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2 months ago • Jul 9, 2024
Ingénue{VK} • Jul 9, 2024
Mm. I smell incel and cod psychology woven through this thread in a package less appealing than my balding, withered parts.

I've no views on the original question, I don't need them in my current condition.
2 months ago • Jul 9, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 9, 2024
Anything to blame its big wigs elites to society gotta get out that madness live your own life not allow to control you.
We been misunderstood we are smarter and brighter just need to stand up for yourself. Cause the magazines the build boards the music the p you listen to change the things people you hang around what you follow. ask yourself does this support my life? if does not let it go not saying get rid of all but distance yourself from things don't let it walk all over you. . If it bring you peace keep it but its only a headache let it go. Make peace cut the things stopping you in life allow yourself do things that make you happy. Put value in your self and life allow it to flow. Us Men and Women need to stick together make peace. Past was the past it's your choice how you want to live in the new timing. The porn , The clothes , The bars and bear and drugs that all comes from the elites and the food with all the toxic stuff in it. Anything on tv social media and news its to get you to buy in to it you gotta drag yourself out of it do better. Growth and Value put forth make peace. We could live without news and trash we be in better place live off the land but we need some internet like place here. Don't like the life your living write a new one.
2 months ago • Jul 9, 2024
InATimelyFashion • Jul 9, 2024
I meant beer o well but maybe we need some wine. Yes this world gets crazy sometimes we do need a good laugh and just celebrate. Of course take it easy we gotta get back to life.
2 months ago • Jul 9, 2024
I'mME • Jul 9, 2024
Little Vixie wrote:
I feel like it's the same thing when I get men who ask me to send them pics of certain things "just so they can see" like pics of my feet etc. Or the ones that push questions and it turns evident that they are getting off on it. I had one person ask questions about my sa and after I finished I got "wow, that didn't turn me on Luke it did with my ex. That was depressing".

I think it's all just an easy way for these men to get off. And it's annoying.

With these type of men I tell them I don't do free fetish work (not promoting this). They get really pissy when you do this.

Don't let anyone pressure you into doing this "to prove yourself"

Little Vixie,

*I had one person ask questions about my sa and after I finished I got "wow, that didn't turn me on Luke it did with my ex. That was depressing".*

My dear, if you want to answer questions about something private in your life, okay. If one little piece of you feels weird when a mofo stranger is asking you something, THAT IS YOUR INNER VOICE. Listen to it at the moment. Later, you can examine why you felt that weirdness. IT may be something silly, or you may come to the conclusion that 'whatever' made you feel the weirdness, is none none their gd business.
I know exactly what you are talking about. The conversation (questions, randomness) from them is nothing more than to gather fodder for them to stroke their cocks at your expense.

Now, I'm not opposed to activities like this when I have connected w someone. Not a rando on a kink platform. Our conversations can take a turn as it is, but a Dom worth their salt is not bringing that shit into early conversations.

After having this happen a few times, WE MOFO KNOW and it just reflects like shit on them.

But your words I copied and pasted, is the saddest thing I have read in a long time. It brought tears to my eyes.
I would like to tap dance on that mofos dick. Then he could relive his own 'lived' experience.

(One of the stupidest buzz words ever; lived)

I hope you reread what I wrote, there is a lot behind the words.

simplylaura​(sub female){djinni}
2 months ago • Jul 9, 2024
Ingénue wrote:
Mm. I smell incel and cod psychology woven through this thread in a package less appealing than my balding, withered parts.

I've no views on the original question, I don't need them in my current condition.

Just reminds me to thank whatever created me for making me a lesbian. Or myself for choosing to be one. Yanno, whatever the current debate says.
2 months ago • Jul 9, 2024
I'mME • Jul 9, 2024
InATimelyFashion wrote:
Anything to blame its big wigs elites to society gotta get out that madness live your own life not allow to control you.
We been misunderstood we are smarter and brighter just need to stand up for yourself. Cause the magazines the build boards the music the p you listen to change the things people you hang around what you follow. ask yourself does this support my life? if does not let it go not saying get rid of all but distance yourself from things don't let it walk all over you. . If it bring you peace keep it but its only a headache let it go. Make peace cut the things stopping you in life allow yourself do things that make you happy. Put value in your self and life allow it to flow. Us Men and Women need to stick together make peace. Past was the past it's your choice how you want to live in the new timing. The porn , The clothes , The bars and bear and drugs that all comes from the elites and the food with all the toxic stuff in it. Anything on tv social media and news its to get you to buy in to it you gotta drag yourself out of it do better. Growth and Value put forth make peace. We could live without news and trash we be in better place live off the land but we need some internet like place here. Don't like the life your living write a new one.

Yes. ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
Sweet Minx​(sub female)
2 months ago • Jul 10, 2024
Sweet Minx​(sub female) • Jul 10, 2024
Little Vixie wrote:
I feel like it's the same thing when I get men who ask me to send them pics of certain things "just so they can see" like pics of my feet etc. Or the ones that push questions and it turns evident that they are getting off on it. I had one person ask questions about my sa and after I finished I got "wow, that didn't turn me on Luke it did with my ex. That was depressing".

I think it's all just an easy way for these men to get off. And it's annoying.

With these type of men I tell them I don't do free fetish work (not promoting this). They get really pissy when you do this.

Don't let anyone pressure you into doing this "to prove yourself"

Im sorry that happened to you. I've had a couple doms try that with me asking extremely personal questions about childhood abuse or past traumas and it made me feel yuck. You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach? If I decide to share it will be with someone I trust, when I'm ready, not pressured into it.

Stay strong ♡
DoseofCam​(sub female){Collared}
2 months ago • Jul 10, 2024
I’ve had doms ask me for nudes as proof that I was “dedicated” to being a submissive which I found wild.

I’m not the type who easily gets offended or whatever cuz a pic is just a pic, but it’s wild that they would think I’d have to “give proof”.

Also I wouldn’t just give away my submission.
A Dom would have to earn it just as I have to earn a Doms respect, trust, etc.

It’s definitely common but easy to spot ig.
Just block and move on
Aquarius Dom​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 10, 2024
Aquarius Dom​(dom male) • Jul 10, 2024
I still can’t work out how a photo is proof of submission!

It takes communication, time, communication, effort, communication and discussions to even begin to find that out !

Oh and did I mention communication?