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Sasa​(dom female)
3 years ago • Jul 26, 2021
Sasa​(dom female) • Jul 26, 2021
People in the lifestyle are just people. Not more mature, more self-aware, not better. When they write they are empaths they are mostly simply easily triggered by something. Nobody injected them feelings and empathy doesn't need a label. It is just there. Or those who accuse others to have a personality disorder like being a narcissist. Ever seen how many think they had this at home, cause something in their former relationship went wrong? Look for posts on Instagram... and here they all find their reason to block another person. You know what, be happy and let them go. Imagine you would have to deal with their ideas about you, lol. We can't be liked by everyone. A million more are waiting and want to talk to you.
Makemecum​(sub female)
3 years ago • Jul 26, 2021
Makemecum​(sub female) • Jul 26, 2021
I do not mind being blocked, at all. I think is an option to everyone and everyone should do as they please. However, I guess I just expected better communication from people within the lifestyle where obviously communication is the key.
Richlydefined​(sub female){Gardener}Verified Account
3 years ago • Jul 26, 2021
Richlydefined​(sub female){Gardener}Verified Account • Jul 26, 2021
You might expect it but you will find that even some lifestyle people are just as shallow and petty as some of the people you meet every day. Just because we know the value and rewards of good communication due to our experiences with its positive effects within the lifestyle does not mean that every one of us holds its value with the same reguard. If we did, I suspect you would find less of those types who treat our ways of life as a meat market.
EclecticRhetoric​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jul 27, 2021
Welcome to the cage,

I totally agree with needless blocking but, alas, when in rome .. well you couldn't have said it better, there should be stricter guidelines for blocking or atleast additional info as to why someone is blocking to see if it is a pattern.
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified Account
3 years ago • Jul 27, 2021
LongerJohnny​(dom male){B&C}Verified Account • Jul 27, 2021
I tell all new users that I meet, or anyone who asks, "the Block button is your friend. Use it."

Yes, it sucks to be blocked, especially if you have no idea why it happened, or if you have never even spoken to the person. But the option is there for a reason and whatever that reason may be anyone can use it at their discretion.

However, I would like to see one addition to the whole process: the Block button is unavailable until you have typed something (anything) in a text box. You could say "I found out you were actually married" or "based on your words and actions you clearly didn't read my profile" or "you were mean to me" or simply "fuck off!" Only then will you be able to access the Block button. That might reduce the number of times it is used indiscriminately, or how often we have to wonder why.

We should all be thankful that along with a blocking function there is no "Alert" or "Flag User" button (or something similar) that would add the blocked person to a page in that area next to Blogs and Members and Contacts and Chat Rooms; a page that would list all users who have been blocked multiple times (5 or 10 or however many) making it possible for anyone to search for anyone, ever. A repeat offender database of sorts. Imagine how often all of our names would be mentioned by people who are angry, or brokenhearted, or just assholes.

It has happened to many of us. It has happened to me. But if you are blocked by someone, try to move on. It may suck, but it really isn't the worst thing that could happen.
Taramafor​(sub male)
3 years ago • Aug 1, 2021
Taramafor​(sub male) • Aug 1, 2021

I for one do not fear what another says. I never block on forums or chat apps. For I know I could be wrong.

But what if you are? Most often things make more sense in hindsight.

I'm also not fragile, delicate and soft. I can handle when people are human. Or monsters. I can be weak of course, just like anyone else. But it takes a lot to get under my skin. And if it's about the honesty (which it will be. I cut past BS and excuses) then I'll be grinning ear to ear.

The only way to get out of that situation is to be a weak evasive coward and flee. Which is what you do when you block. You don't like the situation, you want to be done with it. But was it fully understood before you hit that button?

I used to be a coward in the past. That's how people develop the issues they have. Never again. Been better ever since. No one wants to be that person that can't handle it. Not really.
Master Raf​(dom male)
3 years ago • Aug 1, 2021
Master Raf​(dom male) • Aug 1, 2021
I had a woman block me, not on here, because she wasn't interested, that was it. Pretty callous and heavyhanded, but there you are.
OG Cupcake{4everAlone}
3 years ago • Aug 1, 2021
OG Cupcake{4everAlone} • Aug 1, 2021
i personally think the. lick option here is ridiculous. block a person but they can still creep in ya? 😂

yes please don’t take it personally, people use the block and unblock as the mood strikes them. i have blocked a few men (won’t even say Doms) because they couldn’t accept the polite, i’m not looking /interested, conversation. one would expect more manners around here but sadly no…it’s as bad as the vanilla in terms of manners.

there are some very good people here tho!! don’t forget that too l. good luck!
Steve DOM KENT UK​(dom male)
3 years ago • Aug 1, 2021

Re: Blocking

Makemecum wrote:
Why block, unless obviously you feel directly offended or threatened. Would it not be better to just say you are not interested? Or to communicate as an adult that you are moving on? Surprisingly enough, since I am new to the lifestyle, I guess I did expected more maturity and better communication skills.

Makemecum​(sub female) You are talking to a lot of frogs at the moment what you seek is out there, just keep kissing and the right or real one is not far away. Steve
Taramafor​(sub male)
3 years ago • Aug 6, 2021
Taramafor​(sub male) • Aug 6, 2021
There's a thread about blocking in general. And I finally found a quote about it that expresses my thoughts on it. See here for the link to the thread.

See here for a link to the quote.*QTzKePFscahfSHe4

The quote is as follows.

"Stonewalling is a refusal to communicate or cooperate. It is a form of gaslighting. The offender refuses to engage in discussions and behave as if your concerns are of no value. Victims of stonewalling feel hurt, powerless, and shut out. They may begin to doubt their value as a person, or their ability to think clearly."