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Do you advertise your penchant for bondage

3 years ago • Apr 20, 2021
Kelpi • Apr 20, 2021
No I don't advertise people who know me know what I am into and those who don't know me don't need to know. I live in the bible belt where in some areas you do not even think about being gay much less anything else, I do think their is a few people I know who could use a good spanking but that is just my thoughts. Starting with that woman at the VA center she needs to take the shit out from under her nose and enjoy life.
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
3 years ago • Apr 20, 2021
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Apr 20, 2021
During my college years, before my fellowship, I worked for a big orange home improvement chain. Shortly after I started, a customer approached my desk and began asking questions about ‘black pipe’ (plumbing pipe). Questions regarding whether it came in certain lengths and how it got the threads, questions that someone who understands the basics of plumbing probably would already know, nothing about diameter or thickness, zero interest in PVC. They seemed very nervous and I did not want to scare them away, so I started giving information like our ability to cut pipe using measurement terms like ‘shoulder-width, wrist and thigh-circumference, etc. I also noted the pipe was strong enough to withstand any pressure a person could put on it. They did not end up purchasing any pipe (it wad pricier than they thought), but we talked about the surprising durability of wood, carriage bolts, and I walked around the fastener aisle with them.

After that, I purchased a pin with the black red and blue vortex symbol and one with the leather flag on it and I wore those just above my apron (the company probably would have asked, then made me take them off of my apron).

The pins worked surprisingly well (I live in a pretty informed and alternative area). I helped a number of people and was surprised by quite a few who just wanted to chat.
Today, several years out of that job, I am simply open about my lifestyle and interests. I have considered a symbol in some form (tattoo, jewelry, etc.) but have not settled on anything yet.
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}
3 years ago • Apr 20, 2021
I just am. I don't yell it from the roof tops. Nothing is overtly in your face. I wouldn't say I advertise.... but it isn't a secret and its not hidden away like a dirty secret. Much like some vanilla sex lives its there if you look.

I think if you entered my home it would be obvious sexuality isn't a taboo topic. If you entered my bedroom it would be obvious.a six foot St As kinda screams it. My old avatar is close to my heart for more reasons than its a good old pic of me, it also hangs, oil on canvas on my bedroom wall, it was a gift from a local to me, submissive artist on my birthday. Other walls also have gifted and purchased art works from well known Femdom artists that leave little room for doubt there is a kinkster in the house. I have the trisk on jewelry 9worn most days), a few items of clothing and it also used to live on my bumper till a bumper replacement (ok yeah I suck at reversing!)

edited to remove the artist names and to add I also wear badges of the trisk...or pride flags. They often start conversations
SubtleHush​(sub female)
3 years ago • Apr 21, 2021
SubtleHush​(sub female) • Apr 21, 2021
I have some really good long-term friends in the lifestyle. When you have that you don't need to advertise to the vanilla world. Even if some do know what your subtleties mean, that doesn't mean they agree or approve.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Apr 21, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Apr 21, 2021
What I do in the bedroom is not for public consumption.

Not only might it wrinkle the noses of some acquaintances and coworkers with whom I have a mere casual coworker type "friendship", putting up a "display" for everyone, including strangers, to see gets fed into the omnipresent rumor mill and, as I keep just about all of my personal info off of this site among others, shit like this has a half life of decades and I really don't need to have what I do for sexual fun rising up and biting me in the professional ass years down the line.

Whether we like it or not, right or wrong, this facet of one's personal life will be factored in to a general assessment of one's character by a friend, employer or potential employer.


The most I ever did to "broadcast" my idea of a good time in bed or dungeon is when I am going to a club or bar or the few get-togethers that "resembled" munches (but were not billed as such) -- anyway when going into such obviously like-minded crowds I often wear a nice wide black choker, leather skirt and sometimes, depending on the venue, a nice pair of fishnet stockings.


But by day, I'm professionally accoutered and carry myself in a fittingly stuffy manner. The most I get asked is for directions.