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Embracing my chaotic thoughts and asking for opinions…..

Living, loving, writing, sharing, seeking. Embracing the moments and the thoughts that come when living in them
1 year ago. August 8, 2023 at 2:24 AM

In recent months I keep getting the word sexy thrown at me.  So what does this mean to you?  To me I see a man as sexy when he possesses a characteristic I’m enamored with or a personality trait I find hard to resist.  A smile, a great set of arms, the uncanny ability to know how much I yearn to be in his arms…..someone who puts up with my very unique self.  Someone who can talk dirty to me via text or better yet over the phone and make me yearn for him.  

This is my sexy but I’m interested to know what yours is?

Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin} - I’ve been asking myself the same thing recently 🐾☺️still trying to figure that out
1 year ago
Jack in the box -
Those heels youre wearing 😍
1 year ago
Bunnie - Haha I was thinking the same thing!
1 year ago
Bunnie - Sexy to me, regardless of gender, is someone who encompasses so completely who they are that they radiate a self-ease that is just so magnetic to be around.
1 year ago
Joyous Chaos​(sub female) - I love this answe💕
11 months ago
Umberlee - something about- confidence and brilliance- I think that's my version of sexy
1 year ago
I'mME - Sexy is in thr eye of the beholder. Its as individual as what toothpaste someone chooses..
1 year ago

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