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Azzabackam​(switch male){PawPawGirl}
4 years ago • May 24, 2020
>Melatonin pills will likely help, but be careful. You can get to the point where your brain just doesn't produce as much melatonin, and you *need* the pills just to trigger sleep.

>Experiment. Try dead quiet. Try playing music. Try playing podcasts, tv or whatever just has people talking. Personally, I slept like SHIT for years until I tried the last one. Listening to podcasts or LPers is a must for me. I also need fan noise. Even if it's freezing, I'll turn a fan on and point it at the wall. Try sleeping in pitch darkness. Try sleeping with a night light. Try sleeping in candle light. Experiment with the little aspects of your environment that your senses pick up on until you find a combination that helps facilitate sleep.
skyrich​(dom male){rottenbrat}
4 years ago • May 24, 2020
Actually, cold itself will naturally induce sleep. Make the room colder, and you'll naturally drift off, unless there's an underlying medical reason for your lack of sleep, in which case I recommend consulting a doctor.
A82​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 24, 2020
A82​(sub female) • May 24, 2020
I use melatonin, but it’s not always consistent in its effects 🤷‍♀️
rottenbrat​(sub female){Skyrich}
4 years ago • May 24, 2020
Not BDSM related?.......... Only as unrelated as you make it icon_wink.gif
One of the best sleeping "drugs" I have ever experienced before going to bed is a good strong orgasm. Have you ever fallen asleep after one? It's some of the best sleep I have ever gotten. (Thank you Love kiss.gif )
Whether it's self induced or someone else makes it happen, it can work wonders and it's something your body can rebound from without side effects.
djinni​(dom female){smplylaura}
4 years ago • May 25, 2020
skyrich wrote:
Actually, cold itself will naturally induce sleep. Make the room colder, and you'll naturally drift off, unless there's an underlying medical reason for your lack of sleep, in which case I recommend consulting a doctor.

This is why I fall asleep at the movie theater ... it’s so damn cold in them. I bring a throw blanket and I’m fine. The times I forget it’s zzzzzz lol
SirsGoodGirl​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 25, 2020
SirsGoodGirl​(sub female) • May 25, 2020
Maybe reading? I’ve struggled with sleep and sometimes found that reading until my eyes grew too tired helped.

Have you heard of/looked at ASMR before? I appreciate it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but if you find something you like, it might help you drop off.

I hope you find a solution soon!
sunflowerbaby​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 30, 2020
sunflowerbaby​(sub female) • May 30, 2020
rottenbrat wrote:
Not BDSM related?.......... Only as unrelated as you make it icon_wink.gif
One of the best sleeping "drugs" I have ever experienced before going to bed is a good strong orgasm. Have you ever fallen asleep after one? It's some of the best sleep I have ever gotten. (Thank you Love kiss.gif )
Whether it's self induced or someone else makes it happen, it can work wonders and it's something your body can rebound from without side effects.

I've tried this I can't tell you how many times but it always seems to just make me more awake
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}
4 years ago • Jun 1, 2020
tangledupinyou wrote:
The older I get the more difficult it is for me to sleep, mostly that is because once my mind starts moving and thinking, I cannot stop it. This is normally a wake up in the middle of the night having to pee thing, then I am up, and I feel like crap the next day.

I have that same problem. It tends to happen with people who have active "left brains" or people with ADD/ADHD.

Quote: The problem with the Flexoril is that it always left me a little hung over. I am 6'0 195 lbs, so if you decide to try this and you are at a lower weight, I would cut a 5mg in half.

Flexiril has a different affect on different people. I am 135lbs and 5'5" and I never had that "hung over" feeling. My ex-husband, who was 5'6" and 170lbs, it made him high as a kite and unable to function.

Quote: One more thing, you may try Melatonin, I cannot tell you anything about dosage, I have yet to try it.

Melatonin is naturally occurring in the body but it is not a regulated drug. Each person requires a different dosage. I started off small at 3mgs and worked up to the dose I needed. It is slow to build up so using the step up method is required. I take 10mgs and it helps me get to sleep faster. It does not KEEP you asleep and that is what most people expect it to do. Nope. It is the "GET YOU to sleep" drug. I know some people who can take 60mgs and it does nothing.

For me, the best thing for me is 800mgs of IB....4 over the counter pills (they are 200mgs each) equals prescription strength. You just have to be mindful of the side effect of possible ulcers but it's never caused me a problem.