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My rants

Random thoughts on my head, my main blog is connected to my profile.
6 years ago. May 26, 2018 at 11:56 PM

This is about me

I am a big, beautiful, honest, friendly, hopeful, dominant, sensual, fun, generous woman. . . And if you do not like simply close your useless opinionated and hot air filled mouth and move on. 


Over the past few days, I have dealt with demon of men, not gentlemen. I am not for everyone and everyone is not for me. I just know I will not settle and even more I will not submit


For men from forgien countries. . .

  • I will not train you.
  • I will NOT make you my sub.
  • If I say no, please move on. 
  • I am not interested. Please move on. 

I will block you.

For those in Europe, Australia, or Japan, I will talk online, but no cam to cam. I can't . . . I do not live alone.  


I do have some medical issues. I am seeing clueless doctors, but I am trying to do my part to get well. However this does not make me weak, with all I have gone through, I am stronger today. 

If you simply cannot handle me, please just move on. Do not tell me I cannot seek a submissive boyfriend  because I'm dealing with health issues


If you are a dom, and you simply want to talk because you have question or issues you want to discuss, then fine.

However, NEVER say I cannot dominate or I have to submit because I'm a bigger woman or I am nice. . . Then this is what you need to lock up your junk, mouth included, and throw away the key. (This was the nice version.)

I have my way to dominate and control, and other dominants have their own. 


These are the type of guys I've had to deal with just this weekend, and its not over. Sigh. 


6 years ago. May 22, 2018 at 11:29 AM

I've been getting a lot of message from subs, especially those under 30, who want me to train and guide them. 

I'm not here to train and/or guide random subs. What do I get out training a sub for someone else? Not a damn thing.  I get nothing out if it.

  • I'm not here for sexual sessions.
  • I'm not here to put you in your place.
  • I'm not here to mommy you.
  • Im not there to humiliate  you. 
  • I'm not here to give you a fashion statement or a full schedule. (Especially if you are on online. . .)

I am seeking a very specific thing. I have it posted on my profile and throughout my blogs. 
If you, a sub, is truly interested in me being your dominant girlfriend/mistress, then I want you to read and reread my profile, to make sure I fit you. (Do not change your kinks, in order to fit me, I will check your profile too.) Then read my blog and if my then you think we will work, then message me explaining why. 

6 years ago. May 19, 2018 at 1:21 AM

I keep chatting. . . old perverts and horndogs, who don't read, keep finding me. 

  • I have an age limit 25 to 39, and yet I keep getting guys 50 and older. Please read my profile before messaging me. 
  • I'm not just for play. I will not just peg you or do cyber or cam to cam. 
  • I will not get you off, if I don't get off. (You are a sub, you should be trying to please me, and not instantly expect for me to get you off.) 
  • If you're not interested in a in real time relationship with me, then please move on. (I want love and obedience.)

However if I stop looking, I don't feel that a submissive boyfriend is just going to fall into my lap. 

I'm losing hope in the human race maybe I'll find a robot. Lol.


6 years ago. May 15, 2018 at 1:53 PM

Ways to Piss me off


Ignore/Ghost/Delete without telling me why
It is childish.
Be an adult and give someone closure.
Please tell me why? It doesn’t mean I will change, but I just want to know what trivial reason you didn’t like someone has generous as me.
I want the opportunity to tell you “good bye” or “Good luck” or kiss my ass. . .


Call me “Lazy” or “Unrealistic” for the way I work 
I have two set times in which I usually write the most . . . noon to 4pm or 11pm to 5am. I usually write one or other, not usually both. (I edit between the hours 7am and noon, but only if I sleep at least 7 decent hours.) I have been averaging 20,000 to 40,0000 words per month.


Not Supporting my writing dream 
This goes with the previous point. . . I can clean a house, make dinner, work 8 hours at a register, and nothing feels accomplished unless I have written that day.
I am a writer first, if I don’t write even through swelling and pain, then I have accomplished nothing throughout the day.
Or saying I’m not professional, I try my best.
If you cannot support that or think I write too much, then please move on. (You don’t deserve the goods.)


Not accepting “No” or taking rejection 
I’m picky. I refuse to settle. I have had experience in many of the area that I am interested in sexually, and relationship wise. I want a in real life submissive boyfriend who is loyal and can handle my emotional issues, for a long term female led relationship, possible female led marriage.
If we are strictly platonic friends, then please don’t bring up sex, or that you want to “sleep with me.”
I am NOT looking for online relationship, flings, FWB, or one night stands.
There are 7.6 billion people in this world, half of them are female . . . please simply seek someone if I say “No.”
If you need closure, then I understand, but please be decent.


I am NOT Seeking to be used for release or “just sex.” 
I appreciate my erotica readers. If you get off by my work, then have fun. However I do NOT cyber or sexting anymore. I refuse to use Skype, KIK, Hang Out, Snap Chat or any other chat rooms for such uses. (Too many in the past only used me for a quick get off, that is just mean. They have erotica, chat sites, and porn for just such purposes.)
To get off and then ghost someone, is very mean and rude. I would even consider it mental rape.
I don’t mind chatting, but I will NOT get anyone off.
I am way more than a “fuck hole.”


Online Slaves 
I am looking for a real life submissive boyfriend, not just an online naughty chat.
My guy to have some rights and who decided they want me, not to feel they are simply there because I am the superior.
I want more than just words, than just orders and video/pics.
I need physical touch. Please stop asking if I want an online relationship or online slave.


Dom thinking by chat that they can reprogram me 
I am a dominant. I love control. I am planner. I am list maker. I am just a control freak that I argue with my muses (until they give me writer’s block.)
I am NOT a switch, and I will NOT submit. I will not change my mind.
I am determined to get the submissive boyfriend that I want and need. I do NOT want a dom to change. I want an experienced submissive who know it’s their natural state.


I am NOT a hooker, prostitute, or online freak show 
I’m an erotic writer. I want to get paid to write, not have sex. (It’s illegal in most states, money for sex, not writing.)
I’m demi-sexual, which means I have to have a connection, commitment, idea of a relationship in order to have sex. (I do NOT just do one night stands. Please horn-dogs do NOT just offer 100 dollars for a night of fun . . . it’s insult. You would spend more at a poker game or a night of gambling or grocery shopping.)


I am more than sex
I am writer. I love to cook. I am artist. I have family. I love cats. I love football, basketball, and baseball. I enjoy music and movies. I like to read. I’ve played vampire, D&D and other games. I love board and card games. I can talk about more things than just sex.

6 years ago. May 15, 2018 at 7:08 AM

I've been getting a lot of younger men 18 to 25 saying  "I want to sub," but they have no experience on life or true submission.


This is for the younger guys. . . 

If you are under 18 please deal with school, and graduate. There is enough drama in high school alone. You should hang out with your friends, go to dances and parties, please remember birth control and condoms. 

(If you are under 18 and lied to get on this site, please don't talk to me, you're a minor and a liar.)


Those 18 to 21, go to college, travel, figure yourself out, and make mistakes that you are responsible for, love, lust, fuck, enjoy your youth. Again remember the birth control and condoms. 


By 21 to 25, get into a relationship and see how you handle really living with others. Focus on your hope and dreams and help others. 


While you are out experiencing life, please research in the fetishes, kinks, and lifestyles. It's not as easy as it is on porn or in erotica. A Dominant/submissive relationship requires both parties to work with each other. It's not just training, not just the serving, but the bond and actual trusting relationship between two people. 


Please do not just be submission, because you do not want to make decisions on your own. You want to find the right dominant who helps you be a better person and someone you want to please and make their life easier. 


I'm seeking a submissive boyfriend for a female led relationship possible marriage between ages 25 to 39. I am seeking someone who has experience in life, had a relationship, and some light submissive with chastity. I want someone who wants to get to know me, and be with me, and just instantly doesn't want to be "trained."

6 years ago. May 14, 2018 at 12:50 AM

I love my mom. . . It is because of her I'm demisexual. She said "never give yourself completely if youre not in love." My hormones can be loud, but my emotions can be just as loud.

If you are just about sex, then you are missing out and will never truly understand me.  Thank you mom, for making me proud of me and more meaningful. 


As for that I'm not into being a mom of human baby, child, or man-lil. I am not a mommy domme.  (I also don't want subs young enough to be my kids.)

I want my furbabies: cats. 


However for those mommies who have kids and/or furbabbies. Happy Mothers day.

6 years ago. May 11, 2018 at 2:44 AM

I am dominant, monogamous, demisexual, saphiosexual, and grey sexual. This means I'm seeking a smart, submissive boyfriend for a female led relationship possible marriage. I'm seeking more of the relationship than the sex.  The grey sexual part means I'm picky in who I am attracted to. 


I'm not a harsh domme with humiliation or extreme pain.  . .

I'm more into control: chastity, and micromanagement

The last female led relationship  I was in, I controlled. . .

  • Menu, food, grocery shopping 
  • Most dates unless he wanted to surprise 
  • Budget: paying bills, grocery, extra, allowance
  • When or if we have sex: he would orgasm to mine 3 to 5 orgasms until i got sick. Now I`m into chastity. 
  • Chores: what and when get done
  • Errands
  • Free time vs time together 

 I listen to his opinions, wants, and desire but in the end I will make final choices. 


What I want more than just sex.

  1. I love when a submissive boyfriend asking for things on his knees or begs me to cum. 
  2. I love to kiss, make out, and cuddle. 
  3. I love dine in or dine out. 
  4. I love when my submissive boyfriend  wants me for me and does whatever he can to make me happy. 
  5. I love when my submissive boyfriend  serves and spoils me because he wanted to not because he has to. It because he enjoys it. 
  6. I love when he is passionate about something and wants to show me. I want him to have hopes and dreams and not be a mindless puppet. 
  7. I love sex, but due to health problems, sex is very painful for me. First I'm extremely tight, almost virgin tight, and secondly my orgasms to cause harsh cramping that can last for days. It has to be someone decent, special and committed to me in order to even try. (Its why I'm into chastity and I'm grey and demi sexual.) 


6 years ago. May 11, 2018 at 1:43 AM

I've had writers block . . . 

All of my ideas have been tangled and stuck in my mind. 


I've been chatting online.

  • I do not want an online relationship, I want in real life. If you are in another country, it will not work. (I write so much erotica, words or chat does not get me off. Cyber and cock pics do not get me off, please stop saying "im so horny," as if I'm horny and will tell you get off. It will not happen! I haven't orgasmed in three months, why should I let you?) 
  • I'm not into cam on on cam. If I send you a pic, they are all me. I refuse to catfish as I have been catfish several times. 
  • If you are over 50, I'm not interested. My parents are in their 50's, and fucking or dominating a person who could be my "parent" is a huge turn off. 
  • If you are in shaking relationship or in boring marriage please move on. I am seeking a single submissive boyfriend for a female led relationship possible marriage. 
  • Please read my profile before messaging. I post what I want  and my limits. I'm sick of answering questions when the  answers are on my profile. 

Do people just not care or are they really stupid?


6 years ago. April 30, 2018 at 9:33 AM

I will not meet up for a date blindly.  If you do NOT send me a real pic of you so I know who to look for, then, I will not meet up with you. 

I will always meet in a public place with witnesses.  (Never alone in someone's house or hotel etc)

I write horror stories, I know how most of them start. 


This rant got started because this one guy wants to massage my feet, serve me Pepsi and food,  while he cleans . . . Cfnm. It sounds nice and if he does something wrong, he would pay fines for mistakes etc. It sounds to good to be true. He wants to do this at his house. However he will not send me a pic. . .I feel like a trap, rape, and murder. His profile on collarspace says he is farther away than he says and no pic. . . Its not a situation i will put myself in. 

6 years ago. April 30, 2018 at 9:25 AM

This is a continuation  of Rant 39 

Men keeping thinking their dicks or tongues. . . Either way men go straight to sex. 


I want a real submissive boyfriend  NOT a sex slave. (Not seeking online.)


I do NOT do sessions: irl or online. (I do dates.)

I will NOT suck, fuck, or peg on the first date. (Or the second date.)

I am NOT into looking at your cock or videos of your cock. The cock is not the part of the body that turns me on. 

Sex does not make me happy. 

I want a submissive boyfriend  who makes me happy, and who does NOT think sex and orgasms are the answer to everything. (Are you really out there?)