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Is addressing HER as Mistress Really Respectful ?

1 year ago • May 16, 2023

Is addressing HER as Mistress Really Respectful ?

ToyForMastressesJoy • May 16, 2023
Hi All !
Im quite new to this scene , so Im just feeling My way around atm...
This is something that Ive been wondering about for a while now :

Is addressing HER as Mistress Really Properly Respectful ?
I ask , because a "Mistress" in the Vanilla understanding of the term
Is some1 that a Married Man would have on the side , as his Side-Chick
So , when Some1 would ask a Person who is Submissive "Who is that ?" (referring to the Subs Owner)
Simply responding with "Oh , thats My Mistress" will give them the wrong impression of the Dominant + of the relationship between them
This might lead to the Dominant not being afforded the right amount of respect from the Subs friends

Im of the opinion , For what its worth (which is very little , as Im more inclined to be Submissive)
And a Very Dominant Woman might not allow HER Sub to voice their Opinion (levels of Control + what not...)
That Referring to HER as my Mastress is more Respectful + clearly defines who is in Control + who Obeys .
IMHO this term seems to acknowledge HER Supremacy a lot better than Mistress does

Any thoughts ?
tallslenderguy​(other male)
1 year ago • May 16, 2023
my thought...Ask her.

Your thoughts and opinions are valid, and half the equation. The other half is the other person. Different words have different effect on different people. i'm gay and if someone refers to my rectum as a "pussy" with a certain tone, seeing it as such, it opens something in me and connects us. Another can use the same word with a different, mean tone, and it has the opposite effect. From His perspective? Some Men are repelled by the notion of using the word "pussy" with another male, some are deeply turned on. Four different responses to the same word, depends on the individuals involved me thinks.
ewieya​(sub female){Myself}
1 year ago • May 16, 2023
A quick search on Google revealed: "The word ultimately comes from a French female form of maistre, meaning “master.” The title Mrs. is an abbreviation of mistress, first recorded in the early 17th century, as mistress was used as a respectful term of address for a married woman." (

For whatever that is worth.
jkillaaa​(sub female)
1 year ago • May 16, 2023
jkillaaa​(sub female) • May 16, 2023
One woman may like it, another may hate it. Just ask. It’s really as simple as that.
dollMaker​(dom male)
1 year ago • May 16, 2023
dollMaker​(dom male) • May 16, 2023
your dominant will either tell you what title to use, or offer options, one of which might resonate more with you than others - the tingle factor. Regardless whichever it is, it will be something they want, like and feel is properly respectful for the dynamic.

As an additional thought, do not use any title with any dominant unless it is consented to.
    The most loved post in topic
1 year ago • May 17, 2023
I'mME • May 17, 2023

*Im of the opinion , For what its worth (which is very little , as Im more inclined to be Submissive)*

What do you mean by this statement ? Subs opinions are worth less because they consider themselves submissive?
Texas Master
1 year ago • May 17, 2023
Texas Master • May 17, 2023
My female Master detested the term Mistress.. She didn't want anyone ever mistaking Her for a married man's sidecar. As she so aptly put it, "I am not Mistress to the two dogs I own. am their Master. I wear the pants in this home, you wear the panties. I am your Master."
duchessbutterfly​(sub female){NotLooking}
1 year ago • May 18, 2023
In general you probably won't be introducing your Mistress as such in vanilla circles. That would out you both as into BDSM/kink and not something you would do without consent and agreement from both of you, and quite possibly the other person/people. (Exposing others to your dynamic is another discussion, entirely.)

In kink circles, I don't think anyone would mistake the word Mistress for a term of disrespect. Of course what you refer to her as and how you introduce her is up to the two of you. Frankly, beyond the proper respect shown to any human being, no one outside of your dynamic owes your Mistress any deference, and she may not wish for anyone but you to use the term.