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What makes you ignore messages on here?

Moonlighter​(dom male)
2 years ago • Aug 18, 2022
Moonlighter​(dom male) • Aug 18, 2022
When people message me expecting something sexual out of it,

People messaging me asking me for help or my point of view on things kink related is fine, more than happy to answer.

But a few times messages along the lines of "YOU'RE A DOM SO DOM ME!!!" have popped up ..... although I'm sure less often than subs get messages along the lines of "YOU'RE A SUB SO WORSHIP ME!!!"

Either way people, cool yer jets, have a conversation for Christ's sake.
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}
2 years ago • Aug 19, 2022
I just received a message that caused me to block their ass.

Things that piss me off:

When you forget to check your conversation history to see if we had spoken before.

If you HAD checked the conversation history, you would have seen that you made similar statements the FIRST time around.

And when I read the conversation history and discover that your age then (younger than me) has now been changed to older than me....

Oh, and don't address me as "Dear Brat". That's just rude and condescending.
LoneWolf​(masochist gender queer)
2 years ago • Aug 19, 2022

It's the usual disrespect that turns me off. Sometimes, instead of ignoring them I might send a "smart ass" message back. Most of the time I just hit delete and go about my day.

What's really annoying are the one liners such as "hey" or "what's up?" Also, people wanting to switch over to Kik or Skype on the first message are an INSTANT IGNORE.
2 years ago • Aug 19, 2022
I'mME • Aug 19, 2022
Moonlighter wrote:
When people message me expecting something sexual out of it,

People messaging me asking me for help or my point of view on things kink related is fine, more than happy to answer.

But a few times messages along the lines of "YOU'RE A DOM SO DOM ME!!!" have popped up ..... although I'm sure less often than subs get messages along the lines of "YOU'RE A SUB SO WORSHIP ME!!!"

Either way people, cool yer jets, have a conversation for Christ's sake.

Heck no, my experiences are Doms ask questions, they do not answer questions. 🙄

Therefore I would not consider that a conversation.

Not directed at you.
critter0207​(sadist female)
2 years ago • Aug 22, 2022
Ones like the one I just got that is titled "Peg Me" and the body of the message is "I would love for you to abuse me." dude, not happening.

Unfortunately, that seems to be the bulk of the type of messages I get on here though. Rarely do I get a message that I can carry on a real conversation with someone so most messages get ignored.
Steellover​(sub male)
2 years ago • Aug 23, 2022
Steellover​(sub male) • Aug 23, 2022
Really...just a two word intro and then a one sentence come-on?

That is either a spammer, a bot, or a kid...or a newbie who is so utterly clueless and/or rude (or likely both) that they need to step away from Mommy's computer for a while, and get a life.

I don't mean to harsh on newbies (having been one once) and to be honest it's more likely to be one of those first three things.

In either case, the point being...I'd block 'em too.
Moonlighter​(dom male)
2 years ago • Aug 23, 2022
Moonlighter​(dom male) • Aug 23, 2022

I'm sorry to hear your experiences in trying to talk to Doms has been so poor, I assure you that we do (and indeed should) answer questions asked of us.

Don't let them get you down.

fluffypoppet​(sub female){Protected}
2 years ago • Aug 23, 2022
I don’t answer messages if:
- too many Doms find my inbox at the same time. I don’t know what to do with everyone. I get overwhelmed… I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
- someone oversteps by insisting on more access to me offline or being generally disrespectful etc…
- I can’t give the response the time it deserves… I intend to go back to it… but sometimes I forget.
2 years ago • Aug 23, 2022
I'mME • Aug 23, 2022
Moonlighter wrote:

I'm sorry to hear your experiences in trying to talk to Doms has been so poor, I assure you that we do (and indeed should) answer questions asked of us.

Don't let them get you down.



I try not to let anyone get me down, I was going for funny, but it did not pan out. ☺️
2 years ago • Aug 23, 2022
MillBee • Aug 23, 2022
Honestly, I try not to ignore messages.

That being said, I imagine some peoples inboxes are inundated with gratuitous sexual commentary that is neither requested nor welcome -
If that was the state of my inbox, I would quickly change tack and probably ignore any that fit the above criteria. (and block appropriately)

However, happily the few times I have been messaged on this site, it is people who are being polite, interesting and friendly.