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Submissive verses Slave

cherilynn​(sub female)
1 month ago • May 19, 2024
cherilynn​(sub female) • May 19, 2024
People get so confused and I use to as well.
Really though, the differences are simply to understand.
Step 1: STOP believing that submission and slavery are on some kind of sliding scale with slavery being the ultimate form of submission. This is bullshit.

A submissive desires to submit.
A slave has an innate desire to be owned, possessed if you will. We do not submit, we surrender. That is the difference.
A slave may have a submissive personality or a dominant personality like myself.
One is not greater or better than the other. Just different.

I stay far away from anyone who doesn't understand what it means to be a slave, especially one of the heart such as myself. How could he ever truly understand me and give me what I truly need?
He can't.