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Real vs Fake

Ramblings of a novice learning her way.
3 years ago. July 29, 2020 at 7:19 AM

First I know I am not a bad friend but I done fucked up.

Story: Yesterday my wonderful, caring, and generous female boss asked a favor of me. Her dryer is broken so she was drying her clothes at the facility, they were not dry yet. So she asked me if I could bag them up and put them in her office when done. No problem right?

Well I am horrible at remembering to check the laundry... so of course my procrastinating ass doesn’t check the dryer until an hour or so from the end of my shift.... still not them again. End of shift, dryers done, check it, still not dry....shit! 

Shift change with my male coworker, I said “hey these are the boss’s clothes, they are on their third run in the dryer, when they are done please bag them up” 

He says “ No problem, I will fold them when they are done.” Aww isn’t that fuckin sweet. “I truly don’t think that’s necessary or expected, just please put them in the bag” 

Right well the fucking sweetheart didn’t listen. 
So this morning my boss comes on to work to her laundry all neatly folded on top of the dryer. And of course out of a load of only dresses and blouses.... there is one pair of panties... and of course their period panties!!! Which would have been fine if it was me, as I am a female and understand these things.

Well needless to say my poor boss was mortified and I’m a shitty friend for enabling a very embarrassing moment in her day/life.

So now I have the whole hour ride home to think about how I caused such embarrassment for such a kindhearted person. 

Dick move Knotti....

Much love everyone


3 years ago. July 28, 2020 at 7:15 AM

Shit. Knotti you know better.

Short Story short: I commented on a fellow subs blog, offering advice along the way I call some nameless, faceless person (in said blog) ”a crazy b****”....Shortly after I go about my work and think to myself “Shouldn’t have done that, other things I could have said then calling anyone a name“ .... and sure enough not even twenty minutes later, I get a message calling me the one thing I can’t stand above all others!!!! 
Im a big girl and am fine but as soon as I saw the offensive message, I thought “yup, shouldn’t have done that.” (Even if it was meant to bring some humor to someone)
Bad Knotti


I apologize for going against my own written words and thank you for reminding me that words have power.

Take it on the chin, and move on, lesson learned. Damn it.


Much Love


3 years ago. July 28, 2020 at 2:25 AM

DISCLAIMER: If you have ever been abused or severely traumatized by some you trust, this post may not be for you, or maybe it is for you even more. I have no way of knowing as I can not claim any major abuse or trauma by a trusted person in my life. Just know that my intention is never to cause pain or trigger negative memories.



Welcome to Knotti’s house of pain... Muhahaha (evil laugh, lmao)

Trust, big topic on the blogs and always will be; as it is an essential part of the bdsm lifestyle. However I wanted to put my own spin on it... always trying to stay in the positive!

To trust or not to trust? Is that really the question? No!!!!!! It isn’t....

What are you gaining by keeping your walls up and not letting people in? Nothing. The only thing your doing is making sure you don’t get hurt. That’s what you think at least. In reality all you’re doing is ensuring that no one else hurts you. By choosing into the walls, and anti-trust, you are hurting yourself. What I like to call a “red vote” for your life.

Yes, keeping the walls up and trust to yourself, ensures no one can betray you or abuse your trust. However it also keeps the people that would bring healing and love into your life away as well.

The question is, would you rather be alone with your defenses or would you rather deal with a little pain in order to be rewarded in the end?

My answer: Bring on the pain!!!!

Life is pain, one way or another. There isn’t any avoiding it, all you will do in trying, is hurt yourself more or keep yourself limited to what you know. No Bueno...

Everyone is afraid of the unknown, but why? All the unknown holds is everything we don’t have or haven’t experienced.

Most people are of the mindset that trust needs to be earned and it does... to a point. There comes a time where you just need to take a leap of faith. What’s the worse that could happen if your smart about it?

You trust someone - they break it, what’s that say about you? Nothing, it’s all about them. Why would someone abusing your gift of trust reflect on you? Because you “chose the wrong person”? Nonsense... how would you know they were “wrong“ until they showed you? You wouldn’t.

The more open I am and the faster I let someone in, the quicker I see if they can “cut it” or not.

My life is full of wonderful, genuine, compassionate people, but I never would have the opportunity to know that in its truth, if I kept everyone at arms length with “walls”.

If someone hurts you, that is a reflection on them, never you. Don’t let the few duds in the world keep you from finding the many sincere.

At the end of the day if you have stepped into honesty, vulnerability, and trust. You have done all you can do and will be at peace, no matter the actions of others. 

I am not saying stepping into trust is easy, but most things worth it, aren’t.

Chin up ladies and gents. Much love.


3 years ago. July 26, 2020 at 10:31 PM

She has been waiting. Waiting for this. Waiting for him. The anticipation that is always with her building...Her skin is electrified,  she can’t keep from panting. Blindfolded and bound with hands behind her back....waiting.

She sits on a stool, all sides of her exposed, every nerve sparking, anticipating, waiting.

She can here him setting out things on the table, she doesn’t know what, and that makes her heart pump a little harder, breath coming a little faster.

Bottom lip between her teeth, she hears movement, he’s coming for her. She cocks her head towards him, like that will help her hear him better.

“No moving Goddess” his voice washes over her. A calming glide, centering her, sending shivers from head to toe. “Yes Sir” she gasps.

Keeping her head facing forward, she revels in the heat coming off him as he stands behind her. Her legs are spread, arms tight behind her back, pushing her chest out. When will he touch her, anticipation making her shake, waiting for it, for him.

She feels it then....his large, gentle hand sweeping her hair to the side, his lips placing a sweet kiss on her neck. Goosebumps explode, nipples tight, just that featherlight touch has her gasping and clenching.

His kisses climbs higher her neck, her chin. His other arm wraps around just underneath her breasts. Feeling cherished with so much of him wrapped around her, holding her safe and close. He guides her head to the side sharing an intense fiery kiss filled with all their combined passion.

Still kissing, he brings both hands to each breast. Her perky breasts filling his hands just perfectly. He firmly pinched each nipple, having her gasping in their kiss. He ends the kiss with a peck and nip to her lip, one last tug on her nipples, and steps away.

Trembling and shuddering from the brief contact, she almost wants to cry. But she doesn’t. He’s not leaving her, no, she knows what he wants. Oh how he will worship her, but first..... he’ll make her wait, make her beg.

Chin up, tight nipples on fire, pussy quivering and weeping for him, she’s waiting again.... the sweetest torture and most delicious pain.... the waiting... Wicked Sir, Caring Sir, Commanding Sir, Sweet Sir, Her Sir.


To be Continued....

3 years ago. July 24, 2020 at 2:54 AM

In life, “how you do one thing is how you do most things”.



* If someone cleans their house in a half-ass way consistently, then they probably do most things half-ass.


*If someone consistently whines about having to work hard, they will most likely whine about having to do any type of hard work; on themselves, in a relationship, whatever that may look like.


*If someone has to be consistently reminded about the little things or details, they don’t pay enough attention. 🚩 They will let the little details in all things pass them by without notice... no bueno


Personal Example: I am a world class procrastinator. This applies to everything I do and is a major “red vote” in my life for my life. * I have searched within and am sure this is because I love a challenge, nor can I turn one down very often. Now instead of over-analyzing this part of my character to death; I just need to challenge myself in healthy ways. (Something I believe will be helped with a d/s relationship.)

Now enough focus on the negative. Don’t forget the flip side!


* Someone who has put obvious effort in the way they approach you and continue with the effort, is someone who probably puts effort into anything that matters to them.

*Someone who consistently does kind acts, is a truly kind person. 

Now the examples could go on and on, as it is in everything. This belief has helped me in identifying potential partners/friends quickly and potential disasters as well. It also has one paying more attention in how they go about their own life, which is never a bad thing in my opinion. Also see that most examples have a running theme of consistency, that is the key with this belief.

Everyone stay safe and much love. 💕 


3 years ago. July 23, 2020 at 7:14 PM

First I would like to kick this blog off by apologizing to the real Doms on this site. You have to deal with the aftermath of fake Doms who don’t understand the true meaning/ways of this lifestyle. If the subs they damage even make it as far as sticking around to find a true dom. The apology extends to the subs as well.... chin up ladies and gents, stay strong in your spirit and don’t let them get you down. 

To the pretend Doms out there: A dom is a gentleman and a grown ass man/woman that doesn’t resort to name calling when politely denied with good wishes. That is poor behavior in any world vanilla/bdsm. A dom listens to a sub and acknowledges her or his concerns, instead of just dismissing them. 

No one should call people names any way it’s mean and unnecessary, you don’t like someone don’t talk to them. If your angry go hit a punching bag or something don’t take it out on people. No one wants somebody else’s negativity.

To the fake subs out there: Stop it. Real subs have to deal with your aftermath just as much as the Doms and it is annoying. A sub is composed and holds herself to a personal standard of behavior no matter what anyone else is doing. 

There will always be people who pretend to be something they are not, so I guess those of us who are sincere just have to deal. Chin up everybody, don’t let the fakers and haters keep you from taking risks to find your partner or your true self. 

Much love everyone. 

P.s. If someone threatens you, you should block them and even report them. That is absolutely unacceptable in any lifestyle (those people are predators/abusers) and if neither of those appeals to you, I have friends in low places 😉 and please do not let those people reflect the sincere people in this lifestyle , never let them cripple you like that. Chin up 🥰