SchrodingersDinosaur(switch female){N/a}
5 years ago •
Apr 13, 2019
5 years ago •
Apr 13, 2019
I'm guessing you are asking about the more formal protection, like with a collar statement, is that right, dances?
As the other folks mentioned, talking with subs is a good way to learn about who it might be better to avoid, or help you to see red flags you might not be aware of. My personal opinion is that talking with the good Dominants is not a bad thing. You get a different perspective then other sub folk can offer. I think most (again the good ones) Dom/message tend to have a desire to protect and teach even for those they don't have claim on. That's a good thing in my opinion.
The more formal version isn't terribly common but sometimes a sub will add a collar statement of {protected} to their title. For example mine might be Henna (Switch female) {Protected}. Then you explain it's significance in your profile...a statement like 'protected by (Dom/me name), subs are free to message, all other Dominants must go through (Dom/me name) first.' It's primarily only used by very new folks or subs that have just gotten out of a bad situation and haven't got their feet under themselves yet.
I'm with the sentiment of the folks above though personally. I'm not really a fan of the formal protection thing. One, because sometimes the Dominant offering may not have your best interest in mind, and will try to sway you from being Protected to being Possession clandestinely. And two, because you need to be able to protect yourself I think. Doesn't matter if you identify as submissive or not, you are an adult and a person of worth.
There is no need to allow anyone just because they use the title Dominant to harass you, cajole you into submitting, or accept anything they have to say. You have the power, it's best if you can learn to use it when needed. You owe nothing to anyone until such point you accept them as YOUR Dominant. And a Dominant worth having isn't going to push that on you.
Being formally protected might help you deal a little better with that but to be honest, a lot of times the folks who you want to stay away from, the Insta-doms, fakes, or predators, won't respect your collar statement anyway and still attempt to contact, badger, or generally make as ass of themselves.
Just Henna's two cents though, dear. Much luck whatever you decide to do!