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This one is NOT about food

*Ahem* Okay, so let's all take a deep breath and a small moment. I made this blog with the intention of making a post. Instead of creating a blog about ME, I made it with the sole intention of telling people about a small victory I achieved in an average everyday life experience.

So I'm here once again to say "Let's get this RIGHT". If you couldn't tell I enjoy food, so there will be moments where I share a mistake I made in the kitchen or a success. But that's not all I'm about.

I'm not a social media guy, I got rid of Facebook, didn't want instagram, said screw it to snapchat, refused tik tok and don't get me started on dating apps.... But I wanted to reach out and create something for myself and those around me who might gain some knowledge or better themselves from an experience I've had. (Yes, I still plan on talking about food. Just not the whole time.)

So Round 2, FIGHT!!!!
2 years ago. January 16, 2022 at 5:19 AM

Good evening Cage friends,


Life is so very interesting. So many occurrences and different ups and downs. As well as life has been going there are still many moments that require my focused attention into managing my emotions. 


Recently (over the last few weeks) there has been tremendous growth in realizing and overcoming faults, mishaps, miscommunications and understanding the concept of self awareness. 


This lifestyle, this journey that we set about walking can be such a treasure trove of information and radical improvement. Despite the struggles, the heartache, the pain we move forward. One really important concept is being able to look for the weaknesses we hold. To really observe ourselves and critically look at our patterns of behaviour, to recognize our faults and shortcomings. To recognize where and why hurt and emotional reactions take place. 


We all have triggers and responses to information, and our perception will many times shape our interaction. When we see something negatively we jump into defensive formations, guarding our internal or external well being. Holding fast to keeping the awful bad thing away. But just because something is hard, hurtful or difficult to get through doesnt necessarily make it "bad". There can be such tremendous growth from walking through those hard moments. Our failures and failings can help transform who we are. If we observe with a watchful eye, gleaning any information about how we handle life. Learning who we are in strife, how we respond. Why we respond or react. What about that particular situation sets us off? 


If you approach with a critical mindset you can learn what not to do, how not to react. It doesnt mean we will get it all sorted after one mistake. But we can work at building a foundation of stability because we could fit one more piece that holds up who we are. We recognize that we dont do well when accused, or feel put down. There are a million different experiences and all of them can lend to growth in both positive and negative directions. So much of who we are can be defined by what happens around us, or what happens to us. 


A large focus of my life recently has been to live with honour, integrity and respect. The thing is, its easy to be respectful or have honour when all is well. When it's roses and sunshine and rainbows. But to hold onto those things in frustration, anger, disappointment? That's another story. 


Just the other day I had an experience which soured my mood and left me mired in frustration. I couldn't shake myself out of it and despite the best efforts of my slave (she had nothing to do with my frustration) she wasn't able to pull me free of my frustration. I had to take a hard reset and walk away for a moment alone and some clarity. The thing was I was projecting onto her. I was impacting her day because I was struggling to manage my own emotions. I didn't want to ruin the time we had left together for the day. I didn't want to sour the night because I was struggling to manage myself. But when I get frustrated sometimes I just want to live in that space. I am working on handling those spaces, working at being able to set myself right. Part of moving through my frustration though is not diminishing it. To feel it. Accept it. Exist with it. Allow it to be present, identify why I am feeling that way, give it its space and once I am at peace with my frustration release it. 


Fortunately I was able to work at setting it aside and refocus on a bit of story time so that we could continue to enjoy our evening and allow that frustration to wash away. Its not an easy thing but its part of my growth and something I am learning to manage more successfully bit by bit. 


Again its not about resolving your problems in a moment because likely they are engrained and will take multiple iterations of working through those issues to break free of that negative cycle. Its about trying to be better today than I was yesterday, because we cant go back in time and change who we were. But we do get to choose today who I will be. How will I respond? How will I choose to act today? Build those blocks today while looking toward the future. It will get better but it takes constant determined behaviour and action to intentionally work on resolving those issues. 


To those that read my words today, thank you. I hope you find something worthwhile to help you in your journey and that you find success in forward movement. 


Mstr J

SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Well said! I call that triggered headspace, "trauma brain" and I know that it takes a huge effort to be able to recognize (AND ASMIT TO ANOTHER) when you even SUSPECT you are coming from a trauma brain headspace. There is ONE person I know with whom I feel safe enough admitting to when I'm in that place. It's such a rare thing when you find someone who will accept your moment, remember to extend extra patience and support, and encourage you to look beyond the current feeling to the true reason for your reactions. Being able to do that allows for a HUGE amount of growth and healing. It becomes easier each time to recognised. You then extend extra patience and support TO YOURSELF and that is self love, the greatest healer.
2 years ago
MstrJ​(dom male){~ENM~} - Part of that "extra patience and support" from another and yourself are so important. You is a smart lady SBD. I'm glad a little of what I have said and have been working on doing better speaks to a part of you and where you've come from and witnessed.

I hope you are doing really well and enjoying life how you can. You are awesome!
2 years ago
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕} - Awww, thank you Eav! I think you are an amazing person and so courageous in looking at your reflection. Your forethought of how your actions and choices will affect your slave is marvelous!

As for me, well, I can't say it's been an easy weekend. Friday night found me being required to seek outside assistance for a matter for the good of another. It was emotionally soul ripping.

Be thankful my friend, for having your slave to help you during those times when life hits you with a 2 x 4 because I can assure you......being alone in those times SUCKS.
2 years ago
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ } - You are doing REMARKABLY well. I hope what I said afterwards stuck. Incase it didnt: thank You for never taking it out on me. Thank You for always being aware. Thank You for not creating emotional distance.
Never minimize Your experience. You have the right to Your feelings. ♡
2 years ago
Bunnie - It’s ok to be human every now and then :)
2 years ago

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