I like to think of myself as a pretty positive person. Shitty things have happened to me but, I consider myself pretty lucky. Something that has always been missing from my life was a spiritual side. I grew up Catholic and in a pretty strict household. I've always had a keen interest into mysticism. My mother and father always really discouraged anything like that. Which, piqued my curiosity even more. Because it was "forbidden". I had tarot cards and was forced to keep them in my car. Fast forward 15 some years later, and here I am, considering which type of witch I am or even pagan.
I know this isn't everyone's or most people's cup of tea, it works for me. Thankfully I have a supportive husband who doesn't freak out over me saving egg shells and burning incense. I feel most at peace in the middle of the woods. Just listening to nature around me. I would love to just go into the woods and do some spell work. I am a little afraid that someone would walk up on me and I would freak them the fuck out.