welt trails that water would follow like being guided down a ravine.  The thrill I get from watching her blush so deep she's at a lose for word and eeps out.. "Maaaaster..." in her low plea for mercy till I unzip and work on helping her overcome her gag reflex... seeing those tears run eyeliner down her cheeks, makes Beast and I come un.glued!... And she's earned every ounce of energy we put behind craving her flesh as though its the very essences that keeps us alive. She has earned the effort and work that we put into the puddles she leaves till the sheets, blanket... and comforter.. are so soaked they require removal and washing, unless I pull her back into it.  Coaxing her to lay on my chest with my arms wrapped around her while my body takes on her scent and covers me.  For Beast and I, we love smelling of her.  We crave her juices to cover every inch of us. We want her to know how much she pleases us and how we see her as our property and we just as much her's.  What causes some of these rapid, animalist outburst? hahahahahaha... She does.  Purposely wearing clinging clothes of light fabric that shows her nipples poking out while walking through the house, her hips swaying as she pauses to give this lil happy bunny tail wiggle that is juuuust enough to make her firm but bouncy ass jiggle.  Clothes I helped pick out so she looks a bit "girly" in her comfy clothes. She loves her introvert attention... the kind that doesn't talk with much more than actions.  Most the time she doesn't want her mind worn out in long analytical debates, or deep contemplative conversation.  That's her job.  She want attention.  She craves Reaction.  Always? Hell no.  We snuggle, cuddle and some days have awesome analytical conversation but for the vast majority of her time around me... she does all the silent screaming for my attention.  Bringing me drinks, food, or interrupting my gaming with her slight bow instead of always going to the traditional knees.  Intentionally bowing just enough for her shirt to play pica-boo between my eyes and her lovely firm breast.  For a person who hasn't watched very much anime.. she's nailed the Anime on the head with the false innocents.  Seductively innocent outfits.  Cute lil giggles with her hand over her mouth, blushing and eating up my attention as she tentatively reveals another section of flesh, particularly... under boob.  To me, seeing her breast hang out the bottom of her shirt, is such a fantastic tease and I've told her as much.

So this past week when I received the latest pic of her... I literally Squee'd out loud!  O.  M.  G... Just a moment of back story here:  She & I have been spending a lot of RL time together, like weeks on end.  During which, she'll sit on my couch dinkering around on Pinterest all caught up in her INFP mind while I sit close by, watching anime.  Not the kind you may stereo type me for like Death Note, Blue Exorcist, Hunter X Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist (though I do enjoy these)... but more like Sword Art Online, ToRaDoRa (which she's starting to like because its very M/S), Beastars, BNA, "Love, Chunibyo & Other strong Delusions."  The cutesy shit found in these Anime simply make me happy in the void of my soullessness. 
Now back to date:  I receive the latest pic of her... dressed in navy striped under boob shirt, with this cutesy ass tie, around her subtle neck.  The bow of the tie, teases the top of her covered breast while it's length drapes delicately between as it comes to an end at her navel.  Salivating was already in full swing when she photo bombs me!  Navy blue Micro mini skirt as though she's an Anime school girl, going to one of those privet anime schools in full rebellion to the dress code!  Photo after Photo reveals more, and by the time I see that ass, that I LOVE to show my passion and desires on...  peeking beneath that micro mini.. I'm hard as a rock, idly stroking and growling so fiercely the dog runs off and hides!  Last photo comes of an up skirt and I'm about to start remodeling my walls with my own special kind of paste!  She knows what she's doing... she knows I'm going to rip into her body with abandon vigor when I see her next.. and she's just hoping that I let her get inside the house first.  This is my version of a good Slave & She's earned her place to be such... as well as the outpouring of my and Beast unchecked desire to claim her yet again! (2 more days 😈)

OOoooOOoo I would love to show y'all her photo's in that outfit of the above but I'm no longer Premier so I can't share photo's for now.  Sorry 😘

(If ya can't tell... I'm soo fucking proud of my ^Angelbunny^)

3 years ago. September 8, 2020 at 9:17 PM

If you go read my profile you would not think that my education extends beyond high school and that in itself may be questionable.  You would be correct.  I suck at book learning because my mind runs too fast so if its not something that holds my interest, its very difficult to keep my attention.  Nobody has forced me to further my education, nor did they force me to graduate high school.  I was and still am, rebellious to the core so to try to tell me what I WILL do or Force me to ___ without giving me justifiable reason, will be meet with cool, collective suspicion and resistance.  The alt to this is: unless you have gained my trust, wherein, I no longer require it... I know you.  You won't try to seek my harm or take advantage of me.  I think this is the reason that I love the concept of a higher power who gives a shit about me.  My God does not force anybody to do anything any longer.  He has made a way and now says, its up to you bunch of rebellious lil shits to find the path, study it and walk thereon.  I have sat and listened to scholars and intellects of far more superior quality than myself and to each one, of whom man has sought to gain knowledge from, they have all followed that very simplistic logic.  This is the situation, whether true or metaphoric.  This is the transition, in my opinion, that you will need to strive for.  You will know that you have met with success in one of two ways:  In failing to achieve the desired results, you learned what does not work and cease to repeat said methodology.  OR You have come to a place of enlightenment wherein you have received the positive outcome of which you desired.  NONE of them talk about dealing with the aftermath of being successful because the very concept of enlightenment is understood that the person seeking, understands the fall out of their desire BEFORE it is fulfilled.  This too is the process of enlightenment.  It is not just receiving the goal successfully... its also understanding the fall out and determining if the goal is WORTH the cost of fulfilling it.  So many times we see our results and leap at it blindly, then cry as we are impaled by bards that surround it unseen, even though enlightenment is much like a Rose.  If you let the beauty of flower distract you from the process of obtainment, you'll be skewed by the thorns.  Some Roses are simply best enjoyed on the plant.  Smell its lovely fragrance.  Enjoy the aesthetics of its delicate, supple beauty.  Acknowledge that some things are not meant to be plucked, while others have a navigational path wherein they can be plucked and taken home for a limited time.

Scripture teaches this lesson in a very simplistic metaphoric reality. "Cast not thine pearls before the swine..."  and it is to this that I am drawn to share.  Understand that this small sentence is steeped in depth of which is usually just skim read and taken for face value, therefore overlooked and scoffed at it in the neglect of understanding.


Casting is an intentional action.  Thought out or by response, if one is to cast it takes effort, as well as practiced study in the method.  One does not become an instant success in cast, just because they made ANY effort.  In this sense of the word, it is casting wherein the recipient is currently at, within range of them to receive but before their path of vision (understanding).  Simply put, if you cast before them, it is likely that they will respond and go forth to retrieve, wherein if you cast a behind them, they are less likely to even acknowledge its presence.


Yes it means literally "Your, Yours", therefore it is something that YOU have taken effort to claim yourself, most likely from the very nature of self help, study, meditations, and placing the correct course into action, thus taking knowledge to the next step of becoming wisdom.  You have been there, you've been through similar and "this pearl" is the wisdom you are willing to give.  Why?  Because you care enough to take something that is immensely valuable to you, and share it with another in hopes that it will not take them so long to come to the positive results they seek.  You struggled for days, weeks, months or possibly years.  Or you was offered the pearl to be taken from the hand of another, but either way you made effort to obtain it and thus it belongs to you because you reached out, claimed it and tucked it safely away upon your person so that you can recall it at any given time to help benefit you or your's, another day.  To give it away is a sacrifice.  Is the one of who you are sacrificing for, worth the cost you are giving away, free of charge.


In a literalism, "A natural pearl (often called an Oriental pearl) forms when an irritant works its way into a particular species of oyster, mussel, or clam. As a defense mechanism, the mollusk secretes a fluid to coat the irritant. Layer upon layer of this coating is deposited on the irritant until a lustrous pearl is formed."  Sound familiar?  Something is bothering you, causing a negative reaction to your core mindset.  Some people have a mind that says "wait, something is off... what? why? How can I stop this from repeating?" Some simply accept as if it's a part of life and thus live in the irritated state wherein they shit on everybody around them in one form or another, unable to find joy in themselves and therefore they seek to destroy any joy you may have simply because its not them who caused it, or worse yet... they can not abide that you are happy while they suffer with self infliction, denying the possibility of treatment, unwilling to take the time investment so that they themselves can be self sustaining in their own joy.  Notice, the irritant is NOT removed, it is coated over in self preservation... a willing, dedicated effort to accept that this is part of who they are, however it does not need to be something suffered.  Instead it can become something of beauty to others, wherein the value is solely upon the beholder.  To the Oyster, it has value of no longer being irritated all the time.  It'll hold this pearl till it is removed or till it passes out of this life, either way, to the oyster... its no longer an irritant, even though the oyster continues to tend to it on a daily bases just to maintain its own betterment of life.  To another, the pearl within may look basic and unattractive, while yet another covets the pearl with a deep desire.  Then there is the Pigs.


Pigs are tasty!  MMMMMM BACON!  However very nasty and back in the day of this saying, pigs were considered an "Unclean food" which was not to be eaten because of all the micro organisms living in... and on them.  Because disease control upon society was so low that a pig could wipe out an entire village with salmonella because pigs lack the simplistic sweat gland and therefore controls self body heat by rolling in mud, most often created by their own shit, wherein they trample to keep it fresh, permitting nothing to grow, so it can keep itself from overheating.  Pigs are by nature gluttonous, consuming anything placed within their range of smell and amazingly, pigs have an extremely keen sense of smell that they use to devour anything within its range.  Pigs do not care about taste, quality value of what its eating, or amount.  It'll fight to obtain the food, pushing and shoving, squealing in frustration and threat, just to eat anything it can put in its mouth and grind beneath its very powerful jaws.  The meat inside a pig is just as full of micro organisms and parasites, much like humans... when the body dies, these organism spring to life, consuming the rot and we see them as maggots or "worms", who are simply doing what they was designed for... disease and infection control.  Hence when you cook pork, you must cook it fully or risk becoming sick because those lil bastards don't care about the living, only the dead feed them. (YOU MUST DIE! I ALONE AM BEST! Muhahahaha)

So when it is said do not cast thine pearls before the swine, what is actually being said is:  Not everybody is worth your value.  Be careful where you try to share your wisdom (pearls) because watching pigs eat without thought, the very thing that took you years of overcoming and tending to every day of, is crushing.  Where you sought to help, you now are part of the pigs food source, and though they will squeal for more, you are to them nothing more than a source of self sustaining gluttony that provides for them, so they can receive ANYTHING without any more effort than to sound like they are in pain and need.  In the time of this metaphor being spoken, what they are implying is not only will they not value you or what you have overcome and willingly sharing... they themselves are self centered, self serving, devours of all things and will revel and roll in the very shit they cause.  They are unworthy of your attention, and to take one unto your own self could cause you long term harm that can spread to everyone you come in contact with, ultimately ending in the destruction of everything.  Even if the pig themselves is dead (no longer in your life), if its "meat" (mindset) is consumed, you and all of yours are the ones who may pay the cost with the destruction of your own family of whom you can not provide for because... you gave your valuables to the very swine that is killing you.


I honestly don't know who this is for.  I was fixing lunch when it come upon me to put out this blog.
Before you jump to conclusions let me give one last bit of insight:  At no point does this metaphor say, that pigs are worthless and unable to obtain enlightenment wherein they evolve.  Because in many ways, Pigs and Humans are similar.  A pig is a pig, but a human who thinks like a pig, is still a human, however until the human comes away from the pigs mindset they will always remain a pig.  It is up to them to come out of the shit by their own choice.  Show them the pearl, but do not cast it.  

May your hearts heal.  Your minds be of soundness.  Your soul full of peace.  Your days filled with more joy than anguish. It is YOUR choice to let others infect, or effect your joy.

Max, a self proclaimed Heathen who walks in the paths that criss cross throughout his life.

3 years ago. August 26, 2020 at 11:15 PM

Working 12hr shifts is usually easy and I have no issues other than working at a facility I've become disenchanted with... It doesn't help one lil bit that my ^AngelBunny^ is staying with me and all I really wanna do is be in her, game and be in her more.  Yes yes yes, I give appropriate 30 second snuggles before pushing her out of bed and having her make me something to eat, bring it back crawling on hands and knees while I get to laugh my ass off as the dog sniffs her's and tries yet again to hump her.  ... ...  Now that you are either laughing your ass off, drooling or well offended, WELCOME TO MY FRUSTRATED WORLD!  Good!  We are all on the same page, no matter how ya read it.

So first off, I rather enjoy snuggle time so 30sec is more like 2hrs 

She does fix me food and drinks but it brings her great joy to do so, and even then I can't bring myself to bark an order, however taking my "would you please" for, "oh, its optional" is a major mistake.  I have manners a mile long but I have morals of a homicidal necrophilia hooker who just so happens to be a Nymphomaniac and have such an imagination that while we are out shopping, she points out the lovely item and I'm telling her how we could use it for physical pleasure in one form or another.  *Cutesy smile and Squee noise* .. guess who has fantastically warped punishments?!? 😈😈🤡

Anyways I digress... I come home from this shit shift of slight lunacy wherein I just want to Hannibal Lector the overhead and and its been at least 16hrs since I've been inside her... SIX TEEN HOOOOOURS!!  No! Sleep is optional, that Is NOT an excuse!! I'm now at the point that I can smell her in my skin and I'm coming home fixated on that lovely dripping slit that has given me great nourishment.  I crave to bury my face in her lil cali lilly and engorge myself on the nectar from within, lay her naked frame back from where she awaits me, naked on her knees, head bowed, to allow my first gaze to be filled the gorgeousness of her creamy flesh... and thus begin the mating rituals of EVERY FUCKING ANIMAL ALIVE!  



As I approach the porch my memory module flashes "ERROR, ERROR, ERROR" and I then get the memory message that my lil slave who is waiting JUST .. INSIDE... THOSE... DOORS... is actually in the midst of a business meeting on-line and I need to wait for her meeting to end before I can even SEE her... 


 (Advise stopping after 8min in, but just a recommendation.)


I enter my home, through the back door so I don't disturb the meeting... sulkingly make a drink and slink off to my room, wherein I wait... and wait.... and FINALLY!  She enters my room



And just like that...



Hope y'all enjoyed the way I wasted time, waiting for my bunny to finish her meetings 😋  Have a great, wonderful, sexually explicit, orgasmic day!





3 years ago. August 10, 2020 at 10:22 PM

I rarely view my life as it actually is, as I have a very over active imagination that is FAR more entertaining than reality.  Instead, I mix reality with personal fantasy and maintain my happiness from there.  It makes life easier to digest and helps me be a kinder me that in reality I struggle to be.  I have my very real Beast who helped carve me into a dark, cynical, sato-masochist.  I use to be paranoid, had multiple personalities, suffered night terrors so vividly that I'd wake bleeding and had to learn to self tie to my bed so that I remained in my own room.  I use to think that I was all kinds of broken and fucked up but in time I spoke with one who pointed out that I carry a tool box with me wherever I go.  "For somebody who is so fucked up and broken, you have a rather large arsenal of toys in your Tool box."


Taps my noggen with his aged and wrinkly knuckles. "Your Tool box."

Here I was bitching about life and the shit it keeps throwing at me like I'm screaming "PULL" for the next big ass buffalo chip to be tossed at my head and he had listened intently, chuckling with exasperation as I spoke of how I viewed myself.  I was barely in my twenties at the time and like many others of my age, I felt life was unfair and blaming everybody / everything else as well as the circumstances that had lead me to his door step.  No he didn't particularly like me and to be honest I disliked him just as much but I he was conveniently accessible, honestly raw and rarely tied up with life, so he'd sit and laugh at my misery while we ate apples beneath a huge oak tree.

"You sit here bitching about life like you are Adam, son." He continued on.  "You think you are unique and special but here's a secret for you..." Leans in and places the back of his hand to the corner of his mouth. "You're not."  Commences cackle laughing at my narrowing eyes of Fuck'offery... "You humans and your inability to use the greatest tool box in all of creation, will never end in my delight of your own self destruction."

"I know coming to you is like asking to be shot with salt blast and tended to with lemon juice but can you at least be a bit more clear while you insult and mock me?" I glowered and growled in my contempt for him.

"Fine, fine, fine, stupid child needs me to hold his cock while he pisses." Taking a moment to light a pipe so ancient it looked like it was whittled out of the first tree to every grow and dinged black with use, dirt, grit and possibly blood...

"At least mine works, old fart" I spat back, grabbing my crotch and making a mocking noise.

"Maybe." Puffs his pipe unaffected by my insult. "But your the only one using it." Smirks and continues to take a draw on his pipe.

"Like you'res was ever used by anything more than an unwilling sheep?  Or did you face fuck the carp you caught too?" I shot back a bit irritated as he poked at the lack of sex I was getting from my wife.

"Best head... Ever." Winks at me and then points the mouth piece of his pipe at me. "That right there is what I'm talking about." He interjected before I could sling out another insult.


"See how fast you insult? The quick wit, almost automatic responses that your mouth spews out like a geyser once it bubbles up ... How did you get that way?" 

I stopped and studied him for a minute... what was the angle here... "Dad..." I said tentatively. "Brother.. five uncles, aunts, friends.. " I said more confident that this wasn't a set up.

"So you was trained to be that way. Yes?  Adapt or be consumed.  Over come or be picked on for the rest of your days." Pokes my chest with the nasty mouth piece. "That's what I'm talking about.  You sit here bitching and crying about shit that comes at you while unable to see that if it wasn't for all that shit... you would be run over by life, beaten and bleeding in stream." He paused to take another puff and blow the smoke at me before he continued.  "The very thing you see as abusive, hateful and uncaring is toys you've placed in your tool box." He sat looking at me while my brain was catching up with where he was directing me to. "You have so many toys at your disposal from all that you have faced so far, stored away in your tool box but when shit comes at you, you insist on this stupid cycle of OHHH WHOA IS MEee, boo hoo, bullshit.  Brake the damn cycle and you'll see that life doesn't give a rats ass about whether you're happy, sad, angry or joyous.  Life just IS.  How you view it will determine on what you take from it." 

"But.." I sat unwilling to accept what he was saying, much like most people who cry about wanting to change yet unwilling to let go and actually make it happen.

"But what, Max?" Narrowing his eyes in his study of my internal dilemma.. "Do you fear to admit to yourself that your life is shit because you chose to view it that way?" Leans in and taps my forehead with his pipe tip again, drawling me out of thought. "The cycle you repeat is your choice.  Who you let effect you, is your choice.  What you allow to piss on you, is your choice, Max.  What's the point of having toys in your tool box, if all you ever plan to do is ignore them?"

"I hate you, old man..." I muttered as his words sunk in.

"Yeah, I know." He stated with a chuckle as he offered me his pipe of which I took in a dream state of thought and drew from, letting the sweet, aromatic tobacco swirl across my scenes.

"Is it really that simple? Make a choice and go forward?" I blew the smoke out slowly in contemplation.

"No, kid.  You'll have to make this choice every minute of everyday until it becomes a process as sharp as your tongue." 

After sitting there and enjoying his pipe while lost in thought I handed his pipe back to him with a small smile crossing my lips. "That's..." Puzzled why he hadn't claimed his pipe, I turn my attention back to the old man, only to find the vast darkness that encompassed the huge oak tree planted in the forest of my mind.  "Thanks Beast" I said to the red eyes that stared at me from the shadows as the pipe vanished from my hand, into his while he flipped me off and lumbered back into the recesses of my mind.

Life is how you view it to be. You may not be able to change the circumstance but how you view it is all up to you.

Nobody can fix you because you are not broken. If you was broken, you would not seek or dare to hope for better.

Change how you think.  Use the toys in your tool box... or as I've said many many times before to those going though shit:  Suck it up mamby pamby, time to get off the tit.  😉😂😂😂

3 years ago. July 28, 2020 at 1:59 AM

I have this thing for intoxicating fear... Watching the fear well up in a persons eyes, smelling it come off their skin as they mind struggles to process what is unknown and bizarre to them.  Oddly enough its usually the children that are more willing to approach me than the adults and yes it funny as fuck to watch mom nearly faint as her baby girl just walks up to me with her arms out.  I find this to be even more intoxicating... when people look past the outward appearance and find a way to accept what the mind struggles to comprehend. Today was no different other than having Covid mask:


As I went out from store to store, got something to eat, and filled up the truck with gas, I had a blast when some of the local Mexican's started pointing at me and rambling on in Spanish, Like I understand all that... However I've watched enough Dora the Explorer to know some and body language traverses the gap no matter what you speak.  Before long, I was squatting with a family of four children and five adults ranging somewhere between 20's and 70's having pictures taken as I thoroughly hammed it up, looking like I'm biting the skulls of children, choke holding mom (assuming), about to tear the throat out of dad (also assuming) and covid mask kissing grandma on the cheek... She was a sight!  Didn't need to understand a word from any of them to know that I just made their day and that to me was totally worth the forty five minutes of prosthesis placement, scar forming, and makeup.  Sometimes its the odd things in life that help wash the stress away from the mundane life in this zombie apocalypse. 


Even better was when I got home, my ^AngelBunny^ asking if I'd dress up like this for her sometime when we go out.  (She hasn't a clue that I plan to dress her also, muhahahahaha)

^^^ From the shadows of my door entrance ^^^

vvv More of what people saw until I got inside to take the sunglasses off. vvv

The boots are steal bottom, biking boots.  Heavy AF and makes a wonderful THUD when walking.

Yes I have to wear the sunglasses in the full light of the sun, its not an option.  BUT!

I love being me!  😎😂   vvv Just a few more to see from the sides vvv