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7 months ago • Feb 8, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • Feb 8, 2024
True I'mMe. Especially in today's world.

I'm just an old fashioned gal, looking for an old fashioned guy to take charge and lead.

I love Dr. Who, but the original one, not all the variations over the years.

Love BBC mysteries too and other programming from them, that I used to see on PBS before we switched from Analog.
DoseofCam​(sub female){Collared}
7 months ago • Feb 8, 2024
I am unsure if I interpreted the forum correctly, but here are my two cents.

I think it's that in this day and age, people aren't afraid to say what they are or what feels like them.
e.g. Non-binery, transgender, gender-fluit etc.

However, with that comes people who have a preference. People may prefer dating cisgender people only(straight); others don't care(pansexual), and some don't mind dating a transgender person as long as they have the same genitals as the gender they identify as. Everything needs a label now so people can fit in or find like-minded people.

It gets complicated when people get offended when they have these preferences because they think they are hating toward that specific group, which I believe is the opposite.
Making acronyms to describe what you are, what you want, and what you have that everyone agrees with without offending anyone will be challenging.

Ultimately, you must talk to people and determine if you like what they have and what they are and vice versa.

I think older generations will find it hard to be "old fashioned" when people are coming out and trying to figure out who they are and what they want.
TopekaDom​(dom male)
7 months ago • Feb 8, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Feb 8, 2024
DoseofCam wrote:
I think older generations will find it hard to be "old fashioned" when people are coming out and trying to figure out who they are and what they want.

Not all of us old farts find such things distasteful

When I was starting my venture into the lifestyle back in the mid 90s, I was introduced to transgenders, gay, bi, and the rest. Frankly it has never bothered me, as I am more inclined towards acceptance than those groomed by outdated religious practices. As long as it is all consensual, my opinion on what others feel is immaterial to any given relationship.
7 months ago • Feb 8, 2024
I'mME • Feb 8, 2024
lambsone wrote:
True I'mMe. Especially in today's world.

I'm just an old fashioned gal, looking for an old fashioned guy to take charge and lead.

I love Dr. Who, but the original one, not all the variations over the years.

Love BBC mysteries too and other programming from them, that I used to see on PBS before we switched from Analog.


I like to learn and one of the best ways is to learn from folks who have personal knowledge about a subject. People claim to be open books. I have found this to be about as far from accurate as one can be. Similar to people who say they always want the truth.
I try not to let it get me down, just have to take breaks and not lose sight of who I am.
djinni​(dom female){smplylaura}
7 months ago • Feb 8, 2024
lambsone wrote:
I tried to get folks to tell me what they were and why they chose it. It was their big chance to explain it but I got zero input. Recently I had to look up demi-sexual. I'd never heard of it before. Binary, non-binary, etc are terms I've never heard of. I have a sneaky feeling that there are a whole list of others out there somewhere too. I wonder if Webster has a specific and separate sexual dictionary of all of them so we can be educated and informed in today's society?

Google is free and ALL the definitions are out there.
7 months ago • Feb 8, 2024
I'mME • Feb 8, 2024
Dose of cam

This idea of labels is a conforming, stodgy idea, especially with all those who say they are open and inclusive. Labels could not be any further from these concepts.
Not to mention that assigning oneself 3, 4 labels is like screaming, I am not sure who or what I am. It's okay to just be , no labels, and describing yourself in the profile.
My job in life is not to make everyone else happy, comfortable, and content.

I agree with you 100% with the motion of talking to people , getting to the human side is where a connection can be made.

Old fashioned? Lmao, it's not 'ole fashioned' to not understand something. And I see plenty of people from the last three generations who have no clue about the most basic concepts in life.
When someone verbalizes that they would just like a standard is not being dismissive, attacking it's actually proof of someone who is trying to learn.

7 months ago • Feb 8, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • Feb 8, 2024
Yes djini, I know I could have googled it but I wanted a personal response from those who identify as what they call themselves. So they could explain why they chose to identify as such. Alas I will have to be resigned to the impersonal Google definition.
7 months ago • Feb 8, 2024
I'mME • Feb 8, 2024
House Talion wrote:
TopekaDom wrote:
Doctor Who is my favorite!

I'd think Dr Who would be a nonbinary, i beleive genitiless, interested in anyone with more than half a brain Sapiosexual. So of the inisitlismni suggest it'd be NBASap

Where as I as a heterosexual Cis male interested in Cis women would be known as HMW. Personallybi see no reason why I have to add the cis when I havnt changed anything of myself nbother ppl feel the need to recognize me for what they want.

House of Tallion

Who said you had to add 'cis' ?
7 months ago • Feb 8, 2024
I'mME • Feb 8, 2024
lambsone wrote:
Yes djini, I know I could have googled it but I wanted a personal response from those who identify as what they call themselves. So they could explain why they chose to identify as such. Alas I will have to be resigned to the impersonal Google definition.


Yet another example of what I just wrote about, yesterday, recently. No discussions, an exchanges.
I decided to notate who, so I don't waste any more time writing mofo questions to people.
Scarlett Sophie​(sub female)
7 months ago • Feb 9, 2024
What an interesting topic, thanks for getting the conversation rolling House Talion!

I agree with ImME - labeling is a tool that I feel society relies too heavily on in order to feel comfortable. A great example of this is seen in the LGBTQ+ acronym. What started as a simple term for not-straight, not-cis folks (LGBT) slowly morphed as more people yearned for inclusion. Q was added for the Queers and Questioning. I for Intersex people, 2 soon after to represent indigenous two-spirit folks. If you look up the whole acronym now, it goes on for a while. And even so, not everyone is represented because the way a human being can identify, feel desire, etc, is unending and ever-changing.

I fully understand the urge to label - when there’s something you don’t understand, it’s our instinct to try and make sense of it. Put it in a category, find the right sized box. But in so many ways, you end up just limiting what is truly there.

As for a categorized-labeling-acronym system for who a person is and what they are searching for, you might as well start a new language. In no way am I saying that it’s wrong to want clarity, but maybe we all just need to communicate our wants more clearly. For example, I’m a non-binary sub queer looking for other queers, irregardless of genitalia so hit me up if that’s you icon_wink.gif

Looking forward to seeing how this conversation progresses!!