I understand that journeys are not meant to be easy, I'm a big girl and I understand there's many problems of the world. Nowadays it's good to let love in your life. Love is patient, and love is kind. When innocence is ripped from your chest, the sorrows of tomorrow never dies. Each moment consumes me, I seek and search for why? What is meant to be as meant to be... But who the fuck said that? Rage against the light, follow paths unchartered. Sleep through the alarm clock once in awhile. Take an extra break and stroll around the building. Just a bunch of words going through my mind today.... Kinda gloomy, but also eye opening. Do not let your innocence be ripped from you, be you whoever you are. Love yourself tomorrow more than you did today, you're worth more than that. 🎀💋🎀
4 years ago. August 5, 2020 at 1:50 AM