1 year ago •
Jul 13, 2023
1 year ago •
Jul 13, 2023
To answer the originator of the post question; in my view, if a known set of rules have been agreed upon, there is no manipulation in a negative sense. It's just obeying or disobeying the rules.
I think for most people, the term "manipulation" is generally considered negative and unwanted.
In my set of rules, the very first one says: "Thou shalt not lie, omit the truth, keep secrets nor attempt to deceive thy Master".
Each of those things could be used to manipulate or to hide a secret agenda. Each of those is called "sin" at my house and carries a penalty if the rule is transgressed.
The penalty itself is not manipulative. The penalty is part of a conditional "covenant". It leads the reader to realize that the rules are good and deserve a reward, but that transgression of the rules deserves punishment.
In Deuteronomy 11:26-28, God placed a blessing before the Israelites for obeying His 10 commandments, and a curse if they dis-obeyed them. In various places in Exodus through Deuteronomy He defined those blessings and curses. It is this type of conditional covenant that I imitate. Many people of all faiths imitate it even without knowing the origin of it.