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Question For The Alphas Out There

3 months ago • Feb 26, 2024

Question For The Alphas Out There

lambsone • Feb 26, 2024
I'm curious to find out how any types of Alphas out there consider themselves to be different from non-Alphas? And how did you come to the realization that you were an alpha? Do any of the Femdoms here consider themselves to be Alphas and how about those you own?

I think of Alphas as being more strongly suited to the role they chose, or more powerfully representative of it. But that's just my impression. And I figured I should ask those who are Alphas what they think.
aradialspire​(dom femme)
3 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
aradialspire​(dom femme) • Feb 26, 2024
I usually stay out of this topic but I was summoned 🧹🧙

As a Femdom, I usually only deal with "Alphas" in the context of a submissive beta male. Maybe he wants to engage in forced bi fantasies, have to take an "Alpha dick" or "ingest superior Alpha seed." beta males can get real wild, you wouldn't believe some of their activities (not shaming, the way they debase themselves brings me infinite joy, truly!)

Personally, for me, I don't really feel called to the Alpha/beta hierarchy but that doesn't mean it's not valid for those that dwell inside it. I am Superior when in a scene, but in other aspects of life, I am a co-equal with all my fellow humans. From Alphas I've interacted with in regular life, they live the role.

I've known other FemDoms that live the role, so again I can only speak for myself!
3 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
lambsone • Feb 26, 2024
Thank you aradialspire for that great input. Very helpful.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
3 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Feb 26, 2024
I find it's most often an affectation. And I personally find it offensive. In all my dealings with anyone who has self identified as 'alpha', they have had little to base it on. That applies to dom or sub. It's always about one upmanship and attempting to make yourself look superior to others.

Alpha in historical/psychological/sociological terms has been about hierarchy, in particular who has greater access rights to resources (food/breeding rights etc).

In modern times, it's linked to status, and demonstrations of that status, eg sporting prowess, money, lifestyle. It's human nature to define ourselves in relation to what we have, that others don't. And to climb those greasy poles.

But chest thumping and self proclamation is just that. No substance and kind of embarrassing.

People are people, and we really shouldn't go round telling everyone we are alpha and only deal with alpha beings.

Sorry, lambsone. I don't identify as alpha and shouldn't have chimed in I suppose, but it's a personal bugbear of mine: those that claim to be. 💜
    The most loved post in topic
3 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
lambsone • Feb 26, 2024
I get that Sincorrigible. If more Alphas respond, we can determine if they are the chest thumping kind or not ... smile.

So, would live to hear some good sharing of why the Alphas are Alpha, whether Sub/Slave/Dominant, etc
Literate Lycan​(dom male)
3 months ago • Feb 27, 2024
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Feb 27, 2024
Without going too deep into research, a quick review of the terms alpha, beta, and gamma male as taken from simple research indicates the terms are "typically used to describe an individual’s position within a social hierarchy. In linear hierarchies, alpha males are the highest-ranking males within a group, followed by beta, and then gamma males." While most studies focus on social status, and primarily male, females also form strong social hierarchies and exhibit a pecking order. The actual terms are used by others to reference order as observed, so typically the group being observed doesn't announce, "I am Alpha."

That being the case, the only time I consider whether I am Alpha is when someone asks the question. It simply refers to how you interact. I am at the top of the food chain in my profession and most of my interactions and relationships (if not all). By definition, if you were to place me in a category, I would be Alpha. I personally don't consider myself anything. But I do consider what the terms mean. "An alpha male is a natural leader who enjoys being in charge, while a beta male is happy to let someone else take the lead." The gamma . . . eh, don't get me started.

So am I an Alpha? Do I realize it? Yes because when I look at the definitions I know what I am and what I'm not. I'm beta to no one. I'm certainly not gamma. And in (almost) every interaction I am Alpha. Even with my Directors and Senior Chain of Command.
Sweet Escape​(sub female)
3 months ago • Feb 27, 2024
Sweet Escape​(sub female) • Feb 27, 2024
The only alphas, betas, omegas, etc i pay attention to are in the fictional werewolf books that I adore.
For reals though, I think I just equate Dominant = Alpha. And I mean a real Dom not the knock offs found so easily here. A natural Dom that draws respect and leadership and my attention without even uttering a command. It's in his voice, his manner, and his very essence.
We definitely dont need any more labels 😬
LongerJohnny​(dom male)
3 months ago • Feb 27, 2024
LongerJohnny​(dom male) • Feb 27, 2024
In lieu of telling you what I think of those jackasses who parade around boasting to anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves within hearing or reading distance about how they are so "Alpha" that they'll "Alpha" the shit outta anybody who says otherwise, or who claim to have "Alpha'd" their way out of their mother's womb, or the ones who promise in that slithery, well-oiled voice "I am gonna 'Alpha' you so wicked hard!" -

- I'll just answer your question: "how many types of Alphas out there consider themselves to be different from non-Alphas?"

Answer: I don't consider myself to be different from non-alphas, nor do I consider myself to be different from alphas - because I don't consider myself in relation to people who esteem themselves as so-called "alphas". The term is bullshit, it has been scientifically and psychologically debunked, and it means nothing. It is a fabrication of internet influencers and social media, and is in no way a measurement of actual manhood.

You can be confident, assertive, masculine - even a good Dom - without needing to be assigned a level and designation in some nonexistent hierarchy.

But don't take my word for it. Ask Uncle Google if 'Alpha Males' are actually a thing. (And don't worry fellas, as much as that nonsense is repeated it will become an acceptable part of the common vernacular soon enough. It will even have its own dictionary definition and everything, just like other now indispensable words like "selfie"and "twerk".)
Literate Lycan​(dom male)
3 months ago • Feb 27, 2024
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Feb 27, 2024
In the spirit of discussion, like many of the terms used by society, meanings have changed and morphed. I did ask Uncle Google, and the bastard couldn’t make up his mind and threw out so many different comments I decided to go watch porn. It was good!

For the purpose of this Forum post and discussion, I assumed simply that the OP is asking regarding the “stereotypical” assumed meaning of Alpha versus Beta especially within the confines of our little community. Considering the number of made-up terms floating around today, we shouldn’t be overly offended by applying alpha, beta, gamma or “Lambda Lambda Lambda” (name that movie) - except someone winds up at the bottom of the hierarchy and in today’s society everyone is a winner and everyone gets a trophy so that won’t do.

Let’s take out the terms Alpha and Beta. There is still a spectrum of social interaction and hierarchy. Typically it occurs naturally and organically over time and is fluid based upon the event, time of day or requirements. I hope you realize that I personally don’t refer to myself as anything, but if put on the spot, if I am being honest with myself, I know where I line up in the spectrum.
TreasureMe​(sub female){inspired}
3 months ago • Feb 27, 2024
I find it really interesting where the discussion has gone on this post, when the original question was specifically asking those who self identify as alphas, why they use that term and if they see themselves differently than non-identified alphas.

It wasn't exactly about a history lesson or comparing past to current social hierarchy. Besides, what exactly is wrong with a title of some sort? We all have an identity of self in some form or another. And to label myself as submissive, is to some, a form of placing myself within a hierarchy. For those who identify as slave, Dominant, Master, etc.

We might not practice in a dynamic that's based on it, because it's possible to have a label for oneself and still see your partner as an equal. Especially if the foundation of the dynamic is consent. Everyone involved has a say about what transpires. When something ends, begins, etc. whether based on safewords or simply a discussion before a scene or about rules and boundaries within the dynamic.

All I'm saying is that, if someone were to ask me what TYPE of submissive I identify with most, I would respond with a mix because I'm a complex creature. But alpha sub would be within my answer for the simple fact of definition (refer to uncle Google if you so wish). It's not that I see myself superior to anyone or that I walk around, puffing out my chest and feeling like I'm 10 feet tall and calling myself alpha to anyone who passes by me on the street (or the cyber street, in this case). It's just that I am a leader in my life. I have to be. I love my capacity to be a leader when necessary, but to lead is an exhausting thing at times. Hence my deep need to submit to one who is a leader I can trust with my heart and mind. Someone who's shoulders I can lay my burdens, and find rest.