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The Isolation Diaries

Just some thoughts and musings whilst remote working in self isolation...
3 years ago. December 3, 2020 at 1:15 PM

How do cagebots,

its been a while.  

You’ll be pleased to know that I have been able to get my youngest to tidy her room( after a fashion).


the next challenge I have is overcoming this mind numbing boredom of being on holiday all week and not being able to go anywhere.   Only so much porn one monkey can watch.

it’s not like I don’t have hobbies either, I enjoy writing and play a bit of guitar (badly) but just lacking any motivation to do anything.

if anyone has any suggestions or even just fancies a wee chat by all means drop me a line.  Yes I know how desperate that makes me seem but times are hard and I’m needing to pas the time somehow.



4 years ago. November 20, 2020 at 9:52 AM

If there’s something we can all agree on 2020 has been a pure ball ache, and not in a good way. What follows dose come across as being quite selfish, it’s not intended but I do just need a wee rant.  

From a personal point of view on top of being shut in due to our new friend, Miss Rona, I’ve have lost friends and family to the virus and suicide no doubt not helped with the lockdown which is essential but very difficult to deal with, I have not been able to get to the funerals. I have also struggled with my own mental health this year, not having left my local area for about 4 months.  My work are also going through a period of uncertainty where there is a very real chance that I will loose my job.

however despite all that I think I have found 2020’s greatest challenge...getting my 5 year old daughter to keep her room tidy.  It is genuinely one of the most stressful things I have had to endure, but we shall prevail.

Till next time cagebots,



4 years ago. October 6, 2020 at 6:11 PM

Ok, due to recent developments in relation to both the covid and just the levels of general idiocy I have decided it is time for some drastic action.  

I plan to use the thinning of the veil during Samhain to call forth a terrible creature of shadow and castigation.  The very earth tremble before his dreadful visage, ancient trees will wilt in his wake and the skies themselves will bleed.  All those, whom through their own ignorance and selfishness, refuse to accept that other people can be more vulnerable than them shall be hunted down, dragged screaming into the night.  They will learn the errors of their ways as the flesh is flensed from their bodies.  They will learn respect for others as their very soul is sundered.  They learn the name of their tormentor and know to fear it, a name so horrific it has echo’d through the ages, burned into the very essence of our shared consciousness. That name shall be...Tim.


Anyways, till next time fellow cagerinos, I’m off to find a hobby, I clearly have too much time on my hands.

4 years ago. September 30, 2020 at 2:38 PM

So, after a second night of “illuminating” house parties I have to say the warm glow is welcome at this time of year.  The smell takes a bit of getting used to though.

4 years ago. September 29, 2020 at 12:41 PM

Hello again from the wasteland.


its been a while since I last posted an update from the end times.  I figured it was long overdue.


As many of you will be aware in the uk we are seeing a rise in cases of infected.  This has meant that I have had to resume perimeter patrols with my attack hound. 

thankfully I have seen no infected on my tours. I have however seen a disturbing number of house parties which are apparently the cause of this second wave.  

it looked like they were having a good time too, lots of drinking, music dancing.  Folk having the time of thier lives.  Made me almost feel bad for pouring some petrol through the letter box and watching the building being consumed by flames.   Almost

til next time folks

4 years ago. August 6, 2020 at 3:20 PM

How do cagebots,


this is attempt number 2 at posting this.  And I’m afraid that there will be very few mentions of the living dead in today’s post.


This is something I’ve been meaning to post for a while but never quite sure how to put the words together in a manner that made sense.  The I popped on today and seen a few blog entries that kind of touched on a similar theme and figured I’d share.


As I’ve mentioned before in a couple of blogs, I suffer from pretty bad anxiety.  When I first joined this site I was not in a good place mentally.  This was down to a number of factors which I’m not going to go into here.


Since joining though, although it may not seem it, I have found this place to be the ideal outlet for me, even if it is random thoughts passed through the filter of an over active imagination.

Having spoken to a few of you via chat and blog entries I have been able to centre myself and am now in a much better place than I was before.  So I suppose I really just want to say thank you.


i know often when I post it is often nonsense but it offers me an element of escapism and interaction that I would not otherwise have.


most importantly of all, if anyone is feeling overwhelmed or not great about them selves remember you are not alone, reach out, look out for each other.  

Anyways, now I’ve got that off my chest, I’m off for a wank.




4 years ago. August 5, 2020 at 12:07 PM

Good afternoon Cagerinos,


I bring bad and good news from the wasteland.

The bad news is that Aberdeen has been locked off from the rest of the country due to them being unable to contain the zombie plague that has ravaged these lands for so long. 


The good news is that Aberdeen has been locked off from the rest of the country due to them being unable to contain the zombie plague that has ravaged these lands for so long.


thankfully I don’t live in the north east and we are still able to roam freely, aside from the minor inconvenience of having to wear a mask in shops.  

We must stay vigilant though my brothers and sisters of the cage, unless we too suffer a similar fate as our funny speaking neighbours to the north.

till next time



4 years ago. August 4, 2020 at 7:38 PM

How do cagebots,


how the fuck are we all?


i appear to becoming a less and less frequent visitor here, but don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about you all.  

As the restrictions of lockdown are slowly being  relaxed I’m having less and less time to keep all shite to all you lovely people updated with news from the wastelands.

speaking of which, I have a funeral on Thursday (not covid related) Due to the ever present threat of a zombie outbreak we can’t attend the service so we apparently stand at the side of the road while the hearse passes.  It’ll be odd but these things need to be done.  And don’t fear, I’ll have my handy ice pick on hand in the case of a resurrection event.


anyways hope you are all well and safe, till next time,


ta ta for now. 


4 years ago. July 17, 2020 at 10:12 AM

Hello fellow cagebots,


I bring you good news from the land of Irn-Bru and deep fried Mars bars, the virus which has afflicted us for so long is in the decline.

I appreciate some of you may live in areas which have been less able to stem the zombie plague and my thoughts are with you.


however I cannot deny how buzzin’ I am that the younglings can now go out and play and even visit their gran and papa meaning me and the wife get some degree of sanity for the first time in 4 months.


The only real restriction is having to wear a mask in shops and on busses which is a minor thing in the scheme of things.

there will still be the odd flair up obviously, hopefully though if we can keep the murder squads in place we can keep those infected by the zombie virus to a minimum. With any luck and the good work of these essential and bloody workers we can  avoid a second wave.


anyways till next time stay safe and stack your pyres high.

4 years ago. July 6, 2020 at 10:12 AM

How do cagearinos,


As promised part deux of Saturday’s post.

Also from this point I will no longer be calling them robo-dommes, but deceptidommes.  It just sounds cooler  and appeals to the transformers man in me.


Anyways, onto business.


So last time we worked out how to identify the deceptidommes by the caveman like grasp of grammar and thier insatiable hunger for amazon vouchers or money, what do you do now.


Thankfully on here (the cage) there is a team of responsible mods and admins who you can report them to, many sites do.

This is the reason quite a lot of the time they will try and get you to an unmoderated place, google hangouts for example where they can suck you dry of all your monies leaving you a poor embarrassed husk of your former self.


so the obvious thing is not to go to an unmoderated place unless you are 100% confident on who you are speaking to.  Stranger danger is a thing.


you should also remember to have a bit of self respect, it’s easy to forget...especially if you are pretty new...that regardless of your role you are still a person with your own thoughts and limits, if something dosn’t feel right just leave, you’ll feel better for it in the long run.


also, and I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT give them any money.  It may seem like a small amount they ask for but they will keep at you once they know you are able to pay.  It also encourages them to go after others, so long as it’s profitable they will keep doing it.


if you think one of your friends might be mixed up in something like this talk to them, the chances are they are too embarrassed to look for help, look out for each other.


remember online actions can have real life impacts.


failing all that kill it with fire*

anyways a bit more straight faced than usual but sometimes it’s needed.  And hopefully together we can defeat the evil deceptidommes.


*i do not condone killing anything with fire** as it is illegal in most countries.

** unless it is a witch***

***that was a joke, witches  are cool and should not be burned****

****unless they are like a bad witch like in wizard of oz, but I suppose you could just use water and melt them.*****

*****Do witches melt in water?******

******No they don’t, and stop putting in foot notes it’s a pain in the dick.