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Covid creations

House Talion​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 20, 2021

Covid creations

House Talion​(dom male) • Feb 20, 2021
As time lingers on and the 1st approved vaccine is slowly getting out there, does anyone else find the slowed activity on sites like this as peculiar? I'd think that with social distancing and not attending social events and places that we should have a huge increase of activity all over as ppl should be using such sites to keep up with their usual amount of socializing.
Miki​(masochist female)
4 years ago • Feb 21, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Feb 21, 2021
Now that you mention it, it does seem peculiar, even counter-intuitive to me at least. It does seem to be a good example of social distancing.

The most activity I see is either the "sexy word game" thread And the "Welcome" sticky.
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account
4 years ago • Feb 21, 2021
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account • Feb 21, 2021
Personally I don't find it too strange. Online is often seasonal and regional to when numbers increase or decrease. Most people have (had, in some places) someone home during this time and those I've talked with privacy isn't as free as it once was. Some have less kinky partners, kids, room mates or live at home. Some also want distraction from what they are NOT getting so turn to mind numbing with netflicks ETC. For some it might feel better to avoid what you cant have!
Additionally most users are Northern hemisphere and in winter....winter also brings about the same issue so its all compounding.
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Aquarius Dom​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 21, 2021
Aquarius Dom​(dom male) • Feb 21, 2021
We have all seen a massive influx of people exploring for the first time, this will probably dilute the energies of the usual population on these sites !
Yes of course it’s a good thing to see new people but as with all things that gain popularity quickly the light burns bright and dies pretty quickly !
There are some real diamonds that have joined people genuinely interested in developing their understanding of mind body and sexuality!
But the flip side of that there are more wannabe dom (small d) predators just looking for wank chats and pics along with other salacious reasons with no intention of ever learning their trade !! Which means the genuine ones get nervous and vanish !
SubtleHush​(sub female)
4 years ago • Feb 21, 2021
SubtleHush​(sub female) • Feb 21, 2021
There are many sites as well. People not sure who are just poking around are likely just zipping from to the other.

I agree with Bonnie the short-timers come and go and at times they are so in your face that more experienced people just ease off for a while.
4 years ago • Feb 21, 2021
LordofPain56 • Feb 21, 2021
The only thing I have noticed is that people around here feel oppressed, and some are living in fear of becoming infected by the chinese plague. This has led to depression. Suicide rates have increased.
It hasn't affecting a single thing I do, no matter where I am. No lockdowns for me, no masks ever, although I do stand apart from others as a courtesy to others in a grocery store. But I'd prefer to go back to pre-covid19 practices of cramming people together at the cashier so that we can ALL get the covid flu and gain herd immunity. Eventually, we all will anyway (unless vaccines preclude the need for it). So why don't we all get infected right now and get it over with. Will some people die??? Yes, but don't people die of ordinary flu and pneumonia? Yes, to the tune of 100-200K/year.
BTW, did they have all this lockdown and mask nonsense during the swine flu (H1N1 virus) ??? Nooooo.
The anxiety, depression and suicides are all unwarranted. We are supposed to be a nation of free peoples, but many have cowered down to the dictates of the tyrannical governors and their illegal emergency powers.
Don't let them win. Take YOUR life back now.
SubtleHush​(sub female)
4 years ago • Feb 22, 2021
SubtleHush​(sub female) • Feb 22, 2021
"It hasn't affecting a single thing I do, no matter where I am. No lock-downs for me, no masks ever, although I do stand apart from others as a courtesy to others in a grocery store. "
LordofPain56 there is ample proof that this isn't a flu or pneumonia. And anyone not being dangerously self-indulgent or stupid knows that.

I love Doms who pontificate about the importance of obedience but run around unable or unwilling to put 6" of cotton over their nose and mouth.

Or how they brag that they will always keep their slave safe and then go off to spew germs on others as if it is their right be assholes. 10 points for that.

You stand apart from others as a courtesy? If you think this is all bullshit and don't care who you breath your germs on when out and about indulging yourself, why not get right up into their business at the store? You know close like, so they don't have to reach too far when they punch you out. Like a big brave man would.

You might want to actually look up the definition of the word "courtesy".
dollMaker​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 22, 2021
dollMaker​(dom male) • Feb 22, 2021
Well said SubtleHush, well said.

Covid deniers, those who refuse to follow the simple rules are arrogant, deluded, ignorant, selfish people in the extreme, and cause me, when I encounter them massive amounts of stress and anxiety. Which one is going to kill me is where my mind goes. Which idiot who stealths in a store - mask round their chin (worn only to get them in the store), or just over their mouth, or not wearing one when they have no excuse, or who don't understand what 6 ft (2 m is), who break the socialising rules etc. Much of my recent anxiety and depression is down to this, and people who are by their actions helping to keep the pandemic going, killing people, destroying businesses, and who just don't give a damn. People spread this, and following the rules will help save lives and shorten the pandemic.

In USA the death toll stands I believe now at over 500, 000 people. These are people who might well still be alive if everyone had followed the rules. Those that don't, those that make a big deal about how they don't are a disgrace. These people are not trust worthy in my opinion.
ElizaEmma​(sub female)​{NotLooking}
4 years ago • Feb 22, 2021
LordofPain56 wrote:
The only thing I have noticed is that people around here feel oppressed, and some are living in fear of becoming infected by the chinese plague. This has led to depression. Suicide rates have increased.

Isn't that a contradiction? You said this virus is no big deal, so why should people live in fear of becoming infected?

LordofPain56 wrote:
It hasn't affecting a single thing I do, no matter where I am. No lockdowns for me, no masks ever, although I do stand apart from others as a courtesy to others in a grocery store. But I'd prefer to go back to pre-covid19 practices of cramming people together at the cashier so that we can ALL get the covid flu and gain herd immunity. Eventually, we all will anyway (unless vaccines preclude the need for it). So why don't we all get infected right now and get it over with. Will some people die??? Yes, but don't people die of ordinary flu and pneumonia? Yes, to the tune of 100-200K/year.

Wrong. CDC numbers for annual death from seasonal flu ranges from 45,000 to 65,000.

The problem with gaining herd immunity by natural infection vs. vaccination is every single infection increases the probability of mutation. If you get sick and recover, you may only have immunity to the variant you were initially infected with. The 10 people you infected can go on and infect 100 more, and so on. By the time the virus gets done replicating in the 100,000th person, it may become so different that you immunity will not protect you.

LordofPain56 wrote:
BTW, did they have all this lockdown and mask nonsense during the swine flu (H1N1 virus) ??? Nooooo.
The anxiety, depression and suicides are all unwarranted. We are supposed to be a nation of free peoples, but many have cowered down to the dictates of the tyrannical governors and their illegal emergency powers.
Don't let them win. Take YOUR life back now.

There were no lockdown during the H1N1 flu because it was not as serious an issue. In addition, I, and many other emergency/public health/medical workers I know, were vaccinated with the H1N1 flu very soon after the outbreak. There WERE vaccines available, and the transmission rate were lower. The incidence of asymptomatic transmission were also lower.

It is also extremely unfair to medical workers who have to deal with COVID-deniers like you. When you get sick, they have to risk exposure to take care of you. In 2020, almost 3,000 healthcare workers died of COVID in the US.

I have gotten the vaccine. Out of courtesy to others, I still wear a 4-layer fabric mask in public and maintain a distance of 6 feet (10 feet if there is room) from others, and refrain going to crowded places.
SubtleHush​(sub female)
4 years ago • Feb 23, 2021
SubtleHush​(sub female) • Feb 23, 2021
ElizaEmma{NotLooking} "The problem with gaining herd immunity by natural infection vs. vaccination is every single infection increases the probability of mutation."

Just recently a doctor on tv (I missed the intro) said simply, a virus cannot mutate without a host. If you don't contaminate, it can't mutate.