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BDSM and Christianity

Rosybeth​(sub female){Not Lookin}
3 years ago • Jun 3, 2021

BDSM and Christianity

I just want to know what goes through one's mind when one reads that someone is a Christian and is also into BDSM. I ask because I explicitly state in my profile that I love the Lord and that I would only want a biblical relationship, yet I encounter fella after fella sending me totally inappropriate messages and images. I am well aware that this is bound to happen once in a while, but it occurs so much that it has me scratching my head a little.

Is it that other people on this site who claim to be Christian have no issue with swearing and talking about/having sex outside of marriage? Is it that I am not taken seriously? Is it a lack of understanding/concern? I will be updating my profile to make it clear that I am more conservative with regard to the aforementioned topics, but I am curious and would like to get some thoughts on this.
nuli​(sub female){Unkolared}
3 years ago • Jun 3, 2021
some no doubt are just trolls. but not everyone while being a Christian has the same core beliefs as you. Like with anything no one way is the right way nor the only way to believe look at etc. So maybe you do need to be more open about what your beliefs are in your profile to stop the ones who you do not wish to have contact with. Outside of that there are people who dont even read profiles and will l just send a message anyway.
    The most loved post in topic
dollMaker​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jun 3, 2021
dollMaker​(dom male) • Jun 3, 2021
This is a bdsm site, a mostly sex positive one and for the most part a secular one. So sadly you are going to find a number of people here who don't understand what decent behaviour, and respect are. They are drawn by the idea, wrong, that submissives are easy and will swoon and drop their panties with minimal effort, and certain choice words and or images flung without consent into their inbox, to anyone that takes their fancy, or just because they identify as female, and have a pulse.

Vanilla dating sites, sex sites and bdsm ones are unfortunately places where horn dogs, and the like, will co exist along side decent, ethical, respectful secular, pagan, people of faith, and people of the Book, but often they are in larger numbers. Its a fact that the net has many not so nice people active on it.

That you have had these types of messages from Cage members is not a surprise, its very common, though if these messages were from actual Christians, then that would be disappointing.
nuli​(sub female){Unkolared}
3 years ago • Jun 3, 2021
Rosybeth wrote:
I thank you kindly for your response! I thought that I did make it clear, but I looked at my profile again and realized that I could do better. I went ahead and added a note or two icon_smile.gif

I did go to your profile and read it. I haven't been since if you made changes. My thoughts on your profile i read was more along the lines of a Head of house type of relationship with kink tossed in. NOT that what i think should matter to you unless you asked me. which you kinda did so there's that. Hopefully you will have more luck in what you seek and learn to just ignore those that dont quiet meet what you desire. good luck
House Talion​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jun 3, 2021
House Talion​(dom male) • Jun 3, 2021
The bible tells us of many kinds of relationships, so you might want to edit that statement. Additionally there have been a few cases where a biblical character has been given the slave of their spouse for breeding use.

Do keep in mind that Christ was tempted by the devil while alone and came out unscathed. Which personally to me seems odd to be tempted by anything you have not already enjoyed. How could the devil tempt him with lust of the flesh if Christ never enjoyed it fully?

Through the many different times the bible has been copied and translated there has been a lot lost in said acts to which you really cant trust whatbyou read in any of today's versions as we dont have access to the original. Butbits still a good religious book of historical occurrences and practices that many to this day base their lives on.
Sasa​(dom female)
3 years ago • Jun 3, 2021
Sasa​(dom female) • Jun 3, 2021
Honestly, I hope you will find what you are looking for. First I thought outrage doesn't help you, but maybe let's see it more like an advertisement. You are able to do that on another place far better. This platform has the possibility, think about it.

Kindly let others be what they want to be and how they want to be. Nobody here is better than the other. Yes there are some idiots but there are also people who ARE Christians and they are different to what you think is correct. Accept it and don't judge.

Many good wishes for you
SageFlame​(sub female)
3 years ago • Jun 3, 2021
SageFlame​(sub female) • Jun 3, 2021
I think lack of understanding is the biggest issue. This is a world wide crowd here. There are as many perspectives as there are needles on a porcupine. Your experience is common. I too had to modify my profile several times. Still get sporadic inquiries from mad humpers. ;P

As for Christianity and BDSM there are more similarities than most realize. If you put all the cards on the table we all have more in common than not. The issue lies in understanding. It cannot be had outside of empathy and acceptance.

Bottom line is you can't make someone see your point of view or wishes. They choose.
3 years ago • Jun 4, 2021
LordofPain56 • Jun 4, 2021
Some months back there was another Christian related post in the forums. Being a fairly strict Christian myself, I looked through it and found that we have many fellow Christians here and was pleasantly surprised.
In the rare occasion that I do look at profiles, I find I am drawn to the ones who express their faith in their profile text.
Don't worry about the dweebs. Just ignore them. Hopefully you will find the company of a much better man than they.
IowaDom​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jun 6, 2021
IowaDom​(dom male) • Jun 6, 2021
This topic, and ones like it, are always an interesting read. A bit of history if you'll bear with me just a few!

I was born on a USAF Missile base in Ankara Turkey during the cold war (yep -- I have Turkish and US Citizenship over that one!) My parents had both ben raised strictly Catholic, so off to Catholic school I went when we got back to the USA at 4 years old. And no - I am NEVER gonna miss those Nuns! Want to know where I think Sadism got its roots ... lol!

Anywho, long story short, folks got divorced some years later, and with the introduction of step parents on both sides came a whole host of religion. Literally .. I was Catholic, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, and even charismatic Christian before I made my personal peace with it all. In the end of all things I decided my relationship with God is a personal one, I rarely put anything out there in print on the subject either, because it really is ... personal to me.

Now faith and BDSM? The activities and relationship between two people are a private affair as well. Yes, there are defintiely some things that would be unchristianlike, but not the general consensual filling of each others want needs and desires .... that I do not believe!