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Age and being a MILF

AllyKitten​(sub female){GreatShado}
4 years ago • May 26, 2020

Age and being a MILF

I'm a younger mom and I've heard I don't count as a MILF because I'm not 35+, so I'm wondering at what age do you graduate from baby momma to a MILF. Is there an age bracket for that??? I'm honestly just curious.
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Heart of Persephone​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 26, 2020
I believe the MILF age come into play when that mom has teenage kids. I say this because a best friend of the teenager will say your mom is a MILF. You don’t hear that from little kids (hopefully). I think she would be over the age of 35. I dont think a twenty something mom would be in they category. Just my two cents.
skyrich​(dom male){rottenbrat}
4 years ago • May 27, 2020

It depends on who's calling you a MILF. The term did originate from teenage boys talking about their friend's mothers. But, as you said: "a mom is a mom."

You happen to be very attractive, so you fall into the category for anyone old enough to appreciate your ... ermm... shall we say manifest charms.
Azzabackam​(switch male){PawPawGirl}
4 years ago • May 27, 2020
I'd say it has more to it than just being >attractive, and >a mom. There's a certain... I dunno, energy a MILF gives off. The biggest part of it is genuine maturity, both emotionally and mentally. I've met women with *no* kids who gave off big MILF energy.
AllyKitten​(sub female){GreatShado}
4 years ago • May 27, 2020
Aww well thank you!
I should also say, it's not that I don't want older moms to have their own thing, especially when it makes them feel good.
I've heard, with men, the cut off age is actually for the teen moms and then for women, you have to be 35+.
Following up on the porn thing, I think that's also for the sake of acting and roleplay.
I think there are plenty of men out there that give off dad vibes too without having kids. I'm also guilty of telling said guys that they're such a dad. Lol
4 years ago • May 27, 2020
RayBug • May 27, 2020
I'm going to have to agree that it's more of an energy given off via being a mom. I'm just about to turn 30 and I've been called a MILF on more than one occasion over the past few years.
FloraDragon​(dom male){Roaming Wi}
4 years ago • May 27, 2020
I have to agree with skyrich for me a mum is a mum what every the age, (I stand corrected above the legal age), we are again looking at a situation where our eyes are influenced by society and porn, portrayed are mothers of teenage sons and I understand that, teenagers, hormones, brains in the wrong place - all lead to the portrayal of a mothers of 35 ish.

The nurture and care that exudes from a mother is part of the attraction, the energy as described my RayBug. So in my opinion a milf is a mum purely and simply.