Allie Kat(sub trans woman){DarkFox}
6 years ago •
Jan 7, 2019
6 years ago •
Jan 7, 2019
So i think it has to do entirely with /your/ relationship. What is right for some, is not for others, but that doesn't mean everyone has to be the same. Some people are monogymous and happy, some are open and happy, some are poly and happy. As long as the sub (which doesn't only have to be female) is happy and the Dom/Domme is happy, and they aren't hurting anyone, then great.
As far as expanding boundaries, i explain it like this. BDSM is like a bell curve. Im going to use the X and Y axis of "pain" and "pleasure". Both pain and pleasure can be defined in different ways depending on the situation. So it doesn't always have to be physical, but it is the easiest to describe. So, there is a point where you reach the maximum amount of pain "stress" which produces the maximum amount of pleasure. This place is different for everyone. BDSM's goal, is to find that exact point, in order to unlock the maximum pleasure. So, in my opinion, this is done incrementally, slowly, purposefully, consensually and safely. You start at the "limit" and after the session, you ask "was that alright? How do you feel? Next time i will try to take you a little bit further." And you keep going until you get the answer "it was still good, but it was a little too much, it wasn't as good as last time." Then you rock the meter back and forth gently to pin down exactly where it's at its highest.