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My rants

Random thoughts on my head, my main blog is connected to my profile.
6 years ago. April 27, 2018 at 7:16 AM

My Naughty blog is on tumblr, but since people keep trying to hack other people’s account or keep asking for money. (They have made Tumblr look as bad livejournal was. . . I was on there for years innocently, until it got bad with the damn hacker. . . why are there hackers a blogging site? My live-in situation is bad but I refuse to ask for free money. . . it’s wrong. It’s different with help, or groceries that is charity. However Money for nothing is wrong.)

Now: they keep pushing the “safe mode” on people. . . it has been making it hard for people to view my site. . . (If this is taking away from people reading my work, I may have to find another blog.)

If you are having a hard time with safe mode. . . sign in your tumblr and go into setting and turn it off. I think you can get so specific and turn off safe mode for each site. . . [ ] this is my page
If you have a safe mode on google or your internet. You can add my site and you should be able to see it. I write confessions, understandings, rants, and erotica. I also may post sexual art that I found online.

If you have fetlife. . . you may also read all of these writings on my fetlife. . . darkmistress1213, please feel free to message me and comment on my blogs.
As of right now, Fetlife and tumblr are where I am posting my erotic writings. If I get more problems I will find another place to make it easier to read my postings.

6 years ago. April 27, 2018 at 7:03 AM

Its been a while since I posted. . . 

This is what I have been up to. . . 

I have endometrosis or so I was told. I finally figure out my insurance and went back to the doctor and now I have to run through more tests and was told I would possibly need surgery in order to "prove" I have endometrosis. 

I have daily pain my pelvis and right hip. When I orgasm I get horrible cramps that go up my back and down my legs. I haven't orgasmed in months.

They also said it isn't hormonal, that is bullshit.  My family calls me the "bear." I mean I can be a sweetheart one second and be a total  b*tch the next. I'm afraid I'm not going to find a decent, submissive boyfriend who can handle me mice and bitterly mean. 


My mom was told she may have three hernias. I see her getting surgery .  . .This means most of my summer will be taking care of my mom and brother. I hope I have the energy and I'm not in pain. 


I was dealing with a guy who dated me once and dumped last summer. . . he wanted to make it up to me except this time he stood me up. I need to just block him and move on. 


I've writing a lot of erotica and my blog on tumblr. I will post about my tumblr later. 

I plan to post here more and go for walks. 


6 years ago. February 22, 2018 at 2:57 AM

If I plan a date, and you cannot make it, please communicate with me!

I gave him an out this morning, but he said no, he was going to be there. I was really into him. I was excited for the date. 

I waited over 6 hours and only text I got "sad because I'm not with you."

That did not answer any of my questions.

When are you going to be here? 

Are you coming? 

If not, why? 

If you had something then why are you leaving me hanging?

Don't you care?

Do you know how upset I am? 

Why did you do this? 

6 years ago. February 20, 2018 at 5:17 AM

I feel I keep attracting 90% of the wrong men and other 10% want either more or less than I want. 

  • Bearded guy, you know kind where the beard is part of their personality. I'm just not into beards. I want my submissive boyfriend clean shaved. (My father is bearded and we have a bad past.)
  • The scat or water sports guy, I'm not into human toilets or ash trays, its on my limit list. I want my submissive boyfriend to go to the bathroom in the room of the house, and clean it and spray after. 
  • The guys who say they are submissive but really only say it to get sex. I want a submissive boyfriend who is submissive and into me. 
  • The extreme guys, like guy who do not want to be human anymore. I want my submissive boyfriend to be human and to have enough control to know he wants me and loves me for me, not just because I am a mistress. 

I do not feel its not too much to ask for a guy to be who and what I want, naturally. There are 7.6 billion people out there. 


6 years ago. February 12, 2018 at 2:32 AM

I three big things on my mind. 

1. If you are on my deal breaker list, then talking and begging me is not going to make me change my mind. 

Just because I have one interest with you does not mean you are going to be my instant submissive boyfriend. However it does mean I would be interested in talking aboutthat one subject. 
"I'm not interested." Or "no thank you." Does not mean please try to talk to me again the next day. I have mood swings, not multi-personalities. If I said "no" one day, I'm probably meaning it day two and three and so on. 
I have a deal breakers because I know what I want and what I don't want. If you have the deal breakers, please move on. 

2. I do not like to masturbate. 

I have endometrious and my orgasms can cause extremely painful cramps that can compare to labor pains. I have daily pelvic pain. 
I know guys can stroke a few times and get off, but I am it is not easy. There is not enough stimuli for me to get off. I need sound and touch. 
For me, it way too much work for little result. 

3. If you are not into me, then be straightforward with me. 

letting me hang on because I'm nice and make you feel good, is wrong. 
I was holding back on other people because I thought we had a chance. 
I have feelings and I'm sick of waiting on the wrong guys. 

6 years ago. January 28, 2018 at 4:37 AM

Things than improve my mood, I haven't really been happy in a long time. Orgasms used to be on that list, but endometrosis has killed that dream. 

1. Listening to music

2. Comfortably writing for hours

3. Soda pop

4. Shopping without an extreme budget

5. Walking

6. Dinning out

7. Talking to friends

8. Cats

9. Watching funny TV

10. Going to the movies


Ultimate dream is me sitting in my office in my comfy robe and my submissive boyfriend knocks and comes in. Then he offers to massage my legs and feet while I write while they beg and plead to get out if their cock cage. 

6 years ago. January 28, 2018 at 3:59 AM

I'm so sick of men thinking with their dicks.  I know its how most of them work as sexual release makes them happy or momentarily content. 

I want to find a submissive man, with ages 25 to 39, who wants to serve and is just as happy serving me as sexually releasing. (Its a needle in the haystack. If he has blue eyes, blond hair and sxy abs that makes him my unicorn.)

I'm getting side track, since my endometrosis causes pain in my sexual release, I need to find other things to make happy and content. A good submissive man is a start. . . 

6 years ago. January 27, 2018 at 6:38 AM

Internet is all about moment and click its gone. 


Its like chatting with someone. . . its all exciting and new. You can't wait for them to reply.  Then you need to see 

And they are not there the next day. 

Or they want to instantly meet. . . ah, no, I don't know you will enough. 

I talked to my ex for three months when we meet and then together eight years. .  .

can I have another submissive boyfriend for a flr?

Can someone talk to me more than a day with intention of eventually meeting?

Can I get my health figured out first? 

6 years ago. January 25, 2018 at 10:51 PM

I hate my hormones mixing with my past. I'm emotionally haunting myself. I'm stuck on a twisting emotional rollercoaster.


I've tried different dating sites, and after I weed out the mindless hornballs and thoses who are not seeking more than dating, I may find one or two interesting guys. 

We chat for hours, maybe days, and then they delete me for my health issues or because I don't drive. . . 

Figure out your wants and deal breakers and filter it out instead of talking me for days at a time. Its so frustrating. 

6 years ago. January 23, 2018 at 10:38 PM

I sit here as I’ve been thinking what and who I want. (I’ve read on some profiles stating that you don't know what you want until you’ve had it . . . well, I had it once.)

Ideally what/who I want is a submissive boyfriend who loves me for me … my spunk, perkiness, passion, bitchiness, and my determined heart. I’m a tough cookie and I’m a huge project, but I believe I am a rewarding one. I’m a work in process but if the work is fun and you love the work, is it work?

I do not want a robot or puppet saying what he think I want to hear. . . I want him to be ambitious and have hopes and dreams.

I want a guy who want to be my submissive boyfriend and to be female led relationship. He will need to work, any job of his choosing. He needs to know my ultimate personal dream is to be a professional author. They want me to control his chore (his chores: dishes, laundry, heavy lifting, driving me around, car care, vacuuming, dusting, my chores: furniture and carpet shampooing, pet care as I want cats, beds, errands, and both: making meals.)

They want me to help them stay in line and earn his free time. Whether is video games, watching sports on TV, playing sports, hanging with his friends, or other hobbies. I would have to have a few hobbies we can enjoy together: cooking, board games, card games, sports, traveling, reading etc

I want my submissive boyfriend to be happy knowing he doesn’t have to worry about money as I will do the budgeting. If he wants something, just ask and its within our budget and he has done his chores, then he will probably get. I like to keep him happy.

I would put my submissive boyfriend in chastity to prove his loyalty to me. I’ve gone up to two years without orgasming myself. I also want him to appreciate and truly want the release. At times, due to health, my orgasms maybe delayed at times as well. However if my submissive boyfriend does things, chores, dates, romantic gestures, well possibly get release.

For both of us: I want to have at least two days of soup and salad and protein at every dinner. I also want to exercise two to three times a week.