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Would your shave for your D - Your Head that is....

TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
6 months ago • Jul 28, 2024

Would your shave for your D - Your Head that is....

TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Jul 28, 2024
So after reading the thread on Power Exchange...

(and watching Deadpool & Wolverine)

I was wondering how far you S types would go for you D types. Are you willing to shave your head should he ask you to (or willing to do it himself)?

LoveandDevotion​(sub female)​{Owned}Verified Account
6 months ago • Jul 28, 2024
LoveandDevotion​(sub female)​{Owned}Verified Account • Jul 28, 2024
Depends on the context.

I grew up with hair that grew slow and tangled easy. So it was never long because it took so long to grow that the ends were always damaged and a trim was like a haircut. I'd get bored with it and cut it short several times but always regretted it.

But when I moved to my now ex husband's country, something about it agreed with my hair. I arrived with medium length hair and it grew longer and thicker. I LOVED it. My ex-husband, who was not my Dom, it was vanilla, asked me to cut it short several times. I refused, because I know how it looks and that I would regret it. He whined that he just wanted to see how I would look and I said "I have plenty of old photos, look at those."

But when we were married 9 years I felt him pulling away and knew I was losing him. I kept asking him what I could do to make it better, to improve things but he would ask things of me that were already impossible, I was already trying and wasn't working or things that I did try and nothing got better. I was losing my mind, not sure what was wrong and how to fix it.

It came into my head maybe a big wild gesture would show him how much I loved him, how much I cared. So I hacked my hair off, cut it to chin length.

He was shocked when he saw me. "I did it for you," I said desperately, "you always said you wanted to see it short."

He frowned sadly and shook his head and said, "I gave up on that years ago."

Less than a month later he asked for a divorce. I still didn't really understand WHY until months later a friend of his who felt guilty told me that he'd been having an affair for months and had actively been trying to make me miserable, gaslighting me, to force me to ask for the divorce instead of him. My stubborn love was the barrier he was trying to destroy.

For months whenever I'd look in a mirror I'd cry. And so when I boarded the plane with my kids and moved back to my home country I swore to myself, I will never cut my hair short again. It's been two years since I cut it and it's still not back to as long as it was.

So. If any Dom was MY Dom, he'd know this story. And if after knowing that story he STILL wanted me to shave my head... He'd have to tell me why.

And if it was just to test me? I don't think I could respect that. It would feel too much like the desperation that drove me to hack my hair off, a feeling of needing to prove I was enough for him. I shouldn't have to prove my worth, he should know it, and I am a good girl, not a brat and I'd submit in hundreds of others of ways that don't have such baggage attached.

But if he had a good reason, like a reason beyond "just to prove you would" then probably just like I did cut my hair off out of love, I'd probably shave it for love too. But it'd have to be a damned good reason lol
UpFromTheAshes​(switch gender queer)Verified Account
6 months ago • Jul 29, 2024
UpFromTheAshes​(switch gender queer)Verified Account • Jul 29, 2024
I think.... Context matters for me, as well.

However, I have been known to shave my head just because I wanted to, so it's not like I'm against being bald. Right now I'm growing my hair long because I want it to be long, so in this hypothetical situation where I have a D-type who wants me to shave my head bald right now... I'd want to know what was going on behind the request/command.

I like to think I have good enough sense not to stay in a dynamic where my D-type whimsically degrades me just for fun (I'm suuuuuuper not into being degraded, especially not in a whim), so we can presume that this hypothetical D-type has some reason or objective in mind, in which case.... Yeah. I probably would do it, with little hesitation, but definitely with some discussion about it.
shebakesalot​(sub female)Verified Account
shebakesalot​(sub female)Verified Account
6 months ago • Jul 29, 2024
shebakesalot​(sub female)Verified Account • Jul 29, 2024
With curly hair? Abso-fucking-lutely not. That grow out period is the worst. Not gonna be out here looking like a chia pet 😂
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MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account
6 months ago • Jul 29, 2024
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account • Jul 29, 2024
I went to a Collaring ceremony once (it was maybe 15 years ago) where the submissive female was to shave her head as a sign of ownership. She had waist length hair that every one always commented on, myself included. It was her pride and joy, she was always playing with it, flipping this way and that. The Dom mentioned to me by shaving her head, she was his alone and he got to enjoy her without others. He did comment that now others wouldn't look at her the way they did. that only he should look at her that way.

In my head at the time I thought it was a beautiful gesture. she was giving up all to prove to him how she felt but now looking back (as I know they didn't last long as couple after that. Maybe less than a year) I wonder if it was a red flag but saying that she wasn't forced or coerced. It was (as far as I know) organized prior to the collaring. She had time to change her mind. it wasn't done on the spot, so she felt she had too. In essence she consented to the act and had time to process it. They sent out official invites with an order of ceremony and head shaving was listed (I cant remember the time frame but I think it was on the fridge for weeks before). She made a grown up choice in a grown up world. Looking with hindsight his comment was creepy in a kinda of "if I can't have her, no one will" way

I guess its a less permanent gesture than a tattoo or a branding! I've also heard of branding at Collaring's. I know a gay male who was branded and it doesn't take much for him show you how proud he is to wear it. that relationship is still going strong 15 to 20 years later. he also shaved his head but I think its a little less impactful as a male gesture. head shaving used to be a sign of ownership (collaring) in houses. You don't see it much anymore...but collaring isn't like it was. The words are more throw away now. But if you look at weddings how many women do the massive diet and fitness. Changing how they look with hair colors and new styles for weddings? Is that really any different?

I could never ask that of my submissive/s. My primary has long hair and has because **I** like that way but he also prefers it its mutual thing for us. But that is how we roll, we power exchange. tit for tat. Yeah I have the higher power and it sucks some times that I cant pull that Domme card and get what I want ALL the time but its called consent for a reason. We don't make people do things. We Dom/mes elicit consent for the things you already want to do.
Miki​(masochist female)
6 months ago • Jul 29, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 29, 2024
As I have relatively short hair and I don't fuss with it, in a sub capacity I would. I was once told I would look somehow really hot as a baldy. (yeah sure-- that was a bunch of years ago, too)

But the circumstances are the kicker.
As mentioned by Miss Bonnie: The pair didn't last a year and it must have taken her a long time to get that full length back) I just never could / would go for the "If you ________ then you'll _______ .

I do not think such alterations, although hair grows back-- should be required for a dynamic to flourish. Sure that dude never "coerced" the sub, but in a way he did. Emotional blackmail. Guilt-tripping. That shit is for the birds and personally I'd tell the guy to go piss up a rope, I'll find someone else.


For me if the question were about tats... Absolutely not, never. I have none and will get none. Personal choice. Ditto for piercings. None. Not even my ears. Clip-ons work just fine--- when I feel like wearing jewelry. That would be a non-starter, too.

Just another reason I was never "sub material" from the get-go.

Fantasies abound but the price of "admission" out of the range of what I'd be willing to "spend".

Of course and as-always "But That's Just Me."

Other results will vary.
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female)Verified Account
6 months ago • Jul 29, 2024
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female)Verified Account • Jul 29, 2024
I have the opposite problem. My hair has always been just at my shoulders, but last year Daddy said he wants it long. When I asked how long he said to the floor will do. I said yes Daddy and that has been that, although I am hoping he will stop at around the top of my ass.

If he said to shave it, I would want a discussion about how that might affect my professional life. I am a corporate nonprofit consultant and also a therapist. It could probably fly in the therapy realm but it wouldn’t be very professional in my corporate work. I suppose I could wear a wig at work if he really wanted it.
vv V vv​(sadist male)
6 months ago • Jul 29, 2024
vv V vv​(sadist male) • Jul 29, 2024
I would never ask this of a submissive, from the eye brows down yes.
If she took it upon her own and shaved her head still no.
What are you supposed to do when hitting it from the rear or controlling her head while face fucking use suction cups I think not.
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
6 months ago • Jul 29, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Jul 29, 2024
Well I have moles, etc on my scalp so I guess if I was required to shave it, the Dom would have to be willing to live with whatever ugly thing was hiding underneath.

Also I have such a high forehead that if I shaved my hair off I'd probably look like an alien with a large head and small face. So again, he would have to be willing to put up with that trendy look.