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The Masters heart

This is an outlet, and written for no one but myself. I am here for release of my heart. If what I say rings true with you, I am pleased, but that is not the purpose.
6 years ago. December 21, 2017 at 1:53 PM

As a Man, I have been taught to suppress emotional pain. To hold it in. To deny it. As though feeling emotional pain and discomfort is a sign of weakness. It's a lesson that our society presses so hard into us as men, that it is nearly impossible to overcome. As a Dom, that expectation seems magnified a hundredfold, even though I know that's just an illusion of my own making.

Tonight I am going to attempt to overcome that illusion. Not for the benefit of anyone else, but for my own. Once again, I am writing for myself. If you are reading this and find value, I am pleased... but that is not my purpose for writing tonight. This is me, being vulnerable, and recognizing that some may choose to see this a a weakness. I choose not to. 

There is a balance in all things. An equilibrium that is naturally reached when you accept who and what you truely are. Sometimes that need for balance causes an emotional pendulum effect... you are filled with overwhelming pleasure one moment, only to feel heart wrenching pain the next. You feel love fill you to the point of overflowing, only to find yourself drained to your core by apathy the next. Lifted on the wings of ecstasy only to later be crushed under the weight of depression.

These waves are a natural part of the journey... or at least that have been a natural part of mine. I find that the more I understand about myself, the more stable that sway becomes. The closer I get to self-realization, the smoother the waters become...

...most of the time that is...

...but sometimes, things just happen. The placid waters are suddenly turned to chop when a boulder violently breaks the surface and shatters the calm. An explosion shatters the gentle silence with deafening consequences. Dynamite tears the foundation out from under you, and in an instant and the air is suddenly filled with choking dust as the tower of your life crashes down around you.

This is where I am right now. My eyes are burning. I can hardly breathe. I can't see where I'm going. I can't hear anything but the fast, steady, rhythmic beating of my heartbeat and an intense ringing in my ears...

...but I know that this will pass. The dust is going to clear. The ringing in my ears will fade.

It is not my intention to air my dirty laundry for all to see, but as I said this is for me. This is to remind me that it's going to be alright. This isn't a loss, its a bump in the road. When the dust clears, you brush off, save and salvage the parts that are valuable, and re-build.

So stop.

Take a deep breath...

...let it out...

...and MOVE.

Do what it takes. Focus on the solution, not the problem. Distance can be overcome. What is lost can be regained. Don't quit. Don't give up. Don't let go. Hold fast to what is important, and free yourself of what isn't.

And as a special "note to self:" Yes, I am a Master, but I am also a servant of one who is much higher than I am. He knows what is going to happen. He is in control. He knows what He is doing, even when I don't have a f**king clue. He is trustworthy, and He has NEVER let me down.

So I'm here. I'm hurting. I have cried tonight until I don't have any tears left to cry. The stress from what's happening has my stomach tied up in knots and my head pounding. I cant sleep. I can't think. My heart is wounded.


But I'll heal.

Devil's damsel​(sub female){HandsomeDe} - i hope You find Your peace.
6 years ago
PetMaster​(dom male) - Thank you DD. I have no doubt that I will in time.
6 years ago
Sassy Munchkin​(sub female){Owned} - I so needed to read this for im going through a similar situation. Evem though im not a Domme, i can understand what youre experiencing. Hugs to you my friend.
6 years ago
PetMaster​(dom male) - Thank you Sassy. Hugs are always appreciated (and returned). I hope your "recovery" is going smoothly. *hugs you back*
6 years ago
Hisproclivity​(sub female) - Although painful, your words are beautiful, artistic. Good luck...and thank you for sharing!
6 years ago
PetMaster​(dom male) - Thank you Sara.
6 years ago
Redtailedkitty - *tears falling as I read this* Thank you PM for sharing your inner self. I am also struggling with something and trying to feel into it and let it go. Letting go is the hard part of me. Knowing that all will be well or even better when I do....also the hard part. Thank you again for sharing. <3 HUGGS <3
6 years ago
PetMaster​(dom male) - RedTail, thank you as always for your kindness and your friendship. Hang in there. You'll heal too.
6 years ago
PetMaster​(dom male) - *returns hugs*
6 years ago
Felicia Foster​(sub female){Kal} - So tragically, beautifully put. Our prayers are with you.
6 years ago
PetMaster​(dom male) - Thank you Felicia. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
6 years ago
Silver​(sub female){not intere} - Love Your complete honestly here PetMaster. This is for many a rare glimpse into the Domly side of things. And a reminder that everyone on both sides of the relationship can have strong feelings.
6 years ago
PetMaster​(dom male) - Silver, as my Trainer is so fond of saying: 'people before roles'. I'm human, just like you. Even Dom's have their insecurities and vulnerabilities. We go through hard things too. I'm glad that my openness let's you see that. Thank you for your kindness.
6 years ago
SouthernFire​(sub female) - Hugs. Sorry to read you are going through this. Just breath and remember He holds you in the palm of His hand and hears your heart cry out. One of the hardest lessons I still struggle with is letting go and just being. The dust will settle and you will move forward again
6 years ago
PetMaster​(dom male) - SouthernFire, thank you. I'm blessed to have people like you in my life who encourage me to keep my eyes pointed at Him.
6 years ago
Bunnie - Thank you for sharing. You’re such an inspiration. It takes so much courage to open yourself and show your vulnerability, especially as a man and a Dom. Thank you for being that person that leads by example. You have my utmost respect. My heart aches for your pain, friend. I hope you find some comfort in the near future ?
6 years ago
PetMaster​(dom male) - Bunnie, your gentle kindness and friendship is always appreciated. Thank you for everything. I'm hurting, but I will be ok.
6 years ago
SouthernFire​(sub female) - Your welcome.
6 years ago

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