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Kneeling next to Dom’s feet at restaurants...

Mister Anderson​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jun 7, 2021
FunCouple wrote:
Good evening
I wonder how this young lady in the UK feels about the French coming over the Channel and only speaking French .... expecting everyone to make an effort to understand what they are saying.
Or about the Brits going to Europe and making no effort to even learn: Hello, Goodbye and Thank you.
When you are a guest somewhere one should make an effort to be polite and understand one’s surroundings.
To act accordingly and not ignorantly or with arrogance.
It’s not weak to be kind and consider others (the restaurant patrons) feelings.
“A time and place for everyone and everything”

Exactly. Those goddamm French ruin everything.
lifedomhere​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jun 7, 2021
lifedomhere​(dom male) • Jun 7, 2021
There are lots of great comments here. Here's my quick input...

On a couple of occasions, I've been asked by a sub if they could kneel at my feet at a public restaurant. I declined both times. I'm certainly open to public displays of submission, however, those times I wasn't in the mood for that level of public attention. Now, if I'm in that mood, and a sub were to casually slip to the floor at my feet, I'd leave her there and carry on.

Like I said, it just depends on the mood. Most importantly, as the Dom, I have to look beyond a sub's intent to submit. I've got to factor in various dynamics happening in our environment. Just because a sub is willing to kneel doesn't mean every opportunity to kneel should be taken. That's where trust comes into play.

I desire a sub who's so immersed in the experience of TPE that she's not worried about the "right" place. She simply trusts me to say this is or isn't the right time.

Great post and exceptional comments!
2 years ago • Jun 7, 2021
sineater • Jun 7, 2021
In a public space, the circle (bubble? venn diagram? region?) of consent grows to encompass people who are directly around you. For me, none of those people have consented to be included in my kink.

Additionally, that may be a health code violation.
dollMaker​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jun 7, 2021
dollMaker​(dom male) • Jun 7, 2021
The bed rock of kink is informed, enthusiastic consent. In public spaces, vanilla spaces no one will have been able to make that choice to see, partake. So in my view kink should never be visible or practiced so it is visible in vanilla spaces. If it was a kink event, say high protocol or within venue rules etc, then all attending will be aware and will have consented to a degree, to see kink, when in that kink space. So kneeling in that context is fine, in any vanilla space its not.
OraclePollon​(sub female){NotYours}
2 years ago • Jun 7, 2021
Would you see rallies, protests and parades as vanilla space?

Interesting pride parade and kink blending conversations going on in the world right now.

I totally agree with you 100% except in the context of a rally or protest or parade. Then, I believe that anyone attending is consenting to that atmosphere.
2 years ago • Jun 7, 2021
Bunnie • Jun 7, 2021
Reading this I couldn’t help but ponder on how sensitive we’ve become as a society. This also led to wondering if it’s a chicken or egg scenario. Are we becoming too scared to do and say anything because everyone is so sensitive, or is everyone becoming so sensitive because we’re overthinking everything in the world of on-line, making us too scared to say and do anything in the off-line world?

I agree, it’s about respect, civility, manners and consideration for others. However, it was also once frowned upon for gay people to openly hold hands in public. Where do we draw the line of allowing people the freedom to choose to display themselves honestly and authentically? Everyone so far has assumed this is kink related, however what if it’s not a “kink” for that couple? What if it’s simply their life? Is it kink for someone to be fully clothed, quietly sitting on a floor, doing their own thing? What if they were colouring in a colouring book? And how is wearing a visible collar any different?

What I really love about this question is the encouragement to think and challenge ourselves on our beliefs around what’s “right and wrong.” I adore threads like this. Thank you for making me think and step outside the box of my beliefs, and actually discover a whole new process of thought around something I thought I was pretty fixed on.
Sir Don​(dom male){Not lookin}
2 years ago • Jun 8, 2021
Just my opinion
I don't think society as a whole would understand the meaning behind this. It would be looked down upon. With the way the world is today most would view it as demeaning and humiliating to treat another person that way . There are places in bdsm world where that could happen without questions.

Again my opinion
Sir Don
2 years ago • Jun 8, 2021
Miki • Jun 8, 2021

To date and for a while thereafter, BDSM living (some call it "The Lifestyle" but I'm not fond of that terminology)

Doing this shit in public is fucked-up

Some want to get in people's faces with "The Lifestyle"

and that IMHO is bullshit.

U B U and stay out of everyone's faces,.

.. unless they want you sitting on them..

2 Cents!