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Why are there so many super young women grooming themselves for a dark path?

FullCanadian​(switch male){MissB}
3 years ago • May 8, 2021
I give up on the forums. If this;

Kelpi wrote:
Take the 7 yr old boy who told his dad he wants to be a girl. When the courts got involved they found that when the boy was with his mom he played with dolls and acted like a princess but with his dad he was like a normal boy. Judge asked him about it and found out his mom had told him he was a girl in a boys body. Judge asked the child what he thought and the kids said flat out he liked being a boy. Mom was a liberal and followed her friends in making the kid into a girl because all her friends where doing it.

is how someone understands and comprehends this;

then that person clearly has some problems with comprehension, or worse still, is using an ignorant argument to support an even more ignorant point of view.

If we're going to label the person who points out that ignorance a troll, then there's no hope for debate on here. Banning politics, whining about drama, claiming we all need to get along and only say nice things?!?

Fuck. That. Noise.

Kelpi, that was some ignorant shit and you deserve to be called out on it. Anyone who thinks that's derailing this thread or that I should shuffle off and not say anything is part of the problem.

The "just my opinion" crowd on here seems to think that ignorant thought in a public forum has a right to exist unchallenged in the name of respect and civility. It doesn't.
SageFlame​(sub female)
3 years ago • May 8, 2021
SageFlame​(sub female) • May 8, 2021
Quote"The "just my opinion" crowd on here seems to think that ignorant thought in a public forum has a right to exist unchallenged in the name of respect and civility. It doesn't."

When did debate fall into the uncivilized category?

Modern politics aside debate in it's TRUE form is civil, direct, and calls people out. All this without devaluing a person. Challenging yes. Dismantling position maybe but crushing someone's opinion for the sake of silencing them? Hello?

I've yet to see a debate in the forums. Plenty of wild west shooting though.
Sasa​(dom female)
3 years ago • May 8, 2021
Sasa​(dom female) • May 8, 2021
I would appreciate when you all talk less about what others are writing and answer to what the question was. This would be the interesting point. What you start is ending many posts here. For me it is ridiculous and unnecessary. Understand that you are silencing a lot of people, smart people. It might be true what you have to say, but it ends in trolling.

Kindly go back to the topic or you kill the posts!
dollMaker​(dom male)
3 years ago • May 8, 2021
dollMaker​(dom male) • May 8, 2021
djinni wrote:
Kelpi wrote:
There are several reasons for this and mostly it is just a personal choice but we are living in the era of the sheep generation. Instead of thinking for ourselves people have begun to just follow the crowd on things. Take the 7 yr old boy who told his dad he wants to be a girl. When the courts got involved they found that when the boy was with his mom he played with dolls and acted like a princess but with his dad he was like a normal boy. Judge asked him about it and found out his mom had told him he was a girl in a boys body. Judge asked the child what he thought and the kids said flat out he liked being a boy. Mom was a liberal and followed her friends in making the kid into a girl because all her friends where doing it.

I would like to think in our world people just go to what attracts them and what they enjoy. This takes time for some as I am finding a dark side to myself I had to bottle up. For a few they find it right away and go for it. More than likely what you are seeing are those who have found I know how to control it and I know when to let it off the chain and run. This is the Ying to my Yang and I have found she enjoys both sides. They do seem to love her because of it. Far to often I found someone for one side but not the other. For far to long I have had to have two to keep them happy. Now as the Highlander said "there can be only one". We do seem to agree that she is the one.

You got a source for that tale there? Are you talking about this....

Your narrative doesn’t back up the facts in the least. Stop getting your stories from The Daily Wire. Also, not even remotely relevant to the thread and you are just using it to spread your transphobia.

Well said djinni.

My despair of this places grows daily, and its pretty deep already.
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours}
3 years ago • May 8, 2021
So 2 things.

I read this article in its entirety. 1st, 3 of you (4 including the originator- but they were discussing the OP) have totally taken over this post which no longer has anything to do with the OP. Can you create a new forum?

2. This is adults fighting over adult things. This post says that "The child has not confirmed how they identify" then becomes a pissing contest depending what side of the line you are on, cruelty of right-parents and then debates on how a 7 year old should be treated (therapeutically and medically) and the discussion that it is still being developed (the treatment... not the child)

Furthermore, you 3 have not even given the person you are attacking a chance to confirm nor deny their statement, adjust, or correct themselves, you just railroaded them and the OP.

This is not a debate. This is insanity and you are eputomizing the very thing you are claiming is creating your "Despair" by drowning productive discussion in favor of your objective conversation.
3 years ago • May 8, 2021

Re: Why are there so many super young women grooming themsel

badeend • May 8, 2021
Sithech wrote:
My question is why are there so many young women (ages 18-25) that seem to be self grooming or choosing a possibility very dangerous bdsm path ie. submissives seeking dom? The human brain does not stop physically developing until about 25 years of age. I read some of these adds or profiles and it seems there is a lot of self choice when it comes to the very hard aspects of bdsm. Of course trauma and abuse often go hand and hand in certain aspects of this lifestyle. A retaking back of a person's power or a quasi cathartic way to survive. The number of young women actively seeking this can not (atleast statistically) be all from the above mentioned cases. Thoughts? Insights? Educated opinions?

I call BS
Seems like a white knight ad to me

1: plenty of young fake profiles and scammers
2: a lot of people regardless of sex know what they want have fantasies from a young age.... sites like this make it more accessible

Grooming themselves for the dark path

Dont go to the Darks side Luke... of course not Daddy
Virginie​(sub female){lcpw}
3 years ago • May 8, 2021
I am replying to the OP. I wish your question was more clear to me so I could try to give some kind of answer, but I see that answering your initial question would mean that I agree with the sweeping generalizations tucked into the verbage under the guise of caring? is that caring, concern or compassion? Thats a question I have for you.
Also, I do not care to discuss anyone under the age of 18, so thank you for specifying 18-25 ( as i skimmed I noticed people speaking of illegally aged participants, and I want to distance myself from that.
Ok - you perceive one or more "dark places" within the world of BDSM?
Your darkness could very well be someone elses salvation.
In the case of someone ( its the only case I can fairly judge) of a person between 18-25 getting involved in BDSM in earnest my experience was very close to life-saving. I think much of what is perceived as a dark place for a young person in this lifestyle depends so much on who they choose to see out for company, for friend, for mentor, for dynamic.
I think there are far more cases however, in the last few years, where what you are asking about is the result of 'trends.'
I'd venture to say that very few of the ( in my case Im going to stick with 18-21) younger people involved in this mass exodus to the 'dark places' make it farther than their keyboard. It doesn't keep me up at night, although i am excited for the day that BDSM gets put back in the dungeon so to speak.
ColoRuleSoft​(other male)
3 years ago • May 9, 2021
ColoRuleSoft​(other male) • May 9, 2021
Would you rather they suppress what they are longing for and potentially have it blow up in their later years? People should be aware of risks before engaging in anything; the larger the perceived risk, the greater apprehension should be applied. However, someone doing a posting is not the same as the screening process that they might choose to go through. I can advertise that I want a woman who checks boxes A, B, and C, but that doesn't mean that if I get respondents, that I don't try and make sure they actually check the boxes I put up, and that it will be a good fit. We tend to assume younger people make more mistakes than their elders, but are you in a position to really judge that for yourself?
3 years ago • May 9, 2021
UnterSix • May 9, 2021
If your impression that many 18-25 year old women are pursuing BDSM relationships is based on the volume of profiles posted on online dating sites, allow me to set your mind at ease: only a tiny percentage of profiles for 18-25 year old women are actually posted by 18-25 year old women. Scam artists, aspiring blackmailers, harvesters of email addresses to be spammed with porn site advertisements or phished for "social engineering" hacks or identify theft, and other such opportunists know that profiles from submissive young women are the most likely to appeal to the fantasies of their target audience, which is generally married older men, and tailor their "bait" accordingly. Actual 18-25 year old women wearing to explore BDSM generally have ample opportunity to do so in their own communities, without having to resort to the Internet. Unless you are limiting yourself to sites that do extensive verification (which none of the free ad-supported sites do), I suspect that your underlying premise is based on inaccurate data.
DomJayy​(dom male)
3 years ago • May 9, 2021
DomJayy​(dom male) • May 9, 2021
It’s not the age of the person going down the “dark path” that should be the question, it’s why is there a dark path?

Why do people cause a dark path? Why are there people who take those beginners at a young age or even those just new to the experiences at any age and use the word “Dominant” for a way to do whatever they want and pretend they are

That’s my opinion, the problem isn’t the age or the person heading down the dark path but the person who creates it and how to stop it