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From Sir to u

Experiences and observations from a Sir.
3 years ago. December 12, 2020 at 9:26 PM

Let's be clear, nice guys win in the end! I am a nice guy. Many confuse being nice with being weak. Certain women say they don't like nice guys so they pass on us not knowing that when the door is closed and the lights are turned off, I can make a "bad boy" look like a choir boy.  This nice guy I am is a Dom. I make women moan, cum and forget their troubles. Yet, so many take a pass, so they can go after "bad boys because they have watched too much porn or read too many trashy novels.  These women have no idea what they are missing. 

For the nice guy, its hard. You are taught to be polite, respectful and nice and yet many women treat you like some weak kid. The funny thing is they don't realize being nice means power for me.  It gives me access. It gives me the ability to get anything I want; most of the time, lol. Ask for something naughty out of the blue, and because you're nice, just one last time, she will show you her nipples, just as an example. So much for being a nice guy. Still the stigma is there. Women don't want to fuck a nice guy or have a nice guy as a Dom, but they love a nice guy to come running to when things go wrong.  It's safe. there's the word. You get to be their Prince Charming until the next bad boy, LOL. It sucks, but it is reality.  What's rewarding is when you catch up with someone who thought you were too nice. You get to see where she is today and realize most all of the time, you dodged a bullet! Now, see what happened as result of her decisions and what she has settled for in the end.  That disaster situation could have been yours, nice guy. 

This all stems from recent experiences. A woman I pursued for years romantically, but would never go out with me because she wanted a bad boy, is now interested, because all the bad boys are gone away.  She was pleasantly SHOCKED to learn about me being a DOM.  Too bad my feelings for her after years of trying have taken their toll on me.  Bad boys don't stay, they just take their worthless souls either to the next younger woman or back home to their wife.  The second, the sexy and intelligent woman, one of my former subs, came to me asking after a morning out, why every man was a liar.  Easy to see what happened here. The second is interesting, as she does not believe my compliments for her, and its just me being, wait for it...."nice."  How soon past subs forget that while their ex or current boyfriend or even hubby is back home, their ass is tied up in my bed being played like a violin by me, and I'm the "nice" guy, LOL. 

So nice guys don't get down, realize you have power from being nice. Use it well and enjoy it.  Also, karma can be a really good friend. 



Jack in the box -
I almost posted something very similar -
I have often been told "you're so nice - you're too nice". A girl just recently said to me "I have a hard time viewing you like that" (I made a reference to punishment) "you're so nice . . . ".
But the thing is, I AM a "bad boy" - so go figure.
If they only knew. 😈
Anyway, yeah. 👍
3 years ago
SouthernDahlia​(sub female) - This is by far the most accurate blog post I have read in very long time!!!! Subs that look for bad boys....well I'm sorry ladies!! Always go for the good guy!!!! ALWAYS!!!!!
3 years ago
Sweet Ginger​(sub female){} - Although its true some women never outgrow the desire for bad boys..most women who respect themselves do..who wants to sit home crying over some jerk?! (Not me) Hopefully not too many women.
3 years ago
Literate Lycan​(dom male) - So my simple take on this - excellent point. I don’t think women (and specifically girls and young women) are targeting bad boys so much as they are drawn to confidence. In high school, the most confident (often bad boys) got the girls. And let’s be clear - the bad boys came off as very confident and self assure. Us nice guys, no matter how confident, didn’t exude it because . . . Well we are nice. We never got in the young ladies’ faces. So even today, bad boy is seen as confident . . . And the penchant for some women to yearn for the bad boy . . . Goes both ways though as many men are not so secretly drawn to the wanton vixen. But I digress.

Now, mature women can differentiate between an asshat (I mean juvenile bad boy) and a Confident and nice man. I have always preferred to be nice, sometimes to the point where others may see my actions as weakness. It isn’t weakness. As you indicate, we are strong and we are Dominant, and when I am the most Confident in myself, I am the nicest. Doesn’t mean I won’t spank the living shit out of a submissive’s deserving ass or that I don’t know how to turn her into a mewling puddle of sexy goo . . . it just means I’m nice when I do it.
3 years ago
Jack in the box -

👍 😊
3 years ago
Bunnie - Comment deleted by poster.
3 years ago
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin} - All I can say here is two things. Firstly the operative word is bad BOY. Any gal worth her salt (and spankings😂) knows boys talk nothing but hot air while nice guys /aka grown ass MEN who have their belt in the right place don't bother talking and just get down to business. Secondly Mr. Darcy. 👌👍👏 Enough said!
3 years ago
Jack in the box - 😑
3 years ago
Balthezor - Karma always wins. Sometimes it works slowly though. 🤷🏻‍♂️
3 years ago
goodgirlsalwayswin​(sub female) - The title of this caught my eye and made me smile. Nice guys do win. Just like good girls do. 😏😈
2 years ago

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