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First day at Cage.

Angel07​(sub female){Owned}
6 years ago • Dec 12, 2017

First day at Cage.

The first day at Cage was quite overwhelming, I was bombarded with a wave of texts from people ranging from the boring "hi how are you?"s to the straightforward" I'll be your master"s. But all in all, I was glad I found this place because in the end I did find someone worthy, worthy of my trust and devotion. But what surprises me is that even after I claimed that I'm not available I'm still a victim of messages from doms. Quite disheartening that is! I mean where Is the respect for the lifestyle?
Also I'd love to know more about your first days and how you dealt with it?
event horizon{NotLooking}
6 years ago • Dec 12, 2017
event horizon{NotLooking} • Dec 12, 2017
I feel for ya. It happens to Dominants too, and it's like this in pretty much every kink forum I've found on the internet. The issue, from what I can tell, is that the majority of people don't read profiles. I get approached as though I'm a submissive all the time, simply for being female, because people don't bother to read anything else. As for dealing with it, sometimes I'm patient enough to educate people on how things work, but usually I either tell them off or ignore them. If it's something particularly offensive, I will report them.
Lucia​(sub female){not lookin}
6 years ago • Dec 12, 2017
When I reported someone I heard promptly back from Evangeline, which was a pleasant surprise compared to my experience at FetLife lol. I was particularly encouraged because she took the time to explain to me that she'd been watching the user in question after other reports, and mine was the final straw and they were then deleted, and I just couldn't believe that a real person is actually tracking and putting thought into this.

I reported on a total whim, not expecting it to matter, so everyone else who think they shouldn't bother- you should!! if we all report, especially the picture trolls, I think we can really keep this site clean as it gets bigger!
    The most loved post in topic
MsNevermore​(other female)
6 years ago • Dec 12, 2017
MsNevermore​(other female) • Dec 12, 2017
The random hello or "demands" are met with "you don't read profiles do you?" And a quick delete.
The first days for me were a ton of them. Props to the Staff here that quickly handle reports and questions.
I love the format here and have made as many good connections as bad, more so actually.
Lucia​(sub female){not lookin}
6 years ago • Dec 12, 2017
Also, the reason it's important that they're actually reading the complaints is because some faker Dom/mes will threaten to report YOU for not indulging them. Don't worry about this! If you're legit it will be obvious to the staff that the complaint is bullshit.
Angel07​(sub female){Owned}
6 years ago • Dec 13, 2017
Thank you everyone! I already feel confident enough of my approach against pretend upstarts. It was a great help knowing I'm not the only one who felt this way. ☺️
Kal Foster​(dom male){felicia}
6 years ago • Dec 13, 2017
I am glad you haven’t been dissuaded by the assault of the insta-doms, casting their net in hopes of sinking one hook for an easy wank. They will always be there until their mommies take away their little iPads. You’ll find they are not appreciated or tolerated in this community.

Welcome to the Cage!
Wintermute​(dom male)
6 years ago • Dec 13, 2017
Wintermute​(dom male) • Dec 13, 2017
On a semi-related note, i always find it weird when i read about subs inboxes getting flooded by proposals by self-professed doms.
Starting a conversation is absolutely fine, especially if you have shared interest or if you're particularly interested in a person's profile, but straight up offering to be someone's dom is the opposite of what should happen: a sub should seek his/her own dom/master and ask him for her/his time, the opposite puts the "dominant" in a submissive position.

I'm not saying that the "power play" should be enacted 100% of the time (and especially people with primal submissive tendencies like to be chased), but to be so common that submissives get bombarded by requests from dominants is definitely not something i expected.
j84​(dom male)
6 years ago • Dec 13, 2017
j84​(dom male) • Dec 13, 2017
Ditto. Have always wanted to make a fake account as a woman to see for myself. The stories are always shocking. Straight dudes should be forced to party at gay bars to get a taste.
Miki​(masochist female)
6 years ago • Dec 13, 2017
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 13, 2017
Same here. Mailbox explosions.. But I am happy to say it died down after a couple weeks, and the high-pressure doms who started the box-blasting fusillade of missives vanished within a few exchanges once I made it clear I'm not going to go on KIK or any other electronic relationship platforms, or give out my phone number.

One very polite dude (probably the right one or at least a semi-finalist) who misread my profile and thought I was Owned, bid adieu, citing "protocol" and that it wasn't kosher to talk to someone else's sub.

So here I am a full fortnight into this place and my mailbox is blissfully empty.

Now I can read posts, blogs, and all that crap without falling under an hail of messages or text requests in Bond.

Hang in there, it gets easier.

It also helps that I adjusted my profile to more accurately list me as Masochist instead of "just" a Sub because my sexual tastes and drives are a bit more over-the-top then those in what I saw described in one thread as "normal" BDSM life.